Top 68 God Touched Me Quotes

#1. The god touched me once, Beka. I'd soon not get his attention again.

Tamora Pierce

God Touched Me Quotes #347877
#2. The all-seeing eye of God beheld our deplorable state; infinite pity touched the heart of the Father of mercies; and infinite wisdom laid the plan of our recovery.

David Brainerd

God Touched Me Quotes #1275738
#3. God is rich in mercy. I know this wealth of His with the certainty of experience. I have touched it.

Simone Weil

God Touched Me Quotes #1308062
#4. Hence that dread and amazement with which as Scripture uniformly relates holy men were struck and overwhelmed whenever they beheld the presence of God. Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance until they have.

John Calvin

God Touched Me Quotes #1266355
#5. In all my life," Ernestino said, "I have never heard a voice like that. God has touched you, Signore. But sing while you can, because it won't be long before those high notes leave you forever.

Anne Rice

God Touched Me Quotes #1213191
#6. When I touched her body,
I believed she was God.
In the curves of her form
I found the birth of Man,
the creation of the world,
and the origin of all life.

Roman Payne

God Touched Me Quotes #1210178
#7. You come to me three, four months ago, knowing it, and I might have said you're right. God meant me to not love anyone. Be a rock. Don't be touched by no one. But now I've been touched, in here." I tapped my chest. "There is no fear in love, but love casteth out fear.

James Buchanan

God Touched Me Quotes #1202100
#8. Ozzy, God bless him, is super talented. He is a great man. He is a man of heart and soul and goodwill. He is a very funny man but he is a perfect poster child of why I have never touched drugs, alcohol, tobacco or fast food.

Ted Nugent

God Touched Me Quotes #1179115
#9. Man is never sufficiently touched and affected by the awareness of his lowly state until he has compared himself with God's majesty.

John Calvin

God Touched Me Quotes #1174819
#10. Something sacred, that's it. We ought to be able to say that such and such a painting is as it is, with its capacity for power, because it is "touched by God."

Pablo Picasso

God Touched Me Quotes #1130574
#11. I'm trying to follow all the steps and check all the boxes. But my heart hurts and my skin aches, and God, I just want to be touched ... ... .Can you touch me and then look at me tomorrow, and it will be okay?

Amy Lane

God Touched Me Quotes #1099932
#12. ...god contradicts his own perfection if he can be reached, touched, disturbed, or in any way changed from it by anything in this material world below.

Ramsay MacMullen

God Touched Me Quotes #1089933
#13. The Indian never hurts anything, but the white people destroy all ... How can the spirit of the earth like the white man? That is why God will upset the world - because it is sore all over. Everywhere the white man has touched it, it is sore.

Pretty Shield

God Touched Me Quotes #1064953
#14. I had the privilege of playing an angel on 'Touched by an Angel' for many years - almost two decades, and we would deliver a message on the show. The message was that God loves them, and before filming every scene, we would come together and pray.

Roma Downey

God Touched Me Quotes #1040983
#15. Success is not money, cars, fame or material possessions but the lives you touched positively.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

God Touched Me Quotes #1023809
#16. Words, then, are born of worlds. But they also take us places we can't go: Constantinople and Mars, Valhalla, the Planet of the Apes. Language comes from what we've seen, touched, loved, lost. And it uses knowable things to give us glimpses of what's not. The Word, after all, is God.

Alena Graedon

God Touched Me Quotes #967008
#17. I touch God in my songas the hill touched the far-away seawith its waterfall.

Rabindranath Tagore

God Touched Me Quotes #946189
#18. How did Terrible Teddy's face get like that?"
"You hit him?"
"He touched you, you said it hurt. I found him and beat the shit out of him."
Oh ... my ... God.

Kristen Ashley

God Touched Me Quotes #932230
#19. God loves you.-Monica, Touched By An Angel

Martha Williamson

God Touched Me Quotes #1451488
#20. For when I came into the silent assemblies of God's people I felt a secret power among them which touched my heart; and as I gave way unto it I found the evil weakening in me and the good raised up

Robert Barclay

God Touched Me Quotes #1873499
#21. Someone once wrote that musicians are touched on the shoulder by God, and I think it's true. You can make other people happy with music, but you can make yourself happy too. Because of my music, I have never known loneliness and never been depressed.

John Berendt

God Touched Me Quotes #1850380
#22. Someone tells me I've been touched by Jesus, I remember."
"Not Jesus," he said in all seriousness. "The hand of God.

Gretchen McNeil

God Touched Me Quotes #1847418
#23. And that's supposed to make me feel better? What if he took her home? If he fucked her, I'll kill him, Stone. So help me God I will annihilate everything he's ever touched. She's mine now. She's fucking mine,

Rachel Robinson

God Touched Me Quotes #1708379
#24. He said I had been touched by a god, and that I am a holy man. I said, "If I have been touched by a god, it was only to curse me." He nodded. "All who are touched by gods are holy.

