Top 100 God Is Here Quotes

#1. Bidden or not, God is here.

Ami McKay

God Is Here Quotes #101413
#2. Being a Christian doesn't mean trouble never comes our way, Zach. It just means God is here, and He gives us the grace to get through the heartache.

Colleen Coble

God Is Here Quotes #202507
#3. The birth of Jesus is a birth with a message. It takes the entire Bible to bring the complete message, but this birth is the core of it: In Jesus, God is here to give us life, real life.

Eugene H. Peterson

God Is Here Quotes #229947
#4. No matter what I go through today, I need not fear. For God is all-powerful and God is here. I am never separate from the One who created me. There is nothing I can do to make Him turn his face away from me. I am loved, I am cared for, and I am totally safe in the arms of God.

Marianne Williamson

God Is Here Quotes #421532
#5. God is here, right now, at our side. We can see him in this mist, in the ground we're walking on, even in my shoes. His angels keep watch while we sleep and help us in our work. In order to find God, you have only to look around.

Paulo Coelho

God Is Here Quotes #519999
#6. The power of the living God is here on the earth. The Priesthood is here.

Heber J. Grant

God Is Here Quotes #526274
#7. Let us stun and astonish the intruding rabble of men and books and institutions by a simple declaration of the divine fact. Bid the invaders take the shoes from off their feet, for God is here within.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

God Is Here Quotes #568479
#8. May I not be tempted by the darkness of the world to think that God is gone, or lured into the thinking of the world to ever doubt love's power. God is here, love is real, and I am safe. These things I know and will not forget. And so it is. Amen.

Marianne Williamson

God Is Here Quotes #619583
#9. Patience says to your empty hands, "God is here." Patience looks the worst in the face and says, "God will not leave you.

Zack Eswine

God Is Here Quotes #676137
#10. When we see social relationships controlled everywhere by the principles which Jesus illustrated in life
trust, love, mercy, and altruism
then we shall know that the kingdom of God is here.

Martin Luther King Jr.

God Is Here Quotes #701783
#11. Become more and more centered in the Self. To live more and more in the thought that God is here in your consciousness.

Goswami Kriyananda

God Is Here Quotes #849095
#12. Wherever we are, God is here. There is no place, there can be no place, where He is not.

A.W. Tozer

God Is Here Quotes #853370
#13. For what is it that angels do? They bring us good news. They open our eyes to moments of wonder, to lovely possibilities, to exemplary people, to the idea that God is here in our midst. They lift our hearts and give us wings.

Joan Anderson

God Is Here Quotes #929255
#14. Church isn't some community you join or some place you arrive. Church is what happens when someone taps you on the shoulder and whispers in your ear, Pay attention, this is holy ground; God is here.

Rachel Held Evans

God Is Here Quotes #1005295
#15. O, beautiful rainbow; - all woven of light! There's not in thy tissue, one shadow of night; Heaven surely is open when thou dost appear, And, bending above thee, the angels draw near, And sing, - The rainbow! the rainbow! The smile of God is here.

Sarah Josepha Hale

God Is Here Quotes #1185269
#16. The kingdom of God is here

Sunday Adelaja

God Is Here Quotes #1294650
#17. God is here. This truth should fill our lives, and every Christmas should be for us a new and special meeting with God, when we allow his light and grace to enter deep into our soul.

Josemaria Escriva

God Is Here Quotes #1383145
#18. In my more lucid moments I know that God is right here, right now; that God is the luminous mystery at the heart of creation and that God is here in the joys and sorrows of the world. And I try to see God in everything and treat all life with reverence.

Sy Safransky

God Is Here Quotes #1674157
#19. LET A MAN THINK AND CARE ever so little about God, he does not therefore exist without God. God is here with him, upholding, warming, delighting, teaching him-making life a good thing to him. God gives him himself, though the man knows it not.

George MacDonald

God Is Here Quotes #1740340
#20. Nineteen eighty is almost here, thank God. the hippies are getting old, they blew their brains on acid and now they're begging on street corners all over San Francisco. Their hair is tangled and their bare feet are thick and gray as shoes. We're sick of them.

Jennifer Egan

God Is Here Quotes #1315
#21. To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible.

