Top 30 Glamorous Fashion Quotes

#1. That was my pride and joy - that I made it through all those years of minor hockey without losing any of my teeth; then, I ended up losing them in a car accident in New York when I was riding in a taxi. So, I end up losing my teeth, but not in the glamorous fashion I envisioned.

Tom Glavine

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #633419
#2. There's not much left inside me, Max Sometimes, all she heard were echoes.

Nalini Singh

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #941761
#3. Life is a movie, pick your own role, Climb your own ladder or you dig your own hole.

J. Cole

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1798673
#4. When I was a kid I never won anything and when I mentioned it to my mom she looked up from her book and pointed out that I had once been the youngest person in the entire world. Sure, it was only for a millisecond, but it was a record I'd set without even trying.

Jenny Lawson

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1781336
#5. Personally, of course it's exasperating when people think you're just swanning around in Europe, going to the occasional fashion show and then being glamorous at a party.

Hamish Bowles

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1778778
#6. foreign investors plowed $124 billion into China in 2013, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, but only $28 billion into India.


Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1570102
#7. The children whom nobody leads by the hand are the children who know they are children.

Antonio Porchia

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1560531
#8. Women are not the richer sex. Women are not equal in society.

Erica Jong

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1537902
#9. In the beginning, I thought it would be really glamorous, working in fashion. But it's actually quite hard. You don't even know half the stuff that goes on backstage.

Jacquelyn Jablonski

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1413633
#10. I will have this done, so I order it done; let my will replace reasoned judgement.


Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1301611
#11. I think it's every girl's dream, a little bit, to be a model because it seems from the outside to be a glamorous industry and I was really into fashion, and I remember just being excited and wanting to be part of that.

Alexa Chung

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1282247
#12. A world of fully developed individuals is immune to the cult of collectivism.

Bryant McGill

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1205975
#13. My memory of my mom is a wine glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She was a runway fashion model, and she was quite a glamorous woman.

Loni Anderson

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1121107
#14. There are a bunch of different ways to look at the fashion industry. Is it shallow to work in fashion? Yes, it can be. But does fashion transform a woman who might feel like nothing and unimportant to glamorous and gorgeous? Yes, it does. Does it employ a huge sector of America? Yes, it does.

Kelly Cutrone

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1041479
#15. I like for my home to reflect my fashion. I love adding earthy pieces to something very glamorous, and I love having things with a history or a story sitting alongside an uber-modern piece.

Karen Fairchild

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1019418
#16. Everyone thinks the fashion business is so glamorous. It's completely the opposite.

Tadashi Shoji

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #1002224
#17. 'Vogue' is the best of everything that fashion can offer, and I think we point the way. We are, you know, a glamorous girlfriend.

Anna Wintour

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #928485
#18. Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.

Alexander Wang

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #848356
#19. Fashion shows are glamorous for 20 minutes.

Alek Wek

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #841728
#20. I had a friend who trained as a lawyer, then became disenchanted and never practiced. He told me that the one benefit of those wasted years was that he no longer feared either the law or lawyers.

Julian Barnes

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #798319
#21. Fashion pictures show people looking glamorous. Travel pictures show a place looking at its best, nothing to do with the reality. In the cookery pages, the food always looks amazing, right? Most of the pictures we consume are propaganda.

Martin Parr

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #747176
#22. I didn't want to be this four-chord acoustic singer songwriter because that stuff just got so old to me.

Kathleen Edwards

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #593128
#23. If your wearing lingerie that makes you feel glamorous, you're halfway thereto turning heads.

Elle Macpherson

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #487197
#24. When Death hath poured oblivion through my veins,
And brought me home, as all are brought, to lie
In that vast house, common to serfs and Thanes,
I shall not die, I shall not utterly die,
For beauty born of beauty
that remains.

Madison Cawein

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #391388
#25. Can you imagine what you could do, if you did all that you can?

Gary Ryan

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #105324
#26. Passion is the most glamorous outfit not the most modern fashion.

Debasish Mridha

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #66136
#27. Rip yourself open. Sew yourself shut.

Chuck Palahniuk

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #61754
#28. Hopefully people will take me more seriously as an actress. That's what I really want to do, it's my passion and it's what I want to be considered to do. I just want to continue to do film, it's what I love.

Miley Cyrus

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #56532
#29. The marketplace judges technologies by their practical effectiveness, by whether they succeed or fail to do the job they are designed to do.

Freeman Dyson

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #23288
#30. I get invited to a lot more glamorous parties since I've been in 'Downton Abbey,' which has made me much more fashion conscious.

Lesley Nicol

Glamorous Fashion Quotes #21086

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