Top 18 Ghemawat P Quotes

#1. Some guy hit my fender the other day, and I said unto him, 'Be fruitful, and multiply'. But not in those words.

Woody Allen

Ghemawat P Quotes #535680
#2. There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents-if the term is to be used at all.

Bernadette Devlin

Ghemawat P Quotes #1692496
#3. After dinner, we were all in the kitchen helping with the dishes, and I had the thought, Someone should go check on Momma. And that's when I started to cry.

Penny Reid

Ghemawat P Quotes #1615841
#4. 'Saving Grace,' even though fictionally it was set in Oklahoma, we shot it right outside of L.A.

Bailey Chase

Ghemawat P Quotes #1532754
#5. I'm not a master; I'm just a hard-working filmmaker. I would like everyone to see me as a friend rather than a master.

John Woo

Ghemawat P Quotes #1526674
#6. What is there more of in the world than anything else? Ends.

Carl Sandburg

Ghemawat P Quotes #1031583
#7. 'The system made me do it' is the perfect cop-out for today's managers.

Pankaj Ghemawat

Ghemawat P Quotes #905538
#8. Only a box of birds, Malorie thinks. Yet, it does feel like progress.

Josh Malerman

Ghemawat P Quotes #837638
#9. Please!" I stop my pacing, glare at him. "Is that all you can think about at a time like this?"
Gabriel rolls up on one elbow and smiles at me. "I'm a guy. It's what I think about all the time.

Carolyn MacCullough

Ghemawat P Quotes #713320
#10. I look at words as if they were entities, sacred beings. There are words to which I tip my hat when I see them sitting on a page.

William Luce

Ghemawat P Quotes #181418
#11. [It's] useful to ask ourselves, 'Just how global are we?' before we think about where we go from here.

Pankaj Ghemawat

Ghemawat P Quotes #511851
#12. I believe that the foundation of democratic liberty is a willingness to believe that other people may perhaps be wiser than oneself.

Clement Attlee

Ghemawat P Quotes #504739
#13. 'Awake' was just the most beautiful show. For most of the shooting, we didn't know if they were going to air. You never knew. We were just trying to make it the best it could.

Daniela Bobadilla

Ghemawat P Quotes #497167
#14. ...both wealth and concord decline as possessions become pursued and honored. And virtue perishes with them as well.


Ghemawat P Quotes #474215
#15. Business schools are failing to teach the students about the risks of market failures. We need to include some material on market failures in the core of curriculum.

Pankaj Ghemawat

Ghemawat P Quotes #450678
#16. I'm graduating and she corrected my vocabulary the other day. I said I felt nauseous, and she said the word I wanted was nauseated. Fucked me up, bro. Didn't know there was a difference.

J.M. Darhower

Ghemawat P Quotes #419331
#17. Actors don't need a lot of talk beyond the first few sentences. They may say they don't draw on their own life, but all actors do.

Edoardo Ponti

Ghemawat P Quotes #317632
#18. And even though he enjoyed being around her, he resisted her,
because he was supremely aware that he wasn't the old Robert any longer; he was Bit, a piece of what
he'd once been.

Suzanne Enoch

Ghemawat P Quotes #184511

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