Top 100 Fresh World Quotes

#1. An uncertain and doubting mind leads to fresh world visions and the possibility of new and ever-changing realities.

Michael Shermer

Fresh World Quotes #555990
#2. What I like about writing a stand alone novel is you're starting with a fresh world and fresh characters. Part of what I love about writing is that journey of discovery where it's all new to me as well.

Michael Koryta

Fresh World Quotes #1475387
#3. Grief is a little like being in a fresh snowfall. A light, cold curtain falls between you and the rest of the world.

Elise Forier Edie

Fresh World Quotes #8741
#4. The vision that we and the Rothschilds have for India is to link Indian fields to the world and put the produce, as fresh as it can be, on Western tables in 4-5 days.

Sunil Mittal

Fresh World Quotes #9754
#5. The morning sun will bring you a fresh new day with a fresh new world of possibilities.

Debasish Mridha

Fresh World Quotes #48127
#6. Hattie handed me a fresh cup of coffee. "Off you go now. Write a masterpiece that will save the world," she cackled nudging me out of the kitchen.

Kaylie Hunter

Fresh World Quotes #58507
#7. Art is prayer - not the vulgarized notations handed down to us in the scriptures, but a fresh vital discovery of one's own special presence in the world.

Joseph C Zinker

Fresh World Quotes #59023
#8. On the Death of his Child Dew Evaporates And all our world is dew ... so dear, So fresh, so fleeting

Kobayashi Issa

Fresh World Quotes #79365
#9. What change has made the pastures sweet
And reached the daisies at my feet,
And cloud that wears a golden hem?
This lovely world, the hills, the sward
They all look fresh, as if our Lord
But yesterday had finished them.

Jean Ingelow

Fresh World Quotes #92077
#10. When you start using senses you've neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes.

Barbara Sher

Fresh World Quotes #158162
#11. The name of the show was 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,' not 'Philip and Viv of Bel-Air.' If you didn't want to walk away from the best job in the world over a petty issue, you accepted the way it was.

James Avery

Fresh World Quotes #168349
#12. It's high time for a fresh European alternative to enter the market, taking the existing Internet behemoths head on. What the world needs now is a cloud storage service that is not subject to uncontrolled access by intelligence agencies.

Mikko Hypponen

Fresh World Quotes #206877
#13. We dig holes for ourselves, of comfortable living, and it's hard to see just how deep down you are until you suddenly want to take a look at the world up there, some fresh air
and realise you can't get up. You're too far down.

Charlotte Eriksson

Fresh World Quotes #219185
#14. The fresh and crisp air of the country reminds us that our blood surges from of the natural world and how tied we are to the sprung rhythms of earth and sky, weather and season.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Fresh World Quotes #227286
#15. I miss the beginning stages when you didn't know what to expect. When everything was fresh, just experiencing it for the first time. That's something you can't buy with all the money in the world, that feeling.


Fresh World Quotes #248346
#16. My road is towards the creation of a fresh perception of the world. Thus I decipher in a new way the world unknown to you.

Dziga Vertov

Fresh World Quotes #249754
#17. One of the things I've found most challenging about writing a multibook series is keeping it fresh and evolving while still delivering the familiarity that keeps longtime fans devoted to the characters and story world.

Tina St. John

Fresh World Quotes #265130
#18. It's morning again, little hope, and the world's drying of with fresh-laundered sunshine. Life's face is never the same though we may look at it for all eternity.

Kolbein Falkeid

Fresh World Quotes #265575
#19. Why bother with fictional characters and plots when the world was full of more marvelous stories that were true, with characters so fresh, so powerful, so new, that they stepped from into the narratives under their own power?

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Fresh World Quotes #271927
#20. Asking yourself deeper questions opens up new ways of being in the world. It brings in a breath of fresh air. It makes life more joyful. The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery.

Fred Alan Wolf

Fresh World Quotes #277709
#21. The future is simply nothing at all. Nothing has happened to the present by becoming past except that fresh slices of existence have been added to the total history of the world. The past is thus as real as the present.

C. D. Broad

Fresh World Quotes #280824
#22. Every morn is a fresh beginning, Every morn is the world made new,

L.M. Montgomery

Fresh World Quotes #286116
#23. I believe, with Gandhi, that we need to take an imaginative leap forward toward fresh and generous idealism for the sake of all humanity - that we neeed to renew this ancient wisdom of nonviolence, to strive for a disarmed world, and to create a culture of nonviolence.

