Top 8 Genao Colon Quotes

#1. Doverey, no proverey - Trust but verify.

Ronald Reagan

Genao Colon Quotes #338827
#2. we are stronger today than we ever have been. We are united. And we are moving forward through this thing one step at a time. Patriots Day now has a new level of significance; Patriots Day 2013 showed the world that they can never kill our Spirit.

Ife Oshun

Genao Colon Quotes #430006
#3. Sometimes if you state the plain truth in plain language, you hurt the other person, and you get hurt as well. We have to learn how to communicate.

Swami Satchidananda

Genao Colon Quotes #450443
#4. Sometimes even now I entertain the hope that Love lives in the world independently of us, but when I am most courageous, I believe that love was born within the human heart, and that the survival of love in the world, as well as its ultimate triumph, is entirely our responsibility.

Catherine M. Wilson

Genao Colon Quotes #521425
#5. Galileo , perhaps more than any other single person, was responsible for the birth of modern science.

Stephen Hawking

Genao Colon Quotes #736259
#6. I don't agree with everything Madonna's done but she is fearless.

Cathy Freeman

Genao Colon Quotes #1039183
#7. Traditional businesses are profit maximizers, which square perfectly with Motivation 2.0. These new entities are purpose maximizers - which are unsuited to this older operating system because they flout its very principles.

Daniel H. Pink

Genao Colon Quotes #1061266
#8. Things go wrong all the time; you can't be precious about it.

Tori Amos

Genao Colon Quotes #1289590

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