Top 39 Give Up Winning Quotes

#1. Strength is not only about winning the game; it's also about not giving-up.


Give Up Winning Quotes #1428994
#2. It's much easier to give up, than to put a Fight, but fighters are only people that win.


Give Up Winning Quotes #1107090
#3. Because sometimes the only way to keep from losing everything is to give everything up. Because sometimes strength must for the sake of winning give in to

Ken Kesey

Give Up Winning Quotes #1160378
#4. Accept losing but never give up the hope of winning

Debasish Mridha

Give Up Winning Quotes #1221543
#5. Don't be scared to dream big, and don't be afraid to be close to people. And never give up! It's the tenacious not the talented that win.

Bear Grylls

Give Up Winning Quotes #1249601
#6. Stop now and always wonder. Press forward and tap the wonder.

Gina Greenlee

Give Up Winning Quotes #1277316
#7. What it comes down to is intense desire. To get this winning edge, you need to build an indomitable will. This means you must be relentless; you must never give up.

Anson Dorrance

Give Up Winning Quotes #1328807
#8. If we had to play Augusta National in one hour, the best athlete would win the Masters. But as it is, they give us time to hang ourselves. Every swing is a 'thought shot'. So instead of the best athlete, you end up with the best thinker as the winner.

Joe Inman

Give Up Winning Quotes #1341956
#9. The person that works the hardest wins.

Will Smith

Give Up Winning Quotes #1352435
#10. A year ago, you wanted to give up because we were losing, and now, you want to give up because we're winning.

Ann Althouse

Give Up Winning Quotes #1360932
#11. We can never give up the belief that the good guys always win. And that we are the good guys.

Faith Popcorn

Give Up Winning Quotes #1028594
#12. The only way to win a power struggle is to give it up.

Robert Mandel

Give Up Winning Quotes #1605158
#13. Anytime you give up one run in Coors Field you expect to win a ball game. It just shows how well Myers pitched.

Garrett Atkins

Give Up Winning Quotes #1633565
#14. The rewards of tomorrow are safely hidden in the belief of never quitting and not giving up on yourself today

Johnnie Dent Jr.

Give Up Winning Quotes #1712227
#15. Remember, a person who wins success may have been counted out many times before. He wins because he refuses to give up.

Kemmons Wilson

Give Up Winning Quotes #1741910
#16. Early is a priceless timepiece owned by the successful.

Johnnie Dent Jr.

Give Up Winning Quotes #1742729
#17. Never ever give up, even - and especially when - there's no chance of winning

Ann Curry

Give Up Winning Quotes #1750996
#18. Impatience has ruined many crowns; it had lured people to give up when they have just few minute to win, just few millimeters to touch the winning carpet!

Israelmore Ayivor

Give Up Winning Quotes #1786335
#19. Although science is not easy in complex human systems, we cannot afford to throw our hands in the air and give up. It may take decades, but it is a game worth playing and winning.

Paul Gibbons

Give Up Winning Quotes #1828305
#20. Maybe that's what Batman is about. Not winning. But failing, and getting back up. Knowing he'll fail, fail a thousand times, but still won't give up

Scott Snyder

Give Up Winning Quotes #1860424
#21. I've certainly had periods when I felt like life was winning and I was losing, so I think everybody can relate to that quandary - the temptation to give in, to give up, and then what It takes to keep going.

Malcolm Gets

Give Up Winning Quotes #479746
#22. When you promise yourself something, make a commitment, you can't give up. Because, when you're in the gym, you have to fulfill the promise you made to yourself. The people who can self motivate - in any field - are usually the ones who win. Regardless of talent.

Tom Platz

Give Up Winning Quotes #109357
#23. To sum up - i f you want to be more creat ive, star t loving yoursel f enough to give
yoursel f permission to fai l . In fact , bet ter yet , don' t even wor ry about winning or
losing. Just DO.

Scott Bourne

Give Up Winning Quotes #154821
#24. Thousands of hopeful days came to naught before this one. This was a golden day. Never give up.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Give Up Winning Quotes #156922
#25. The ... problem that confronts homosexuals is that they set out to win the love of a "real" man. If they succeed, they fail. A man who "goes with" other men is not what they would call a real man. The conundrum is incapable of resolution, but that does not make homosexuals give it up.

Quentin Crisp

Give Up Winning Quotes #174055
#26. To be honest, the play that was drawn up, I scratched it. I just told coach, 'Give me the ball.' We're either going to go to overtime or I'm going to win it for us. It was that simple.

LeBron James

Give Up Winning Quotes #215657
#27. I don't think you can really expect to win a hockey game giving up three power-play goals. In reality, you cant give up those and that's the difference in the hockey game.

Randy Carlyle

Give Up Winning Quotes #290644
#28. Winning the IBF title was the greatest night of my life. To give it up outside the ring is truly painful.

Ricky Hatton

Give Up Winning Quotes #319151
#29. Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.

Ross Perot

Give Up Winning Quotes #359967
#30. The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.

Wiz Khalifa

Give Up Winning Quotes #436075
#31. We all have our moments of being fed up ... but give me your hand and I'll hold it. If you are being bullied I am thinking of you. You are not alone and it will get better. Don't let them win. It's okay not to be okay.

Jessie J.

Give Up Winning Quotes #58921
#32. Like, I mean I don't even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give it up, it's me. I win and you lose.

Nicki Minaj

Give Up Winning Quotes #594274
#33. Christ never asks us to give up merely for the sake of giving up, but always in order to win something better.

Henry Van Dyke

Give Up Winning Quotes #606097
#34. Don't give up at half time. Concentrate on winning the second half.

Paul Bryant

Give Up Winning Quotes #612150
#35. Can a woman not keep her lover without she study to always please him with pleasure? Pew! then let her give up the game. Or shall my lover think with pleasing of me to win me indeed? Faugh! he payeth me then; doth he think I am for hire?

Eric Rucker Eddison

Give Up Winning Quotes #627988
#36. Never, Never give up, no matter what is you age, magick always is there. Use it!

Bobbie Kinkead

Give Up Winning Quotes #661289
#37. Once you win the Cup once, you feel like it's yours. You don't want to give it up.

Jonathan Toews

Give Up Winning Quotes #883030
#38. I will fight for you, and if you know me well enough, you know i am pretty darn good at winning.

Aleksandra Ninkovic

Give Up Winning Quotes #935191
#39. I would give up everything for you, Giulia"
I smiled at him gently. "But you must understand. I should never want a man to give up anything for me. I should want him to feel in winning me he has won the whole world ...

Deanna Raybourn

Give Up Winning Quotes #993029

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