Gene Wolfe

God Touched Me Quotes #1658302
#25. I touched the small sacred images. I shook my head and bit my lip, as if to say, How awful that he should have stolen these! But I also found it very funny. And further proof that God had no power over me.

Anne Rice

God Touched Me Quotes #1569355
#26. No one has ever touched me like you do. You're like a whisper. Gentle, soft. Soothing. In my world, the people only shout and scream. But you ... you're my haven. "
... "God, you're good

Sherrilyn Kenyon

God Touched Me Quotes #1534604
#27. I never get tired of hearing the great testimonies of people whom God has touched. I pray that the changes God has done in me will then be done in others.

Joyce Meyer

God Touched Me Quotes #1478357
#28. The world is touched by sacrifice. It does not then discriminate about the merits of a cause. No so God - He is all seeing. He insists on the purity of the cause and on adequate sacrifice thereof.

Mahatma Gandhi

God Touched Me Quotes #909406
#29. Fathers, I do not practice. I'm not religious in life, but when I perform "The Creation of the World" and when my soul is touched by the confrontation of "Good and Evil", then God enters in me.

Marcel Marceau

God Touched Me Quotes #1449136
#30. Knowing now I would never be alone again never lonely again as in those years God allowed me to be thus as if He did not exist forcing onto me the bitter knowledge that He did not exist in truth or if He did His existence touched in no way upon my own.

Joyce Carol Oates

God Touched Me Quotes #1416720
#31. Gabriel cocked his head to the side. "Is that what happened in her last life too? You just accidentally
touched Scarlet enough to set the lifeforce transition into motion? God! How much touching did you
Tristan narrowed his eyes. "What do you want, like a scale of one to ten?

Chelsea Fine

God Touched Me Quotes #1408957
#32. Whenever God touches sin it is independence that is touched, an that awakens resentment in the human heart. Independence must be blasted clean out, there must be no such thing left, only freedom which is very different. Freedom is the ability not to insist on my rights, but to see that God gets his

Oswald Chambers

God Touched Me Quotes #1406542
#33. If I meet God, I hope she's female. I'm touched by the power of women. I'm married to a feminist. And I'm troubled by the fact that women in our culture are congratulated most for losing weight.

Leonard Nimoy

God Touched Me Quotes #1390153
#34. God is nothing but creativity. So wherever there is a sign of creativity, God has a signature there. He has already been there. Maybe even the poet does not know, but he has been touched by something from the beyond.


God Touched Me Quotes #1313460
#35. Something in the humble voice must have touched Msimangu, for he said, I am not kind. I am a selfish and sinful man, but God put his hands on me, that is all.

Alan Paton

God Touched Me Quotes #1312402
#36. You can only seek God when you have already found God. The desire for God's unconditional love is the fruit of having been touched by that love.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

God Touched Me Quotes #302333
#37. In this quest to seek and find God in all things, there is still an area of uncertainty. There must be. If a person says that he met God with total certainty and is not touched by a margin of uncertainty, then this is not good.

Pope Francis

God Touched Me Quotes #599498
#38. Mallory," he said, sounding raw and staggered and touched beyond words. "God, I was so stupid. So slow. I didn't know what to do with you. I tried to keep my distance but my world doesn't work without you in it."
-Ty to Mallory

Jill Shalvis

God Touched Me Quotes #534423
#39. 'Touched by an Angel' started my calling to be the messenger, and on a weekly basis, I was able to deliver the message of God's love to the world.

Roma Downey

God Touched Me Quotes #533985
#40. I'm frightend. Of us. I want to go home. O God I to go home." "It's was an accident," said Piggy stubbornly,"and that's that." He touched Ralph's bare shoulder and Ralph shuddered at the human contact.

William Golding

God Touched Me Quotes #489279
#41. Angels live no place, as God lives no place. They live in the space of eternity, in the center of our hearts, and sometimes I think we each serve as the channels and angels of God, touched by wings of silence, pushed to angelic acts ...

Sophy Burnham

God Touched Me Quotes #483878
#42. Is he nuts?"
"I think the expression used to be 'touched by God'."
"So that would be a yes.

Jonathan Maberry

God Touched Me Quotes #430036
#43. I figure there are a few actors like Marlon Brando, George C. Scott and Laurence Olivier who have been touched by the hand of God. I'm in the next bunch.

John Forsythe

God Touched Me Quotes #371711
#44. I touched Thor's hammer, then Serpent-Breath's hilt, for death was stalking us. God help me, I thought, touching the hammer again, Thor help us all, for I did not think we could win.

Bernard Cornwell

God Touched Me Quotes #363576
#45. God created each one of us with a light inside. I've had sex with all kinds of people; every single person has a kind of beam inside that shines once they are touched properly.

Rawi Hage

God Touched Me Quotes #602382
#46. You ever seen that painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where God's reaching out and touching the finger of an angel? That was what it felt like at the moment my lips touched hers. It was more than just a kiss. It was something spiritual.

