Top 38 Friendship Like No Other Quotes

#1. He didn't have many friends, but he valued his friendship with Angel. She was kind and giving and one of the few women who didn't look at him like he was an un-caged tiger

Katie Reus

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #119607
#2. Get over it, Roo. If you have friends who actually like you, you're popular enough.

E. Lockhart

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #70617
#3. The good man has his enemies. He would not be like His Lord if he had not. If we were without enemies we might fear that we were not the friends of God, for friendship of the world is enmity to God.

Charles Spurgeon

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #70881
#4. I thank you for my friends, for those who understand me better than I understand myself. For those who know me at my worst, and still like me. For those who have forgiven me when I had no right to expect to be forgiven. Help me to be as true to my friends as I would wish them to be to me.

William Barclay

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #75975
#5. And then he hugs me. Really hugs me. Like he thinks that there's only one of me and I'm special and I'm enough for him. Like he doesn't need anything else. Like he was alone and then I came along.

Erica Lorraine Scheidt

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #80029
#6. Jake's in trouble.'
Luca rolled his eyes. 'What now?'
'He's gone off somewhere, I think I know where, and I don't think it's good.'
'Cant that boy ever stay in and watch telly like the rest of us?

Sharon Sant

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #82826
#7. People with yuan fen are destined to like one another;
Friendship develops even if a thousand miles apart.
But should yuan fen be absent between two individuals,
They will remain strangers despite sitting face-to-face

Adeline Yen Mah

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #89592
#8. Sometimes love was not about winning, but about wise sacrifice and the realiability of friends like Arianne. Friendship, Roland realized, was its very own kind of love.

Lauren Kate

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #112262
#9. She was a source of love and comfort and friendship and companionship and like-mindedness without any of the difficulties of a girlfriend

Anthony Kiedis

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #115244
#10. I think that real friendship always makes us feel such sweet gratitude, because the world almost always seems like a very hard desert, and the flowers that grow there seem to grow against such high odds.

Stephen King

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #117190
#11. That sounds good. But I don't like to be tied down in one place. I want to be free-to go to where I want, when I want, and be able to think about whatever I want.

Haruki Murakami

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #68162
#12. I'm loyal, and I like my friends. Friendship enriches your life and makes it more interesting.

Wendi Deng Murdoch

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #120074
#13. People don't gotta like the same stuff. If they did, life would be pretty boring.

Erin Bowman

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #121757
#14. Finding an old friend is like finding a lost treasure.

Anthony D. Williams

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #121904
#15. The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne.

Samuel Johnson

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #122130
#16. You are unique in the world, a friend like no other. It's so amazing that we have so much in common so your happiness is also mine.

Auliq Ice

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #454441
#17. What's so phony nowadays is all this familiarity. Pretending there isn't any difference between people - well, like you were saying about minorities, this morning. If you and I are no different, what do we have to give each other? How can we ever be friends?

Christopher Isherwood

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #735738
#18. Often the magical elements in my books are standing in for elements of the real world, the small and magical-in-their-own-right sorts of things that we take for granted and no longer pay attention to, like the bonds of friendship that entwine our own lives with those of other people and places.

Charles De Lint

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #1405244
#19. No matter how you look at it, all the emotions connected with love are not really immortal; like all other passions in life, they are bound to fade at some point. The trick is to convert love into some lasting friendship that overcomes the fading passion.

Harold Pinter

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #1534402
#20. Some roads we travel in life can feel like the ones that might break us, but that's why God surrounds us with people who will cheer us on and wipe our tears and listen as we pour out our hearts. Because often, it's not what you say but what you do that really matters.

Melanie Shankle

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #33824
#21. Find yourself first ... like yourself first ... love yourself FIRST ... & friendship & love will naturally find YOU.

Mandy Hale

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #5719
#22. You know how some people, when they're together, they somehow make you feel more hopeful? Make you feel like the world is not the insane place it really is?

Rebecca Wells

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #7322
#23. The sun penetrates me soundlessly like a distant friend that stirs up my laziness, fertilizes it. We bring forth life.

Paul Cezanne

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #7833
#24. Bad news doesn't hurt as much, if you hear it in good company. It's like, if somebody pushes you out of a 5th floor window and you bounce off an awning, a car roof, and a pile of plastic garbage bags before you smash onto the pavement, you've got a pretty good chance of surviving.

Patricia Gaffney

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #20027
#25. I like any dog that makes me look good when it stands next to me.

Jean Harlow

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #25923
#26. You can't choose between Love and Friendship. They're like a package: You either get both or you lose both


Friendship Like No Other Quotes #28007
#27. No reliance can be placed on the friendship of kings, nor vain hope put in the melodious voice of boys; for that passes away like a vision, and this vanishes like a dream.


Friendship Like No Other Quotes #28068
#28. Penny, how can you behave like a total idiot?"
Anne giggled, "I have no pride when it comes to winning back people I love.

Anya Wylde

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #28797
#29. I see through your brain like I see through the water that runs down the drain.

Bob Dylan

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #33146
#30. More and more do I feel, as I advance in life, how little we really know of each other. Friendship seems to me like the touch of musical-glasses
it is only contact; but the glasses themselves, and their contents, remain quite distinct and unmingled.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #4304
#31. Life is like a friendship, eventually it will end, by conflict or God's hand"
-Sons In The Clouds

Randy Mitchell

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #38634
#32. But like any friendship or relationship, everything starts off as a tiny sprout-or so my granny says. If you neglect or smother it, it will eventually wither. But when nurtured and cared for will bloom into something special.


Friendship Like No Other Quotes #38688
#33. Flowers are lovely; love is flower-like;
Friendship is a sheltering tree;
Oh the joys that came down shower-like,
Of friendship, love, and liberty,
Ere I was old!

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #45142
#34. A ruse. That's all it was. Pretend to like this girl. Pretend to have feelings, to pursue some kind of relationship. Earn her friendship and trust, knowing I might have to destroy it, and her, in the end.

Julie Kagawa

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #45229
#35. If somebody feels a certain way about me and I feel like they're misunderstanding me, I don't need to explain myself. I just try to shy away from it and just pretend like it never happened, and try to rekindle the friendship and let him know that its not like that.

Kid Cudi

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #45495
#36. For love doesn't stand alone, nor can it, but trails like a blazing comet, bringing with it other shining goods - forgiveness, kindness, tolerance, fairness, companionability and friendship, all bound to the love which is at the heart of Jesus's message.

Ian McEwan

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #54182
#37. Emotional sympathies just dry up and die as we change, and they are as mysterious in friendship as in love. It's a relationship like any other.

Vivian Gornick

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #60109
#38. Sometimes people would feign friendship for as long as it suited them. However resentment built, like dry kindling, stacked around a fire - waiting for the spark to ignite it.

Martyn Stanley

Friendship Like No Other Quotes #67577

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