Top 40 Get Fit And Healthy Quotes

#1. Got a proper job at 28. Gave it up to try comedy at 38. Decided to get fit and healthy at 48. It's never too late. But do it now

Ricky Gervais

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #99210
#2. One of the things I do to stay healthy and fit is to make sure I exercise every single day. Aside from eating right and getting enough sleep, exercise keeps me trim and boosts my energy.

Martha Stewart

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1150294
#3. I'm not fond of crunches or lunges, but I do them anyway because I do see results. For me it's about being fit and staying healthy more than anything else.

Martina Mcbride

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #900390
#4. I've been trained by a two-time world champion kickboxer, who's local to where I come from, and who is really just there to keep me fit and healthy while I'm shooting.

Kieran Bew

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #938433
#5. After all, he's not my boyfriend! For that matter, he wouldn't be able to tell a healthy sound from an unhealthy one. He'd have to have his ears cleaned first, since he's becoming alarmingly hard of hearing. But enough about my illness. I'm fit as a fiddle again. I've grown almost half an

Anne Frank

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #968662
#6. I'm a big-boned, athletic-looking woman, and I have to make the best of what I've got. I like to stay fit and healthy, but I could probably give myself a break sometimes.

Sarah Parish

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #974717
#7. A sick body with a good heart is more beneficial to future lives than a fit, healthy body that is used for self-cherishing.

Thubten Zopa Rinpoche

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #982510
#8. I was not ugly. I might never be anything for men to lose their heads about, but I need never again be ugly. This knowledge was like a song within me. Suddenly it all came together. If you were healthy, fit, and well-dressed, you could be attractive.

Elsie De Wolfe

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #996852
#9. Healthy people are those who live in healthy homes on a healthy diet; in an environment equally fit for birth, growth work, healing, and dying ... Healthy people need no bureaucratic interference to mate, give birth, share the human condition and die.

Ivan Illich

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1073991
#10. I left Chicago many years ago to move to California. You can't help but live a healthy lifestyle here if you want to fit in. I find myself eating chicken and salad and chicken and salad and salad and chicken, like a monk.

James Belushi

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1109273
#11. You all, healthy people, can't imagine the happiness which we
epileptics feel during the second before our fit ... I don't know if this
felicity lasts for seconds, hours or months, but believe me, I would not
exchange it for all the joys that life may bring.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1131043
#12. We aren't lazy, overweight models. We work out and must maintain proportionate bodies for work. Plus models are curvy and fit. Don't let the scale fool you. Plus doesn't always equal unhealthy, just like skinny doesn't always equal healthy.

Liris Crosse

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #805607
#13. I look at being older and gaining wisdom. I've learned to stay fit and healthy. I accept my body, my life, and my circumstances.

Kim Alexis

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1173081
#14. I don't work out as much as I should, but I do believe that it's a healthy mind as well as a healthy body that keeps me fit, sound and calm.

Naomi Campbell

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1290878
#15. "I hope, sir, that I will shoot your picture on your hundredth birthday." I don't see why not, young man. You look reasonably fit and healthy.

Winston Churchill

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1335571
#16. The family teaches us about the importance of knowledge, education, hard work and effort. It teaches us about enjoying ourselves, having fun, keeping fit and healthy.

Kamisese Mara

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1376775
#17. It's really important to find an hour or two to a day to make sure that you keep healthy, keep fit. It's very easy just to forget that aspect. And if you're feeling really good and fit, I think you can get two or three extra hours a day of hard work in as well.

Richard Branson

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1424238
#18. As soon as I made it about being healthy and shifted my focus away from the scale, the weight started to come off. I keep track of my body by how my jeans fit - and how I feel.

Alison Sweeney

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1436204
#19. At 16, I would wear clothes that hid my body; now I've found clothes that fit me rather than cover me. I'm not skinny, but I'm healthy, and you have to embrace what you've been given.

