Top 18 Gigging Quotes

#1. Musicians are always gigging and never have a chance to stop for a minute.

Keith Jarrett

Gigging Quotes #458674
#2. As for basic jokes about sex and even my religious stuff, I don't find any problems with that, even if I'm gigging in the Bible Belt, because religious people don't come and see me.

Jim Jefferies

Gigging Quotes #534748
#3. I'm really happy about American Woman, it brought the Guess Who back. They started gigging again and got their song out on commercials.

Lenny Kravitz

Gigging Quotes #868266
#4. I realized that improvisers should probably always have time off. But musicians are always gigging and never have a chance to stop for a minute - unless something drastic occurs.

Keith Jarrett

Gigging Quotes #889015
#5. When I'm gigging, there's an uneasy shift when I pull a puppet out. People look at me aghast and I feel I have about 20 seconds to win them over. You even get the prejudice among other people in your own profession.

Nina Conti

Gigging Quotes #1659068
#6. I think it sort of dawns on you that if you're not gigging constantly you're not actually relevant. You may be relevant to a different part of the media now, to television commissioners and editors, but to a young live-comedy audience you're not, really.

Johnny Vegas

Gigging Quotes #1767877
#7. You can't call me a Twitter phenomenon or a YouTube one. These things are useful, but so's hard gigging. One year I did 311 shows. I did six in one night alone.

Ed Sheeran

Gigging Quotes #1820841
#8. I started gigging when I was about 16, and I was way too young to be in the clubs.

Imelda May

Gigging Quotes #35174
#9. Everybody was dying, or already dead, or leaving other people, and the year was dying into winter, and the only thing to do was make some noise.

Marina Endicott

Gigging Quotes #1666911
#10. I can't say I'm not nervous at all with media and doing speeches, but I'm getting used to it and better at it, hopefully.

Lydia Ko

Gigging Quotes #1597095
#11. The theories and speculations of men concern us more than their puny accomplishment. It is with a certain coldness and languor that we loiter about the actual and so-called practical.

Henry David Thoreau

Gigging Quotes #1469146
#12. I like the feeling of words doing as they want to do and as they have to do.

Gertrude Stein

Gigging Quotes #1426158
#13. At the front of my home, in the garden, is a huge piece of clear quartz.

Miranda Kerr

Gigging Quotes #1296593
#14. There are absolutely no problems between me, my dad and my sister. Obviously I grew up with just my mum, but my relationship with my dad is just fine.

Norah Jones

Gigging Quotes #1150902
#15. I was glowing with health and well-being, as a woman will glow when she's been fucked four times in one day by two different men,

Erica Jong

Gigging Quotes #975989
#16. I see two opposite tendencies in Turkish society: people feel demoralized, they lose the interest in politics and retreat to their private lives; or they become very angry and even more politicized, and radicalized. Both trends are troublesome.

Elif Safak

Gigging Quotes #612037
#17. If one day I should hear the hacker's slow, booted step on the stair, perhaps I'll suggest a cup of tea and try to get the story of his life.

Alix Kates Shulman

Gigging Quotes #210879
#18. Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, these are the conditions, now what happens next? - RICHARD P. FEYNMAN

James Gleick

Gigging Quotes #55666

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