Top 9 Freddi Fish Quotes

#1. Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!

Edsger W. Dijkstra

Freddi Fish Quotes #403108
#2. There's no one who has the right to judge you.

Louis Farrakhan

Freddi Fish Quotes #614188
#3. As long as you've done your best, making mistakes doesn't matter. You and I are human; we will mess up. What counts is learning from your mistakes and getting back up when life has knocked you down.

Shawn Johnson

Freddi Fish Quotes #1276444
#4. The most curious spectacle in life is that of death.

Alexandre Dumas

Freddi Fish Quotes #1330462
#5. As you grow older, you learn to understand life a little better.

Solomon Burke

Freddi Fish Quotes #1348069
#6. I have had just about enough of other guys trying to turn you, Raven. There is only one vampire who will," he said confidently. "The one who you were always meant for-me.

Ellen Schreiber

Freddi Fish Quotes #1445945
#7. When a shepherd goes to kill a wolf, and takes his dog to see the sport, he should take care to avoid mistakes. The dog has certain relationships to the wolf the shepherd may have forgotten.

Robert M. Pirsig

Freddi Fish Quotes #1466522
#8. This is the real way a friendship ends. Not with some huge screaming row, but with a gradual withdrawal. You'd think it would be less painful this way.

Cat Clarke

Freddi Fish Quotes #1485325
#9. The demons are not easily dispatched, instead attaching themselves to otherwise beautiful things, a favorite food or a love note left for you, to see how you react when they rear up.

Thomm Quackenbush

Freddi Fish Quotes #1674978

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