Mairead Corrigan

Fresh World Quotes #286420
#24. The flavour of something fresh out of the ground is 10 times better than something that's been flown halfway across the world.

Sheherazade Goldsmith

Fresh World Quotes #293564
#25. With all our crime and all our immorality ... and about as much contentment and respose as a fresh-caged hyena, we go to tell the whole world: we are the only one with the right idea!

Will Rogers

Fresh World Quotes #324487
#26. I think that with a lot of hard work and dedication, I feel that I could be the best in the world. I'm still only 35 years old ... I have a fresh start physically and mentally, and I feel that I can achieve my goal to be the best again.

Mario Lemieux

Fresh World Quotes #329721
#27. In God's wildness lies the hope of the world - the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness. The galling harness of civilization drops off, and wounds heal ere we are aware.

John Muir

Fresh World Quotes #337362
#28. For a moment they still lived and I experienced their deaths as a fresh loss with each waking, so that I was unsure whether I was a man waking from a dream of death or a dreamer entering a world of loss, a man dreaming of unhappiness or a man waking to grief.

John Connolly

Fresh World Quotes #361550
#29. It is a serious thing // just to be alive / on this fresh morning / in this broken world.

Mary Oliver

Fresh World Quotes #382576
#30. Grandmotherhood initiated me into a world of play, where all things became fresh, alive, and honest again through my grandchildren's eyes. Mostly, it retaught me love.

Sue Monk Kidd

Fresh World Quotes #437056
#31. I throw everything I have into whatever story I'm writing - and so there's something immensely gratifying about finishing one piece and then starting fresh with a new setting, time period and cast of characters, getting to see the world through a completely different lens each time.

Molly Antopol

Fresh World Quotes #456118
#32. If you must have a rule to follow, I would suggest cultivating a dialogue with your inner voice ... If you listen to the clues your own images offer, the resulting work will be fresh, and authentic. Fall in love with your world ...

Jane Fulton Alt

Fresh World Quotes #458743
#33. The most enjoyable part in writing a series is being able to visit a world I have created and revisit old friends. The challenges are making the book fresh and new for readers who have started from the beginning while still adding old information for new readers.

Christine Feehan

Fresh World Quotes #466624
#34. Entrepreneurs have no memories. They take on the world with a completely fresh view.

Tom Peters

Fresh World Quotes #509318
#35. Writing film scripts is the hardest thing in the world. A script has to go to five or six drafts, and you need the feedback of other people and to keep coming back with a fresh eye, honing it down.

Gurinder Chadha

Fresh World Quotes #513888
#36. We don't agree with the depiction of buildings in the '20s and 1930s. Things were seen either from above or below which tended to monumentalize the object. This was exploited in terms of a socialistic view - a fresh view of the world, a new man, a new beginning.

Bernd Becher

Fresh World Quotes #523453
#37. The world comes second hand - fifth hand - to us and the illusion that it is fresh because it is shown as a picture of an actual place or is given as a 'true account' by some reporter who claims to have been 'there' divides man into incalculable parts without any true center.

Josephine Herbst

Fresh World Quotes #524773
#38. One of the richest countries in the history of the world having communities where people have to go over half an hour to get to fresh produce and food is unacceptable.

Wendell Pierce

Fresh World Quotes #537992
#39. Whenever I'm looking for actors, I'm always looking for actors who are intelligent and who feel fresh and who feel authentic to the world.

Daryl Wein

Fresh World Quotes #548274
#40. Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God.

Eugene H. Peterson

Fresh World Quotes #553435
#41. Approaching life through '40 Chances' gives reasons to hope and actions to take, and it offers fresh approaches that our world desperately needs.

Howard Graham Buffett

Fresh World Quotes #597043
#42. For some reason or other there was in me the desire to see the world clean and fresh and alive, as primitive things are clean and fresh and alive. The so-called documentary picture left me wanting something.

Aaron Siskind

Fresh World Quotes #610764
#43. Were I to attempt to be good to everyone, to the entire world and to all the creatures living in it, it would be a drop of fresh water in the salt sea. In other words, a wasted effort. Thus, I decided to do specific good; good which would not go to waste. I'm good to myself and my immediate circle.

