Top 26 God Helping Hand Quotes

#1. If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy.

Benjamin Franklin

God Helping Hand Quotes #956375
#2. I can think of no greater God-given responsibility we have than that of extending a helping hand to our fellow man.

Conrad Hilton

God Helping Hand Quotes #1867535
#3. If God gives you comfort, extend a comforting hand unto others. If God saves you, extend a saving hand unto others

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

God Helping Hand Quotes #1807472
#4. God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard.


God Helping Hand Quotes #1767482
#5. There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark.

Helen Keller

God Helping Hand Quotes #1742037
#6. Those who influenced me the most are not those who pointed out all my faults, but those who knew God was bigger than my shortcomings. Those who influenced me the most didn't just point a finger, they held out a helping hand.

Phil Callaway

God Helping Hand Quotes #1681529
#7. There's a picture there that people realize that, we stop helping Israel, we lose God's hand, and we're in big time trouble.

Dan Webster

God Helping Hand Quotes #1623778
#8. Our Virtues are wrapped inside of our limitations. It is only when we are in close proximity to others that we begin to intimately explore the boundaries of our virtues by slamming into our limitations.

Resmaa Menakem

God Helping Hand Quotes #1606041
#9. We cannot run away from the needs of LGBTI, sex workers, drug users, prisoners, and people with a disability.

Michel Sidibe

God Helping Hand Quotes #1528720
#10. Only when we evolved as spirited stallions, with a strong will of our own, would we progress and leave the era of those primitives behind us.

Jean Sasson

God Helping Hand Quotes #1468324
#11. God doesn't help anyone, humans do.

Abhijit Naskar

God Helping Hand Quotes #1460110
#12. In the course of a long experience of the human race, I have learned that you can never make them understand anything, unless you rub it in.

T.H. White

God Helping Hand Quotes #1421957
#13. A newspaper is not just for reporting the news as it is, but to make people mad enough to do something about it.

Mark Twain

God Helping Hand Quotes #1062143
#14. I will prove myself strong when they think I am sick. I will prove myself brave when they think I am weak -Cady Sinclair

E. Lockhart

God Helping Hand Quotes #295442
#15. Then I realised that I was the god on this occasion. I had tried to help the bluebottle, but it wouldn't let me. And then I felt sorry for God because I understood his frustration. Sometimes when people offer a helping hand, it gets pushed away. People always want to help themselves first.

Cecelia Ahern

God Helping Hand Quotes #917327
#16. The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don't know how to rest. We may even come back more tired than before we left.

Nhat Hanh

God Helping Hand Quotes #912767
#17. I had never taken creative writing classes. Hadn't even considered it.

Charles Frazier

God Helping Hand Quotes #890750
#18. Become willing to see the hand of God and accept it as a friend's offer to help you with what you are doing.

Julia Cameron

God Helping Hand Quotes #860260
#19. Utopia, a place that has known only peace and harmony and balance

Elizabeth Gilbert

God Helping Hand Quotes #715527
#20. Children seem to need, then, a delicate balance between the realistic and the fantastic in their art; enough of the realistic to know that the story matters, enough of the fantastic to make what matters wonderful

Eric S. Rabkin

God Helping Hand Quotes #707668
#21. Each man is a little war.

Frank Herbert

God Helping Hand Quotes #632630
#22. I am convinced that nothing but the hand of God can save us or help us as long as we have our present commander.

James Long

God Helping Hand Quotes #466733
#23. In writing, as in life, always be true to your character.

Laurie Faria Stolarz

God Helping Hand Quotes #464697
#24. God gave you two hands one belongs to you and the other to your fellow man.

Auliq Ice

God Helping Hand Quotes #420959
#25. They say love is supposed to set you free, but I think love binds you. It's only once you're so full of joy that you can imagine a devastation of loss.

Jessica Posner

God Helping Hand Quotes #333775
#26. Sally, do you think God has put us into the world just to be selfish, and do nothing but see after our own souls? or to help one another with heart and hand, as Christ did to all who wanted help?

Elizabeth Gaskell

God Helping Hand Quotes #318142

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