Ella Henderson

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1469787
#20. Authors are ordinary people who usually start to live apart, in the imagination, because they don't fit in with normal, healthy people.

Henry Williamson

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1510055
#21. My job is to be fit and I'm really blessed that I get to go and work out and live a really healthy lifestyle.

Kerri Walsh

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #1789641
#22. Love stories are only fit for the solace of people in the insanity of puberty. No healthy adult human being can really care whether so-and-so does or does not succeed in satisfying his physiological uneasiness by the aid of some particular person or not.

Aleister Crowley

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #270162
#23. I want to stay healthy, keep fit, eat well, keep a low profile and be a good dad.

Frank Bruno

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #22066
#24. When you're lucky enough to pay your bills through acting, staying healthy and fit is part of the job.

Toby Kebbell

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #53562
#25. I think sometimes less is more. I don't think it helps to overdo exercising - I think you need to do it to keep your body healthy and fit, but there is a fine line between, you know, healthy and obsession. You have to build your foundation first. Your brain has to sort of connect to your body.

Martha Hunt

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #94199
#26. Bodybuilders and fitness people have been using chiropractic very extensively in order to stay healthy and fit. I found it was better to go to a chiropractor before you get injured. We are a perfect team, the world of fitness and the world of chiropractors.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #104631
#27. I eat super healthy and I'm super fit. I dabble in every type of fitness. I have a trainer and I go to the gym. I do yoga as well.

Linda Evangelista

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #114293
#28. I want to reduce my risks as much as possible and hopefully be able to go to the World Cup fit, ready and healthy.

Abby Wambach

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #133217
#29. I like to be healthy and stay fit. I am constantly thinking that I have to weigh this much, which is always on my mind, regarding working out and watching what I eat.

Crystal Lowe

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #160055
#30. I have a responsibility to my children to be fit and healthy.

Shane Warne

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #239716
#31. As you would expect, the loss of freedom and the lack of privacy are extremely difficult. But I am safe, fit and healthy.

Martha Stewart

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #253831
#32. I wanted to do an action-y thing, purely because I'm the least fit, healthy person in the world. I wanted to prove to myself that I could actually run and not get out of breath and collapse. I wanted to push myself, in that way.

Kaya Scodelario

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #768846
#33. I think it's more important to be fit so that you can be healthy and enjoy activities than it is to have a good body.

Rachel Blanchard

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #296874
#34. I had three children while doing a show, as demanding as 'Good Morning America,' so this is - you know, it's almost like I'm less daunted about motherhood, and parenting at this point in time. And I think I'm just much more fit and healthy than I was 20-years-ago.

Joan Lunden

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #313584
#35. For all aspects of memory, keep yourself physically fit. My catchphrase is, 'Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy body, healthy mind.' Your memory needs oxygen as fuel, so why not feed it often?

Tony Buzan

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #321501
#36. I am comfortable with who I am as a person. I've never felt that pressure of feeling like I need to fit into something else or be something else because that's not me. I work out and I'm healthy, but that's not to lose weight; that's just to feel good.

Hayley Hasselhoff

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #380762
#37. Two young, fit, healthy attractive people in love? There's nothing worse to look at in the world.

Dylan Moran

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #412465
#38. When a woman is fit and healthy, everything else falls into place. We are conditioned to put others first, that 'burnt chop syndrome' we observed in our mothers. It takes discipline to pay attention to our diets, to exercise, to leave time for refreshment of mind, body and spirit.

Quentin Bryce

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #430076
#39. I like to think I have a good few years left of my career yet, as long as I stay fit and healthy. However, it's always good to have a backup plan, which is why I have been working hard to build my business portfolio outside tennis.

Andy Murray

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #513106
#40. Instead of trying to fit an impossible ideal, I took a personal inventory of all my healthy body parts for which I am grateful: Straight Greek eyebrows. They start at the hairline at my temple and, left unchecked, will grow straight across my face and onto yours.

Tina Fey

Get Fit And Healthy Quotes #732129

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