Andrzej Sapkowski

Fresh World Quotes #624132
#44. Truth is born into this world only with pangs and tribulations, and every fresh truth is received unwillingly.

Alfred Russel Wallace

Fresh World Quotes #655234
#45. Everyone is born a freak," notes Hayley. "Every newborn baby, wet and hungry and screaming, is a fresh-hatched freak who wants to have a good time and make the world a better place ... Most teenagers wind up in high school. And high school is where the zombification process becomes deadly.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Fresh World Quotes #655399
#46. I love children because that's a part of my life that was so happy, and I like to remember back to those days where everything is a discovery, and the world is so fresh.

Jan Brett

Fresh World Quotes #684996
#47. Childhood is the world of miracle and wonder; as if creation rose, bathed in the light, out of the darkness, utterly new and fresh and astonishing. The end of childhood is when things cease to astonish us.

Eugene Ionesco

Fresh World Quotes #705731
#48. I walked out and breathed fresh air. I felt the sun on my skin. The world is a different place when you are well, when you are young. The world is beautiful and safe. I said hello to the gatekeeper. He said hello back to me.

Sarah Winman

Fresh World Quotes #708827
#49. A dementia sufferer effuses delight and notices very different things when taken out in her wheelchair. Such people can teach us to see again the little things that make a big difference. They can show us how to enjoy familiar environments with fresh new eyes.

Jane Wilson-Howarth

Fresh World Quotes #715513
#50. Yes, long hours and a hard life for my parents, but for a six to seven year old every new day dawned with fresh excitement when you have not a care in the world, and so much to learn and witness.

Vernon L. Smith

Fresh World Quotes #721244
#51. The stories of The End of Free Love mark a great beginning. They are seductive and migratory, tapped into our earliest sense of the world. Steinberg inhabits our first bewilderments, the terrors and the tenderness that shape our lives. To read her is to fall out of the daily into a fresh elation.

Noy Holland

Fresh World Quotes #728352
#52. Today, something is happening to the whole structure of human consciousness. A fresh kind of life is starting. Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world are seeking each other, so that the world may come into being.

Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Fresh World Quotes #733442
#53. I would miss Colby, but it wasn't going anywhere. All the more reason why I should.

Sarah Dessen

Fresh World Quotes #743831
#54. Oh, goddamn," said Minty Fresh (damn on the downbeat, with pain and sustain). "Goddamn, my hood and grille are all fucked up. Goddamn. I will tolerate the rising of darkness to cover the world, but you do not fuck with my ride.

Christopher Moore

Fresh World Quotes #752018
#55. Maybe we need to re-engage our smart, energetic youth around the world to be farmers and find fresh, green technologies that will feed the world more fresh greens.

Ellen Gustafson

Fresh World Quotes #761275
#56. You can put a new shirt on your back, slide a fresh chain around your neck, and accumulate all the money and power in the world, but at the end of the day those are just layers. Money and power don't change you, they just further expose your true self.


Fresh World Quotes #764412
#57. Children know the grace of god better than most of us. They see the world the way the morning brings it back to them; new and born and fresh and wonderful.

Archibald MacLeish

Fresh World Quotes #774849
#58. The Cern laboratory in Geneva was set up in 1955 to bring together European scientists who wished to pursue research into the nuclear and sub-nuclear world. Physicists then had greater clout than other scientists because the memory of their role in the Second World War was fresh in people's minds.

Martin Rees

Fresh World Quotes #776036
#59. Knowledge is great. Competence is great. But the combination of both encourages people to trust you and increases your powers of enchantment. And in this world, the combination is a breath of fresh air.

Guy Kawasaki

Fresh World Quotes #789123
#60. One of the best things in life is privilege to sit back, relax and look forward to a fresh way to perceive the world around you.

Chukwuka Amu

Fresh World Quotes #823574
#61. All the past we leave behind; We debouch upon a newer, mightier world, varied world, Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march, Pioneers! O Pioneers!

Walt Whitman

Fresh World Quotes #858040
#62. There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence.

Maria Edgeworth

Fresh World Quotes #878758
#63. Whites were bright as fresh-fallen snow, yellow shone like gold, reds turned to flame, but the shadows were so black they looked like holes in the world.

