Top 15 Good Housekeeper Quotes

#1. I am a good housekeeper. You can eat off my kitchen floor. Just scoop all the crumbs together and you've got quite a meal.

Janene Murphy

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1048665
#2. [...] a white magician is just a black magician with a good housekeeper.

Terry Pratchett

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1228506
#3. I am a very good housekeeper. which I have no reluctance in doing, because I really think it is my peculiar excellence, and for this reason, I always take care to provide such things as please my own appetite, which I consider as the chief merit in housekeeping.

Jane Austen

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1527329
#4. I was always a good housekeeper. Whenever I divorced I always kept the house.

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1539210
#5. Among those kinds of food which the good housekeeper should scrupulously banish from her table, is that of hot leavened bread ... I believe it more often lays the foundation of diseases of the stomach, than any other kind of nourishment, used among us.

Sarah Josepha Hale

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1570015
#6. A great statesman, like a good housekeeper, knows that cleaning has to be done every morning.

Andre Maurois

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1720377
#7. Guilt was not a good look for him - it gave one unsightly lines. And now he felt bad for being rude to the housekeeper, as well. Damnation. He was going to have to cheat at cards and seduce a married woman just to get his equilibrium back.

Kady Cross

Good Housekeeper Quotes #297054
#8. It was the truth. He was a friend, albeit one she would cut out her heart for.

Marissa Meyer

Good Housekeeper Quotes #940773
#9. After I was fired from Disney, I did some of the worst movies ever made.

Tommy Kirk

Good Housekeeper Quotes #983415
#10. I think the Macintosh was created by a group of people who felt that ah there wasn't a strict vision between sort of science and art.

Steve Jobs

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1028230
#11. I did think of becoming a priest quite late on, when other boys were thinking of knocking over fences and going out with girls. I would have made a very good bishop: nice housekeeper, nice clothes - god, the clothes.

Colm Toibin

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1034644
#12. She has even secret mischievous moments in which she wishes she could get him alone, on a desert island, away from all ties and with nobody else in the world to consider, and just drag him off his pedestal and see him making love like any common man.

George Bernard Shaw

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1106216
#13. I read usually in the morning, in my kitchen at breakfast - a short reading time, usually poetry. I read in bed every night. I usually get in bed pretty early with a book, and I read until I can't prop my eyes open anymore - sometimes rather late.

Sue Monk Kidd

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1355185
#14. The only advantage of not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1446629
#15. It's not the nineteenth century; I'm not meant to be judged on how good a housekeeper I am. Getting down on the floor with a lemon and a bucket of vinegar does not make me a better person.

Emily Matchar

Good Housekeeper Quotes #1705408

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