Top 29 Good Rapper Sayings

#1. A good rapper is a good rapper, a good album is a good album. I don't think anyone is inherently good.


Good Rapper Sayings #228506
#2. Jason Aldean is actually probably a really good rapper. He sounds like it to me.

Blake Shelton

Good Rapper Sayings #258449
#3. I think that's what makes a good rapper. Somebody who wants to push themselves and their audience further.

Donald Glover

Good Rapper Sayings #934305
#4. My freestyling ability is nonexistent. I can't even write a verse if I tried to sit anywhere and write one. Being a good rapper is hard to do. I'm a good Rapaport, but that's about it.

Michael Rapaport

Good Rapper Sayings #1008582
#5. I don't think I'm good, I don't think I'm a good rapper. I think a lot of people always want me to battle somebody and stuff like that which is cool, but I don't see myself as a rapper.

Donald Glover

Good Rapper Sayings #1644801
#6. I'm not a good rapper. For whatever reason, my brain does not work that way. I just do the beginning, like, 'Yeah, yeah! Ha ha! Woo! What up? Come on! Get at me!' I'm Captain Hook.

Adam DeVine

Good Rapper Sayings #29740
#7. If I were born in other generation, I would be a singer rapper, dancing is also ... I was famous as a good dancer. My dancing skill was just hided by other members better skill.


Good Rapper Sayings #983115
#8. This is the substance of our Plot-For those who play the Perfect Shot, There are ten thousand who do not.

Grantland Rice

Good Rapper Sayings #1651679
#9. Usually I start with a beat, I start making a beat, and my producer side is making the beat. And on a good day, my rapper side will jump in and start the writing process - maybe come up with a hook or start a verse. Sometimes it just happens like that. A song like 'Lights Please' happens like that.

J. Cole

Good Rapper Sayings #1066113
#10. It was just cool to see my friends so inspired, and I'm by no means the biggest rapper in the world, but I'm on my way up. I feel like I'm going to keep going and delivering good music every time. It was cool to show people that it's real to do what you want to do.

Big Sean

Good Rapper Sayings #1072405
#11. We have lost the art of living, and in the most important science of all, the science of daily life, the science of behavior, we are complete ignoramuses. We have psychology instead.

D.H. Lawrence

Good Rapper Sayings #1179044
#12. All good niggers, all the niggers who change the world, die in violence. They don't die in regular ways.

Tupac Shakur

Good Rapper Sayings #1217442
#13. The people made me from the littlest crack head to the biggest baller so if i am bad its because of the bay and if i am good its because of the bay

Tupac Shakur

Good Rapper Sayings #1231026
#14. I'm a ghetto man who made good. I never forgot where I came from and who put me on top - God and Jack The Rapper.

James Brown

Good Rapper Sayings #1310854
#15. I'm a producer/rapper, so I feel like I can do anything. I can do all kinds of music. I've done all kinds of music, and I'm good at it.

Juicy J

Good Rapper Sayings #1339106
#16. To me, the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential ... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg, as a person, as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style, the way all the players dressed nice, you know, kept their hair looking good, drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.

Snoop Dogg

Good Rapper Sayings #1510288
#17. If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.

George Bernard Shaw

Good Rapper Sayings #1582114
#18. My come-out record, '10 Day,' was the thing people were supposed to hear and figure out 'he's good' or 'he's not good.' 'Acid Rap' is the comeback tape, and it asks way bigger and better questions than, 'Is he good at rapping?'

Chance The Rapper

Good Rapper Sayings #895111
#19. I'm the most sampled and stolen. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too ... I got a song about that ... But I'm never gonna release it. Don't want a war with the rappers. If it wasn't good, they wouldn't steal it.

James Brown

Good Rapper Sayings #687043
#20. I don't even think I'm that good at rapping, but I think what makes a great rapper - what CAN make a great rapper - is someone who wants to be better.

Donald Glover

Good Rapper Sayings #678520
#21. Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to temptation!

Eric Jerome Dickey

Good Rapper Sayings #645299
#22. I started to think about what drives innovation and what its social significance might be. The next step was to think innovators are taking a leap into the unknown. That led me to the thought that it is also a source of fun and employee engagement.

Edmund Phelps

Good Rapper Sayings #492856
#23. I'm fighting the label of 'Black' actress simply because it's very limiting in people's eyes, especially people who are making movies.

Whoopi Goldberg

Good Rapper Sayings #406427
#24. I would love to be friends with Kendrick Lamar because I am just a huge fan of his music, I think he is so cool and he uses so many interesting sounds and has such good melodies and is just a beautiful rapper, his raps are just so well-written and his tracks are so insane, I am obsessed with him.

Alana Haim

Good Rapper Sayings #394940
#25. Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food.

Austin O'Malley

Good Rapper Sayings #385086
#26. The technological society has walked off the court, so to speak, but they've left all the basketballs behind. Someone will come along who remembers the game and teach it to the rest again.

Stephen King

Good Rapper Sayings #354500
#27. Like my good friend Eminem the rapper says, you only get one shot.

Shaquille O'Neal

Good Rapper Sayings #334918
#28. There's a lot of good rappers in England at the moment. There's a lot of good dance acts. A lot of good, young guitar acts. I think a lot of groups came from that dole culture of the late 80's/early 90's - it's not as easy now. I think there's a dearth of working class bands.

Ian Brown

Good Rapper Sayings #324496
#29. I think about a storm rolling in with black clouds and I visualize the lightning and try to draw energy from that, and I think: all I have to do is beat this man until he stops moving, then I can go home to my son.

Carlos Condit

Good Rapper Sayings #306007

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