George R R Martin

Fresh World Quotes #911340
#64. The snow fell and fell, dancing and curling like sparkling spindrifts, the white fresh and clean against the brown and gray of the world. And despite myself, despite my numb limbs, I quieted that relentless, vicious part of my mind to take in the snow-veiled woods. Once

Sarah J. Maas

Fresh World Quotes #919407
#65. So many bands write about the same s - -. It gets real boring after a while. I want to keep it fresh and sign about things like the birth of my daughter, about seeing the world- things that aren't always said in metal.

Mitch Lucker

Fresh World Quotes #927719
#66. Whenever, in any century, whether in a single heart or in a company of believers, there has been a fresh effusion of the Spirit, there has followed inevitably a fresh endeavor in the work of evangelizing the world.

Adoniram Judson Gordon

Fresh World Quotes #928213
#67. The world is not likely to tire of an amusement which never repeats itself, of a game which today presents features as novel and charms as fresh as those with which it delighted, in the morning of history, the dwellers on the banks of the Ganges and Indus.

Willard Fiske

Fresh World Quotes #949175
#68. Nothing sets the world right like slightly melted chocolate from a fresh-baked cookie.

Julie Wetzel

Fresh World Quotes #963838
#69. One recent menu for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo consisted of orange glazed chicken, fresh fruit crepe, steamed peas and mushrooms, and rice pilaf. Sounds like the sort of thing you'd get at Windows on the World - if it still existed.

Ann Coulter

Fresh World Quotes #970786
#70. Meantime, the world in which we exist has other aims. But it will pass away, burnt up in the fire of its own hot passions; and from its ashes will spring a new and younger world, full of fresh hope, woth the light of morning in its eyes.

Bertrand Russell

Fresh World Quotes #997309
#71. MRS ARBUTHNOT For me the world is shriveled to a palm's breath, and where I walk there are thorns.
HESTER It shall not be so. We shall somewhere find green valleys and fresh waters, and if we weep, well, we shall weep together.

Oscar Wilde

Fresh World Quotes #1027022
#72. Fortunately for us and our world, young people are not easily discouraged. The hopes of the world rest on the fresh outlook of young people

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Fresh World Quotes #1027071
#73. I came into the music world in 1988 with a song called 'Ooh La La,' that was like a breath of fresh air in Haitian music.

Michel Martelly

Fresh World Quotes #1046547
#74. Doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But every time we create something new, we go from 0 to 1. The act of creation is singular, as is the moment of creation, and the result is something fresh and strange.

Peter Thiel

Fresh World Quotes #1079752
#75. Fantasy is storytelling with the beguiling power to transform the impossible into the imaginable, and to reveal our own "real" world in a fresh and truth-bearing light.

Leonard S. Marcus

Fresh World Quotes #1094294
#76. Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.

Kate Douglas Wiggin

Fresh World Quotes #1106357
#77. When you think of painting as painting it is rather absurd. The real world is before us - glorious sunlight and activity and fresh air, and high speed motor cars and television, all the animation - a world apart from a little square of canvas that you smear paint on.

Wayne Thiebaud

Fresh World Quotes #1130371
#78. Hope.
It's like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It's a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it's the only thing in the world keeping me afloat.

Tahereh Mafi

Fresh World Quotes #1150418
#79. The sea was calm with a fresh wind blowing from the south-east; they sailed under a sky of azure where God was also lighting up his lanterns, each one of which is a world.

Alexandre Dumas

Fresh World Quotes #1150461
#80. My friends, the hardest thing, when you reach a certain level, is to stay fresh, day in and day out. The world changes very fast around us, no? So, as difficult as it is, the key to success is to embrace this constant change and move with the times," said Chef Piquot.

Richard C. Morais

Fresh World Quotes #1150885
#81. Open your eyes! The world is still intact; it is as pristine as it was on the first day, as fresh as milk!

Paul Claudel

Fresh World Quotes #1162149
#82. Consumers around the world always want something unexpected and exciting, and that's what drives me. I love the challenge of reinterpreting my designs in new ways each season to keep the "prep look" modern and fresh.

Tommy Hilfiger

Fresh World Quotes #1167655
#83. Ignoring expectations makes you look at the world in a fresh way.