John Glenn

God Is Here Quotes #4998
#22. Conquest by force is not sanctioned by God. The Americans have no right to be here. We will defeat them because we believe that this land they usurp is ours; God created it for us. The whole history of mankind has shown how faith endures while steel rusts.

F. Sionil Jose

God Is Here Quotes #6989
#23. There has been a most Providential Guidance which the want of prudence, vigilance, or judgement has not impeded, and it is here that we can most clearly see the designs of God.

Catherine McAuley

God Is Here Quotes #7182
#24. God is gracious enough to let us know, in due time while we're here and the fact that I'm still around and I'm still singing, it is really to his glory.

Gladys Knight

God Is Here Quotes #8166
#25. The clipping said forgiveness meant that God is for giving, and that we are here for giving too, and that to withold love or blessings is to be completely delusional.

Anne Lamott

God Is Here Quotes #9564
#26. It may be true that there is no God here, but there must be one not far off, and at such a moment one feels His presence; which comes to the same as saying (and I readily give this sincere profession of faith): I believe in God, and that it is His wi

Vincent Van Gogh

God Is Here Quotes #12668
#27. Emptiness is only a disguise for an intimacy of God's, that God's silence, the eerie stillness, is filled by the Word without words, by Him who is above all names, by Him who is all in all. And his silence is telling us that He is here.

Karl Rahner

God Is Here Quotes #18670
#28. Every man here, every woman here, every child here whose heart is right with God, may be a soul-winner.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

God Is Here Quotes #24882
#29. God is not here to be demanded of, begged from, or criticized. He hands out burdens to those who are strong enough to carry them, and I feel profoundly uncomfortable with the idea of lining up with the other invalids and asking for mine to be alleviated.

Ann Napolitano

God Is Here Quotes #25567
#30. Ah, don't grieve, little falcon,' he said with that tenderly melodious gentleness with which old Russian women speak. 'Don't grieve, little friend: you suffer an hour, you live an age! So it is, my dear. And we live here, thank God, with no offense. There's bad people, and there's good

Leo Tolstoy

God Is Here Quotes #41790
#31. Here God is not approached as an object that we must love, but as a mystery present in the very act of love itself.

Peter Rollins

God Is Here Quotes #42503
#32. When we're in the middle of a difficult time, we have to speak against that lie that says, "God is not here." We have to draw near to God.

Max Lucado

God Is Here Quotes #45718
#33. The only possible relationship with God is to address him and to be addressed by him, here and now - or, as Buber puts it, in the present.

Martin Buber

God Is Here Quotes #46764
#34. We are here to affirm, not to deny ... when we affirm all that is God, all that is not God is automatically denied.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

God Is Here Quotes #47262
#35. God is the name people give to the reason we are here. But I think that reason is the laws of physics rather than someone with whom one can have a personal relationship. An impersonal God.

Stephen Hawking

God Is Here Quotes #51756
#36. It's nine thirty as night, and it's still eighty-seven degrees outside. Besides, this is Southern California. When God makes it snow here, it's not a plan; it's a miracle.

Debbie Viguie

God Is Here Quotes #62157
#37. Is the peace of God in the soul disturbed by things down here? No, never! If waters break in stormy currents against a rock, the rock is unmoved; it is only the waters that are disturbed.

George Wigram

God Is Here Quotes #66601
#38. I think in church you're raised like God is God and you are here.

Charles King

God Is Here Quotes #70826
#39. The Bible This Book [is] the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom; this is the royal Law; these are the lively Oracles of God.


God Is Here Quotes #79625
#40. One of the most paralyzing mistakes we make is thinking that our problems somehow disqualify us from being used by God. Let me just say it like it is: If you don't have any problems, you don't have any potential. Here's why. Your ability to help others heal is limited to where you've been wounded.

Mark Batterson

God Is Here Quotes #92912
#41. [T]here is nothing that God hates so much as a liar.

Georges Bernanos

God Is Here Quotes #94569
#42. Grass that is here today and gone tomorrow does not require much time to mature. A giant oak tree that lasts for generations requires much more time to grow strong.

