Top 13 Gireesh Damodar Quotes

#1. It was a whisper in the soul, a lump in the throat, and an echo in the deep and hidden places of the heart. It was the hope that we are loved, truly loved, and that we are known. It was what I wanted more than anything.

Donna VanLiere

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #232357
#2. To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless.

Marsha Sinetar

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #259373
#3. To all my fellow Americans who simply insist on hangin' on to those guns ... Two things: 1) Enjoy 'em! 2) Please keep them hidden in a safe, secure place where the young 'uns can't get at 'em (I'd suggest the same place you keep the textbooks on evolution and global warming).

Quentin R. Bufogle

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #364351
#4. Do you honestly believe God likes you, not just loves you because theologically God has to love you?

Brennan Manning

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #470362
#5. I feast on wine and bread, and feasts they are.


Gireesh Damodar Quotes #740786
#6. Don't let them make anything of you but yourself, that's all.

L.M. Montgomery

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #826097
#7. Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall body strength.

Sid Waddell

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #920340
#8. I got a chance to meet Terrence Howard and hang out with him.

Juicy J

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1105616
#9. I think we're at a place wherea woman's health is danger because of whether this family planning or contraception or any issues that relate to women's health, there's an assault on that in the Congress.

Barack Obama

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1151528
#10. Everybody is trying to be so trendy. I think not being trendy should be the next trend.

Brian Molko

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1303825
#11. If men were socialized to desire love as much as they are taught to desire sex, we would see a cultural revolution.

Bell Hooks

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1328665
#12. This fair but pitiless city of Manhattan was without a soul ... its inhabitants were manikins moved by wires and springs.

O. Henry

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1371879
#13. For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary. For those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient.

Nancy Gibbs

Gireesh Damodar Quotes #1853146

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