K. K. Barrett

Fresh World Quotes #1174545
#84. The spring is fresh and fearless
And every leaf is new,
The world is brimmed with moonlight,
The lilac brimmed with dew.

Here in the moving shadows
I catch my breath and sing -
My heart is fresh and fearless
And over-brimmed with spring.

Sara Teasdale

Fresh World Quotes #1188517
#85. The child and the great artist
these alone receive the sensation fresh as it was at the beginning of the world.

Edith Sitwell

Fresh World Quotes #1191790
#86. Muslims all over the world are looking with high expectations toward the ummah community in the United States and Canada. Its dynamism, fresh approach, enlightened scholarship and sheer growth is their hope for an Islamic renaissance worldwide.

Murad Wilfried Hofmann

Fresh World Quotes #1228200
#87. Each day, the world is made fresh again, holy, and she takes it in, in all its raw intensity, like a young child. She feels something bloom in her chest - joy or grief, eventually they are inseparable. The world is so acutely beautiful, for all its horrors, that she will be sorry to leave it.

Debra Dean

Fresh World Quotes #1229973
#88. The Master hath called us, in life's early morning, With spirits as fresh as the dew on the sod: We turn from the world, with its smiles and its scorning, To cast in our lot with the people of God.

Sarah Doudney

Fresh World Quotes #1231150
#89. In a world of pushing, shoving, striving to get ahead at all costs people; to those who knew him well, John Mann was a breath of fresh air.

Matt Micros

Fresh World Quotes #1249403
#90. I adore a little summer shower, said I, with a deep, appreciative intake of the damp, salty air. It makes the world smell fresh and new.

Syrie James

Fresh World Quotes #1256979
#91. I knew that I wanted to write about a very young woman because I wanted to see the eyes of the art world in a fresh or even slightly naive way. Because there's something very honest about entering a room and not having a read on everyone there.

Rachel Kushner

Fresh World Quotes #1272736
#92. A creature undefiled by the taint of the world, unvexed by its injustice, unwearied by its hollow pleasures; a being fresh from the source of light, with something of its universal lustre in it. If childhood be this, how holy the duty to see that in its onward growth it shall be no other!

Douglas William Jerrold

Fresh World Quotes #1285750
#93. But I recall the springtime of the world as though it were yesterday - those days when we rode together to battle, and those nights when we shook the stars loose from the fresh-painted skies!

Roger Zelazny

Fresh World Quotes #1288238
#94. My biggest hero when I was a kid was Will Smith. I used to watch 'Fresh Prince,' and I was a huge fan of his albums. I bought all of his albums when I was a kid. Now, he is the biggest movie star in the world.

Jesse McCartney

Fresh World Quotes #1303850
#95. He preferred his own madness, to the regular sanity. He rejoiced in his own madness, he was free. He did not want that old sanity of the world, which was become so repulsive. He rejoiced in the new-found world of his madness. It was so fresh and delicate and so satisfying.

D.H. Lawrence

Fresh World Quotes #1314659
#96. In a perfect world, I would do 3 weeks on 3 weeks off; so that I could always take a breather and come back to music with a fresh mind.

Tristan Prettyman

Fresh World Quotes #1320268
#97. Eight years ago, I was drawn into Keats's world by Andrew Motion's biography. Soon I was reading back and forth between Keats's letters and his poems. The letters were fresh, intimate and irreverent, as though he were present and speaking. The Keats spell went very deep for me.

Jane Campion

Fresh World Quotes #1329987
#98. It's always good to have a world that people don't know about - a world that hasn't yet been done. It's like treading on fresh snow. You're the first one there.

Steven Knight

Fresh World Quotes #1349974
#99. You don't have to take any drugs to experience the Juggalo world. That's where the magic comes in. Because it's fresh and magical to the people who enjoy it and the people who love it all by itself without any substances.

Joseph Bruce

Fresh World Quotes #1369819
#100. Radical self-care is quantum, and radiates out into the atmosphere, like a little fresh air. It is a huge gift to the world. When people respond by saying, "Well, isn't she full of herself," smile obliquely, like Mona Lisa, and make both of you a nice cup of tea.

Anne Lamott

Fresh World Quotes #1374559

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