Henry T. Blackaby

God Is Here Quotes #94916
#43. There is a persuasion in the soul of man that he is here for cause, that he was put down in this place by the Creator to do the work for which he inspires him, that thus he is an overmatch for all antagonists that could combine against him.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

God Is Here Quotes #98703
#44. What is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator.

James Madison

God Is Here Quotes #99007
#45. In all that ever mattered, you are unchanged. Old? Yes, we must all grow old. Age is nothing but the sum of life. And you are alive, and back with me here. By the great God of heaven, I have you back with me. What should I fear now?

Mary Stewart

God Is Here Quotes #101301
#46. Until we believe that we are as bad as God says we are, we can never believe that He will do for us what He says He will do. Right here is where popular religion breaks down.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

God Is Here Quotes #102927
#47. From my new release, Cry for Me.
This is Bryen talking.
"Stop it, T! I knew; my God I predicted you would do this! Start blaming yourself for the sins of my sick brother. He's left a stench of rottenness from here to Illinois!

Toni Mariani

God Is Here Quotes #105911
#48. My dad doesn't like religion much, but I grew up very close to the Baptist tradition. God isn't this distant thing. God is right here with you all the time. He's your buddy, and you can talk about everything.

Lucy Alibar

God Is Here Quotes #114325
#49. I mean, what
What if no one's watching
What if when we're dead
We are just dead
I mean, what
What if it's just us down here
What if God is just an idea
Someone put in your head

Ani DiFranco

God Is Here Quotes #117526
#50. Here's the bottom line: God is in the people business. More than anything He wants us to become like His Son, Jesus. To do this He will love us, bless us, discipline us, and develop us by the power of His Holy Spirit so that we become all He wants us to be.

Kregg Hood

God Is Here Quotes #118391
#51. How sweet it is to let God purge our souls of ego and bitterness, and to have a little taste of heaven here on earth.

Marilyn Nelson

God Is Here Quotes #120836
#52. I cannot choose but adhere to the word of God, which has possession of my conscience; nor can I possibly, nor will I even make any recantation, since it is neither safe nor honest to act contrary to conscience! Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise, so help me God! Amen.

Martin Luther

God Is Here Quotes #123099
#53. The belief that a personal life exists apart from God creates experience disconnected from God. This is painful and frustrating. Our spiritual work is to break down the illusion that we have a life here and that a life of God is somewhere else.

Michael Beckwith

God Is Here Quotes #124451
#54. From Genesis to Revelation, here's the central message: God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God, the Triune God is in control of all things, period.

Charles Stanley

God Is Here Quotes #130858
#55. Sometimes that's what prayer is
simply inviting God to join us where we actually are, not because He isn't already here but because inviting Him reminds us it's true.

Emily P. Freeman

God Is Here Quotes #131402
#56. Here Nanny had taken the biggest thing God ever made, the horizon - for no matter how far a person can go the horizon is still way beyond you - and pinched it in to such a little bit of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughter's neck tight enough to choke her.

Zora Neale Hurston

God Is Here Quotes #132497
#57. There is no need to look for God here or there. He is no farther away than the door of your own heart.

Meister Eckhart

God Is Here Quotes #133194
#58. If you're a print shop and you are a gay man, should you be forced to print 'God Hates Fags' for the Westboro Baptist Church because they hold those signs up? Should the government - and this is really the case here - should the government force you to do that?

Rick Santorum

God Is Here Quotes #146839
#59. It is not through the way in which someone speaks about God that I can see whether that person has passed through the crucible of Divine Love, but through the way the person speaks to me about things here on earth.

Simone Weil

God Is Here Quotes #153899
#60. So here is what my advice would be: If God has given you a dream, you'd better get cracking because He wants you to use it. That's why He gives them to us in the first place.

Jan Karon

God Is Here Quotes #155341
#61. I am fat and flabby and that Dr. J. I. Packer is right when he says, "Here then is the root cause of our moral flabbiness; we have neglected God's Law."3

Alistair Begg

God Is Here Quotes #174220
#62. Certainly it is a blessing to have three beautiful kids who are all healthy. God put them here for me to nurture and bring them up and try to keep as close to right as I can. So it's a blessing. It's a big responsibility, but at the same time it's an honor.

