Top 7 Gittel Quotes

#1. In 'Seesaw,' I played Gittel Mosca, and because it was a musical, I loved it more because I was able to do anything. I was able to use all parts of me that I don't get to use ... the comedy and the singing and the dancing.

Michele Lee

Gittel Quotes #799831
#2. As an actor, I'm always so excited about those things that I get to stretch my legs and really get to do something that's hard to do.

David Lambert

Gittel Quotes #238930

Arthur Conan Doyle

Gittel Quotes #415349
#4. When confronted by an angry partner wanting to know how it is that he or she suddenly has symptoms of syphilis, gonorrhea, pubic lice or any other unpleasantry, it is much easier to answer "I have no idea, dear - I must have gotten it from a toilet seat" than it is to tell the truth.


Gittel Quotes #768814
#5. This was a familiar feeling, for there were many places in the great forest where you could drink in its energy, become one with its ancient heart. When you were in trouble, you could find your way in these places.

Juliet Marillier

Gittel Quotes #1133615
#6. I believe that the writer should tell a story. I believe in plot. I believe in creating characters and suspense.

Ernest Gaines

Gittel Quotes #1598500
#7. I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems,

Barack Obama

Gittel Quotes #1828172

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