Top 23 Fundamental Constants Quotes

#1. There is something so mysterious that it is almost like God. God is in the equations. God is in the fundamental constants. And that's fine. I mean, that's just redefinition of that which we find mysterious at the basis of the universe.

Richard Dawkins

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1069310
#2. Martin Rees, in Just Six Numbers, lists six fundamental constants, which are believed to hold all around the universe.

Richard Dawkins

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1857524
#3. Physicists love this number not just because it is dimensionless, but also because it is a combination of three fundamental constants of nature. Why do these constants come together to make the particular number 1/137.036 and not some other number?

John Archibald Wheeler

Fundamental Constants Quotes #460800
#4. I do not remember much of that illness, except that I woke to find my head in Emile's lap. She looked into my eyes.
'You are a fool,' she said. It was the nicest thing she'd said to me in two years.

Christian Cameron

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1758531
#5. Yet for all that I have had more joy than any of them, they were positive and depressed, and I am negative and happy.

Charles Bukowski

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1616697
#6. The fine structure constant is undoubtedly the most fundamental pure (dimensionless) number in all of physics. It relates the basic constants of electromagnetism (the charge of the electron), relativity (the speed of light), and quantum mechanics (Planck's constant).

David J. Griffiths

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1599608
#7. The Golden Mean was considered a fundamental constant by the Egyptians and the fundamental division of the whole into two parts.

Richard Heath

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1264522
#8. Lord, help me to put on the full spiritual armor You have provided for me so that I can "stand against the wiles of the devil" every day. In Jesus' name I pray.

Stormie O'martian

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1263528
#9. Is a vegetarian permitted to eat animal crackers?

George Carlin

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1238644
#10. I'm a normal sized girl. I'm not a size double zero; I don't weigh 90 pounds. I'm a healthy girl.

Bristol Palin

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1107742
#11. People are so helpful. People will stop what they're doing to show you something, to walk with you through a section of the town, or explain how a suspension bridge really works.

David McCullough

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1082217
#12. They come in injured and mangled, we put them back together, then they stand in my halls making demands. A thankless lot to be sure.

Kristen Britain

Fundamental Constants Quotes #1060626
#13. Fatalism is a false premise. What will be is not necessarily what must be ...

Pearl S. Buck

Fundamental Constants Quotes #937142
#14. Keep a secret, it's your slave. Tell it, and it's your master.

Henry Wilson Allen

Fundamental Constants Quotes #669651
#15. I maintain that Western popular culture at its best is worthy of respect and should be cherished as much as the operas of Wagner.

Ibn Warraq

Fundamental Constants Quotes #631405
#16. Older, you know, is obviously relative. You're older if there's somebody younger than you in the room, and you're younger if there's someone older in the room.

Julianne Moore

Fundamental Constants Quotes #539401
#17. Each Inspirational Messenger who was and has been acknowledged in the history books was done so because of the way they chose to live. Their life had a core message that was central to their years, whether they exemplified and expressed whenever they took a step in the world.

Emily Gowor

Fundamental Constants Quotes #411950
#18. Everyone can dream and as impossible as it may look and sound, this kind of thinking and attitude is what will keep us going.

Kcat Yarza

Fundamental Constants Quotes #397649
#19. Fine Structure Constant: Fundamental numerical constant of atomic physics and quantum electrodynamics, defined as the square of the charge of the electron divided by the product of Planck's constant and the speed of light.

Steven Weinberg

Fundamental Constants Quotes #332246
#20. I spent two weeks at the Sadhguru's [Jaggi Vasudev]. It was a wonderful experience. It was very different from what I normally do - earlier I used to do Ashtanga [yoga] all the time.

Donna Karan

Fundamental Constants Quotes #329867
#21. We have found that the values of the constants of nature have not been fine-tuned for life by accident, but that these values are constrained by and logically follow from the fundamental space-time organization of the Cosmic Tree of Life.

Carl Johan Calleman

Fundamental Constants Quotes #215712
#22. You needed the secret kept for you more than I needed the truth to come out.

Rebecca Serle

Fundamental Constants Quotes #173611
#23. Many of the fundamental physical constants-which as far as one could see, God could have given any value He liked-are in fact very precised adjusted, or fine-tuned, to produce the only kind of Universe that makes our existence possible.

Arthur C. Clarke

Fundamental Constants Quotes #41433

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