Faith Evans

God Is Here Quotes #174374
#63. You know what, my faith is like this - when I die, I'm going to live with God forever and ever. But I believe He wants us to have a good life here on Earth.

Victoria Osteen

God Is Here Quotes #177585
#64. Everything we touch in our daily lives, including our body, is a miracle. By putting the kingdom of god in the right place, it shows us it is possible to live happily right here, right now.

Nhat Hanh

God Is Here Quotes #177899
#65. Even when light fades and darkness falls--as it does every single day, in every single life--God does not turn the world over to some other deity...Here is the testimony of faith; darkness is not dark to God; the night is as bright as the day.

Barbara Brown Taylor

God Is Here Quotes #179117
#66. The operative idea here is that there is a right and wrong theology
a right God and a wrong God. But this is an invalid premise. All versions of God are the same thing: A HUMAN INTERPRETATION OF THE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

Carlton D. Pearson

God Is Here Quotes #180068
#67. God has a plan for you, you are here in this world because God has a plan for you. And the problem is that people start listening to other people and they forget to listen to their heart and to see what is the plan that God has for you.

Paulo Coelho

God Is Here Quotes #180247
#68. The first question here, then, is not "What is best for my soul?" nor is it even "What is most useful to humanity?" But-transcending both these limited aims-what function must this life fulfill in the great and secret economy of God?

Evelyn Underhill

God Is Here Quotes #181934
#69. Oh my God, sociability is just a big smile and a big smile is nothing but teeth, I wish I could just stay up here and rest and be kind. But somebody brought up some wine and that started me off.

Jack Kerouac

God Is Here Quotes #183896
#70. We call our religion the Great Romance, but really it feels more like a list of rules than anything similar to the Great Romance we once had. But now I think the knowledge of Elyon is starting to work its way into me again
in both realities ... If Elyon's real there, surely God must be real here.

Ted Dekker

God Is Here Quotes #187085
#71. I am working here (in Amsterdam) on my last big triptych, which will be a tremendous story, and which gives me a more intense life and exhilaration. My God, life is worth living!

Max Beckmann

God Is Here Quotes #187965
#72. A lot of people come up here and they thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. He didn't help me a bit. If it was up to him, Cesar Millan would be up here with that damn dog. So all I can say is, 'suck it, Jesus! This award is my God now'!

Kathy Griffin

God Is Here Quotes #191965
#73. God loves only one philosophy,
And that is the Do-it-here-now philosophy.

Sri Chinmoy

God Is Here Quotes #192817
#74. The devil has convinced so many people that they are worthless. Each of us needs to stop and remember the cross-at the cross we will discover our true value-for it is here that we discover the price God was willing to pay for us, the depth of His love, and how much we are worth to Him.

Roy Lessin

God Is Here Quotes #196819
#75. Everything that God gives to us is to be used for the establishing of His Kingdom here on earth.

Sunday Adelaja

God Is Here Quotes #209671
#76. We are here to awaken to the reality of our true identity - that we are sparks of the Eternal Imperishable Spirit, who is the source of all Creation and the very essence of our being.

Shriram Sharma

God Is Here Quotes #220770
#77. In my head I think, There is a beautiful picture here and by God, short of murder, I'm going to get it. So shut up and hold still! But what I say is: You look wonderful. It'll just take a minute. It's marvelous. We're doing something very special.

John Loengard

God Is Here Quotes #220793
#78. We enjoy the sense of God's presence in the midst of suffering here and now. I have talked to people who are experiencing deep pain or severe difficulties, and they have said, I feel God is so close to me.

Billy Graham

God Is Here Quotes #222550
#79. Do you think the penis ever gets tired?
Anybody's. I mean anybody with one. Does the penis ever just think: for God's sake pal, give it a rest? Or is it all: Woo-who!! Here we go again!

J.D. Robb

God Is Here Quotes #223065
#80. I don't know the language or the laws and I'm completely unfamiliar with the currency . . . but, God, is it ever beautiful here.

Kyra Davis

God Is Here Quotes #224619
#81. While a man is stringing a harp, he tries the strings, not for music, but for construction. When it is finished it shall be played for melodies. God is fashioning the human heart for future joy. He only sounds a string here and there to see how far His work has progressed.

