Top 31 Quotes About Fei

#1. The bright red sap of the fei plant is meant to be useful for blood ailments." "The signature of all things," Alma murmured.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About Fei #1747419
#2. ...Fei Xiaoton, the University of Chicago - trained Chinese sociologist, once observed, this nation is "a land without ghosts," a place where people are so busy with promises of progress that they have forgotten where they come from and who their ancestors were...

John Kuo Wei Tchen

Quotes About Fei #827306
#3. It is dangerous for a ruler to trust others. He who trusts others can be manipulated by others.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1818117
#4. Claiming certainty without corroborating evidence is stupid.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1767310
#5. Do you mind if I contribute my thoughts to this one? If you could just stop nitpicking and dissecting every little thing, if you could learn to keep one eye closed and one eye open, and quit worrying about everything, you might discover life is pretty fucking beautiful. Am I right?

Ge Fei

Quotes About Fei #1757216
#6. No benefit is more constant than simplicity; no happiness more constant than peace.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1687276
#7. Elder Lian has lectured us many times on proper behavior between boys and
girls, darkly warning of how "dangerous feelings" can arise. I'm not that worried
about any feelings arising, though. They're already here, no matter how I try to
suppress them.

Richelle Mead

Quotes About Fei #1613274
#8. A love gone bad, a sea of bitterness: such an everyday thing. As ordinary as the tide, and perhaps as relentless. But tides turned, too.

Deanna Fei

Quotes About Fei #1525165
#9. It is not difficult to know a thing; what is difficult is to know how to use what you know

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1524655
#10. The way is the beginning of all beings and the measure of right and wrong.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1479145
#11. My experience dealing with professors has taught me that educated people have the ability to demean a person with a single glance.

Ge Fei

Quotes About Fei #1362680
#12. Wear some mascara, give attention to your eyebrows, and also take care of your lips.

Fei Fei Sun

Quotes About Fei #1351475
#13. The severe household has no fierce slaves, but it is the affectionate mother.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1351149
#14. The best way to show respect to your fellow athletes is to give the best performance you can.

Cheng Fei

Quotes About Fei #1340489
#15. I never pass up the chance to shop at vintage stores.

Fei Fei Sun

Quotes About Fei #1230489
#16. A ruler makes use of the majority and neglects the minority, and so he does not devote himself to virtue but to law.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1175990
#17. Why can't everyone be treated equally? Forgotten of what they did wrong, but remember their rights? Why can't the whole world just get along?

Fei Loves Meng

Quotes About Fei #1129172
#18. A filial son to his father can be a traitorous subject to his ruler.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1091823
#19. People at present think that five sons are not too many and each son has five sons also, and before the death of the grandfather there are already 25 descendants. Therefore people are more and wealth Is less; they work hard and receive little.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #1008429
#20. In dealing with those who share his bed, the enlightened ruler may enjoy their beauty but should not listen to their special pleas ...

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #956622
#21. When you have wisdom that another person knows that he needs, you give it freely. But when the other person doesn't yet know that he needs your wisdom you keep it to yourself. Food only looks good to a hungry man.

Orson Scott Card

Quotes About Fei #948297
#22. He who claims to be sure of something for which there is no evidence is a fool, and he who acts on the basis of what cannot be proved is an imposter.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #929637
#23. By looking at a person's features, clothing, and speech, even Confucius would not be able to say what sort of a person he is. But by testing him in a position and seeing what he he does, even someone with so-so judgment would be able to know if he is wise or not.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #927442
#24. Suzhou is an ancient city full of old gardens that are very famous in China. It is very beautiful. Plus, I met my boyfriend there!

Fei Fei Sun

Quotes About Fei #873263
#25. Tell me, what's the most valuable thing anyone can ever have? It's your life, isn't it? But you can hold on to it as tightly as you can for every waking hour, and you'll still have to let it go when the time comes, won't you?

Ge Fei

Quotes About Fei #692455
#26. People are submissive to power, and few of them can be influenced by doctrines of righteousness.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #656514
#27. I believe it is impossible to be sure of anything.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #618462
#28. But how could a mafioso be forced to commit suicide?" I continued.
It only goes to show," she said, " that there are forces in this society more terrifying than the mafia. Ding Caichen was no match for them."
As to what those " terrifying forces" might be, I couldn't begin to imagine.

Ge Fei

Quotes About Fei #291746
#29. For clothes and accessories, I love my friend's boutique; One by One and UT.LAB for shoes.

Fei Fei Sun

Quotes About Fei #247539
#30. The intelligent ruler makes the law select men and makes no arbitrary appointment himself; he makes the law measure merits and makes no arbitrary judgment himself.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #176232
#31. Superior and inferior wage one hundred battles a day.

Han Fei

Quotes About Fei #131553

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