Chance Carter

God Touched Me Quotes #247239
#47. You saved me, you moron!" she yelled. "You're being deliberately stupid and dense about this! My God, you ask a lot of yourself!"
He touched his forehead to hers. "I can't help it," he blurted. "I love you.

Shannon McKenna

God Touched Me Quotes #202836
#48. As Einstein said, God does not play dice with the universe; everything is interconnected and has a meaning. That meaning may remain hidden nearly all the time, but we always know we are close to our true mission on earth when what we are doing is touched with the energy of enthusiasm.

Paulo Coelho

God Touched Me Quotes #89900
#49. God must bring us to a point--I cannot tell you how it will be, but He will do it--where, through a deep and dark experience, our natural power is touched and fundamentally weakened, so that we no longer dare trust ourselves.

Watchman Nee

God Touched Me Quotes #85688
#50. To be cursed by a god is to be touched by a god. To be touched by any god is to share divinity in some small measure. When the high priest leaves the sanctuary he strips off his clothing and bathes. Did you know that? His clothing is burned. I

Gene Wolfe

God Touched Me Quotes #72844
#51. God touched him." Pigpen points one finger in the air. "And with that one touch, he dislocates Jacobs hip. One touch and it was over.

Katie McGarry

God Touched Me Quotes #64524
#52. The new humanity that is created around Jesus is not a humanity that is always going to be successful and in control of things, but a humanity that can reach out its hand from the depths of chaos, to be touched by the hand of God.

Rowan Williams

God Touched Me Quotes #21757
#53. Our purpose here on earth: to manifest the very nature of our spirit, which is touched by the spirit of God.


God Touched Me Quotes #905005
#54. Until I face the emptiness in my soul
and know this spirit within me,
I have not yet begun to live,
nor touched the face of God.

David W. Earle

God Touched Me Quotes #627744
#55. He touched her cheek, his throat tightening as he fought past the confusion, the disbelief that this woman could love him. That God, in all his bountiful mercy, had finally adopted him and given him this gift he never though he could have.

Lora Leigh

God Touched Me Quotes #636482
#56. For a quick moment, I saw Grandma as she saw herself: a decent woman whom God, for unfathomable reasons, had chosen to punish. I almost loved her for her bewilderment. I almost touched her.

Wally Lamb

God Touched Me Quotes #648000
#57. I've played an angel on 'Touched by an Angel,' bringing the message of God's love. It was such a privilege for me as a person of faith to deliver the message.

Roma Downey

God Touched Me Quotes #698385
#58. Men are never duly touched and impressed with a conviction of their insignificance, until they have contrasted themselves with the majesty of God

R.C. Sproul

God Touched Me Quotes #704138
#59. THEOLOGY IS THE study of God and his ways. For all we know, dung beetles may study man and his ways and call it humanology. If so, we would probably be more touched and amused than irritated. One hopes that God feels likewise.

Frederick Buechner

God Touched Me Quotes #710930
#60. Everything the human being heard from the beginning, saw with its eyes, looked upon and touched with its hands was a living word; for God was the word.

Johann Georg Hamann

God Touched Me Quotes #744216
#61. Why am I afraid to live, I who love life and the beauty of flesh and the living colors of earth and sky and sea? Why am I afraid of love, I who love love?.. Why was I born without a skin, O God, that I must wear armor in order to touch or to be touched?

Eugene O'Neill

God Touched Me Quotes #746665
#62. Sometimes you can be touched by God, but not healed. Often when this happens, he is using your pain for a greater purpose.

Shannon L. Alder

God Touched Me Quotes #752387
#63. Those who have been touched by forgiveness and new life and have thus entered into God's rule become, like Jesus, bearers of that rule.

Dallas Willard

God Touched Me Quotes #772648
#64. The Church has not yet touched the fringe of the possibilities of intercessory prayer. Her largest victories will be witnessed when individual Christians everywhere come to recognize their priesthood unto God and day by day give themselves unto prayer.

John Mott

God Touched Me Quotes #797036
#65. And I told him that I believed in God because I had seen His opposite. I had seen all that He was not, and been touched by it, and so I could no more deny the possibility of an ultimate goodness to set against such depravity than I could deny that daylight followed darkness, and night the day.

John Connolly

God Touched Me Quotes #868934
#66. While explaining God to his granddaughter Daska, Horace Dade Ashton said, 'God was everything she breathed and walked on, everything that lived, everything she saw, touched, and felt. God was in every one of us.

Marc Ashton

God Touched Me Quotes #882062
#67. Sometimes it feels like God has reached down and touched me, blessed me a thousand times over, and sometimes it all feels like a mean joke, like God's advisers are Muammar Qaddafi and Phyllis Schlafly.

Anne Lamott

God Touched Me Quotes #901938
#68. Do you want to see what human eyes have never seen? Look at the moon. Do you want to hear what ears have never heard? Listen to the bird's cry. Do you want to touch what hands have never touched? Touch the earth. Verily I say that God is about to create the world.

Jorge Luis Borges

God Touched Me Quotes #903695

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