Henry Ward Beecher

God Is Here Quotes #229974
#82. What is a personal calling? It is God's blessing, it is the path that God chose for you here on Earth. Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend. However, we don't all have the courage to confront our own dream.

Paulo Coelho

God Is Here Quotes #236109
#83. I know why I am here and my only real focused goal is to live each day to the fullest and to try and honor God and be an encouragement to others. What the future holds is firmly in God's hands, and I am very happy about that!

Ken Hensley

God Is Here Quotes #237228
#84. I'm just confused as to where we lost that in America because it is everyone's God-given right to think the way they think and that's fine. That's why our ancestors came here to America, to believe what they want, pray how they want and follow a religion with whoever they want.

Angie Harmon

God Is Here Quotes #238141
#85. Out of love, God becomes man. He says: See, here is what it is to be a human being.

Soren Kierkegaard

God Is Here Quotes #244244
#86. Pastoring effects conversion of heart and mind and soul. A pastor is given by Christ to call people to conversion, to change, for the sake of life with God here and in eternity.

Francis George

God Is Here Quotes #246526
#87. Part of our essential humanity is paying respect to what God gave us and what will be here a long time after we're gone.

William J. Clinton

God Is Here Quotes #248492
#88. The here-and-now is no mere filling of time, but a filling of time with God.

John W. Foster

God Is Here Quotes #248851
#89. It is impossible to deny that Christians and Muslims have a common agenda here: both faiths have at their heart the living image of a community raised up by God's call to reveal to the world what God's purpose is for humanity.

Rowan Williams

God Is Here Quotes #249396
#90. As I accepted my death and dissolution into God's love, the insectoids began feeding on my heart, devouring the feelings of love and surrender. They were interested in emotion. As I was holding on to my last thought - that God is love - they asked, Even here? Even here?

Rick Strassman

God Is Here Quotes #255859
#91. Of course Trudy is here. God knows she'll do what's right. Good old dependable Trudy. She's never rebelled and never will. She'll be the good child to her dying day. Only reason I'm here is to

Carolyn Brown

God Is Here Quotes #282107
#92. There has been nothing in heaven or on earth which has not witnessed that Jesus Christ is God, Lord and Master, and the great Ambassador of the Father sent here below to accomplish the salvation of mankind. All

John Calvin

God Is Here Quotes #283856
#93. The church is God saying: 'I'm throwing a banquet, and all these mismatched, messed-up people are invited. Here, have some wine.

Rachel Held Evans

God Is Here Quotes #295731
#94. I wish I could tell you how lonely I am. How cold and harsh it is here. Everywhere there is conflict and unkindness. I think God has forsaken this place. I believe I have seen hell and it's white, it's snow-white.

Elizabeth Gaskell

God Is Here Quotes #296881
#95. Now here is what you need to understand: If you don't turn your adversity into a ministry, then your pain remains your pain. But if you allow God to translate your adversity into a ministry, then your pain becomes someone else's gain.

Mark Batterson

God Is Here Quotes #297606
#96. Dog' is 'God' spelled backward; you know that. That's why you're here, to help the nuns do God's work.

W. Bruce Cameron

God Is Here Quotes #313549
#97. We are not perfect. We are here to learn. Earth is one big classroom and God is our heavenly guidance counselor and teacher.

Molly Friedenfeld

God Is Here Quotes #319669
#98. Let's only care about the place where we are.
There's beauty enough in being here and not anywhere else.
If there's someone beyond the curve in the road,
Let them worry about what's past the curve in the road,
That's what the road is to them.

Alberto Caeiro

God Is Here Quotes #325384
#99. Death doesn't take away the impact they made on our lives or their importance to God. To be gone from here is to be present in glory. It doesn't feel like it now, but I assure you each day will get a little easier. Each week will add more distance from the pain.

Cheryl St. John

God Is Here Quotes #327415
#100. In contrast to the 'Europeanism' and the 'popular foundations' of his brothers, he seems to represent ingenuous Russia - oh, not all, not all, and God forbid it should be all! Yet she is here, our dear mother Russia, we can smell her, we can hear her.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

God Is Here Quotes #332042

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