Top 17 Gidget Quotes

#1. She's laughing at me. "What's funny, Gidget?" "You love me." I laugh back. "I do, and I'm going to show you just how much every chance I get.

J.A. Huss

Gidget Quotes #843484
#2. If I hadn't fought back, I might have been Gidget forever.

Sally Field

Gidget Quotes #1217917
#3. My first year and a half in Hollywood, I did three films. Then in 1959, I was in 'Gidget,' 'Imitation of Life' and 'A Summer Place.' After that, I was a star. It was fun.

Sandra Dee

Gidget Quotes #1757294
#4. You're one crazy chick if you think you're gonna get off that easy." "What do you mean?" "'Make me come' - pfft. Gidget, I can make you come anytime I want. Tonight you're not gonna just come, babe. I'm gonna blow your fucking mind.

J.A. Huss

Gidget Quotes #836577
#5. I've found that I'd be the first one to cut lines.

Saoirse Ronan

Gidget Quotes #1841789
#6. Just feel the love; don't express it. Just feel the bliss and love it.

Debasish Mridha

Gidget Quotes #1467524
#7. Enjoy the pregnancy, not racing ahead and relishing the moment. I think people see pregnancy as something to get over with, but every stage of becoming a mother is really special.

Olivia Wilde

Gidget Quotes #1420201
#8. Colette picked up a piece of the bread and stared at it suspiciously. "This toast feels raw," she said. "Is it safe to eat raw toast?" "Of course not," Hugo said. "I bet that baby is trying to poison us." "Actually,

Lemony Snicket

Gidget Quotes #1386500
#9. My mother liked to buy houses, fix them up, and turn them over. We'd live somewhere for a few months and then move to another house, sometimes just two blocks away.

Robin Wright

Gidget Quotes #1374393
#10. I didn't know that empty rationalization was part of your programming," said Ram.
"We would not be fit companions for human beings without it.

Orson Scott Card

Gidget Quotes #1328997
#11. I'm very much a believer that it's action that matters much more so than, you know, the flurry of political promises and statements and slogans that are used during political campaigns.

Christine Lagarde

Gidget Quotes #1106502
#12. We don't need new governments
new revolutions
we don't need new men
new women
we don't need new ways
we just need to care.

Charles Bukowski

Gidget Quotes #962542
#13. Sole reigning holds the tyranny of Heav'n.

John Milton

Gidget Quotes #872107
#14. If you are still alive, then God is NOT finished with you!

Beth Moore

Gidget Quotes #834396
#15. On gray days, when it's snowing or raining, I think you should be able to call up a judge and take an oath that you'll just read a good book all day, and he'd allow you to stay home.

Bill Watterson

Gidget Quotes #747050
#16. I tense. "What?" "Come on," he says, shifting

J.M. Darhower

Gidget Quotes #522075
#17. Harry and Ron had barely finished their third helpings of Christmas pudding when Hermione ushered them out of the Hall to finalise their plans for the evening.

J.K. Rowling

Gidget Quotes #55315

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