Top 100 For Touching Quotes

#1. He lifts his hand and hesitates when I shudder. His lips press together in a line. He will pay for touching you.

Katie McGarry

For Touching Quotes #282590
#2. The vertical and the horizontal are the extreme signs available to man for touching the beyond and his inwardness.

Hans Arp

For Touching Quotes #492720
#3. They're lucky I didn't rip their arms off for touching her. (Devyn)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

For Touching Quotes #611547
#4. For touching an adversary's man, when it cannot be captured, the offender must move his King.

Howard Staunton

For Touching Quotes #662712
#5. But tell me, Mays, why is it that all I can fucking think about is you? Why am I so eager to take another guy's head off for touching you? Why is it when I lay in bed at night I wish it was you there beside me?

A Meredith Walters

For Touching Quotes #733415
#6. I'm just looking for touching characters.

Matthias Schoenaerts

For Touching Quotes #795764
#7. Thank you for touching me. Some of the only moments worth living were spent with you. Not you especially, the collective you.

Henry Rollins

For Touching Quotes #810612
#8. I'm going to kick his ass for touching you," he growls. "And for wrecking my bike."
"I'm glad I came first in that sentence."
"Baby, you always come first.

Suzanne Young

For Touching Quotes #1112334
#9. Would you have really killed him? (Lorelei)
For touching you, absolutely. (Jack)

Kinley MacGregor

For Touching Quotes #1129934
#10. Society has no qualms about a masseuse who is paid for touching people, or about laborers, or professional athletes or dancers, all of whom make a living with their bodies. Why should we make an exception for sex?

Sydney Biddle Barrows

For Touching Quotes #1840570
#11. I believe children are as close as we are allowed to come to feeling as though we have, for just a moment, been singled out by the gods. It is their way of touching us, even briefly...


For Touching Quotes #7414
#12. Thank you Jonah."
He lowers his head at the break in my voice. I ignore the moisture in his eyes and pretend that mine don't sting.
"For what?" he whispers.
" For showing me that people can change. Even if it is one person out of a million.

Katie McGarry

For Touching Quotes #7640
#13. He stops kissing, but his lips stay touching mine, lightly, like a feather would. "I'm bad for you, Sarah. I won't ever be the gentleman you need."
"Maybe I don't want gentle."
He pulls something from his dress pants and presses it into my hand. "And that is my fault.

Tara Brown

For Touching Quotes #12850
#14. Be happy that after living so many lives, I finally found something to die for

Stephenie Meyer

For Touching Quotes #16423
#15. Can't a girl wear something pretty without you getting ideas of bedding her?" Naya reached up, putting her hand behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss. She'd never get enough of touching him. Of trusting him.

Asa Maria Bradley

For Touching Quotes #24195
#16. Laser beams slid around them, spurts of light sinking through the darkness, eventually touching the stars or lighting the water for a moment on their death ride to the murky bottom.

Dean Koontz

For Touching Quotes #52274
#17. I desire to be with you. I miss you. I feel lonely when I can't see you. I am obsessed with you, fascinated by you, infatuated with you. I hunger for your taste, your smell, the feel of your soul touching mine.

Jack Llawayllynn

For Touching Quotes #59063
#18. If you could pack for heaven, this was how you'd do it, touching everything, taking nothing.

Mitch Albom

For Touching Quotes #100810
#19. I'm not a heavy drinker, I can sometimes go for hours without touching a drop.

Noel Coward

For Touching Quotes #100814
#20. She wished he'd stop touching her. Not because she didn't like it but because she liked it far too much. It made her hunger for things that could never be hers. And if someone went hungry for too long, they started to starve. Started to hurt.

Nalini Singh

For Touching Quotes #104395
#21. The most touching thing that anyone can say to me is that I have done something beautiful for the community.

Santiago Calatrava

For Touching Quotes #113216
#22. You're kind of blind, you know?" Puck whispered, smiling to soften his words. "I wouldn't defy Oberon for just anyone. But, for you ... " He leaned forward, touching his forehead to mine. "I'd come back from the dead for you.

Julie Kagawa

For Touching Quotes #117083
#23. There's something special about her. When she helped me with her touch-"
"Exactly what was she touching that was so memorable for you?"
"Watch your mouth.

Michelle Rowen

For Touching Quotes #129871
#24. It is not the bee's touching on the flowers that gathers the honey, but her abiding for a time upon them, and drawing out the sweet.

Joseph Hall

For Touching Quotes #143538
#25. All my life, you've been my Almost." He softened slightly, his gaze touching over the features of her face as if memorizing her. "I want you, Leah. I've always wanted you. But wanting isn't enough. You have to fight for it too, and you're not going to.

Jill Shalvis

For Touching Quotes #157372
#26. She is so beautiful she is unnatural; her beauty is an abnormality, a deformity, for none of her features exhibit any of those touching imperfections that reconcile us to the imperfection of the human condition.

Angela Carter

For Touching Quotes #157503
#27. You know, you fucked me for years without ever touching me.

K.I. Hope

For Touching Quotes #199816
#28. The great and unlooked for discoveries that have taken place of late years have all concurred to lead many men into the opinion that we were touching on a period big with the most important changes.

Thomas Malthus

For Touching Quotes #221893
#29. To be so near you without touching you is agony. Your blindness to my feelings is a daily torment, and I feel driven to the edge of madness by my love for you.

Julianne Donaldson

For Touching Quotes #231750
#30. One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other.

Charles Simic

For Touching Quotes #232365
#31. We burned the midnight oil making love, even if it was just kissing and touching, for hours. It could be a single candle, Fourth of July fireworks, or anything in between.

L.A. Witt

For Touching Quotes #241771
#32. The one thing that astonished him now was that he should have stood for five minutes arguing with her across the width of the room, when just touching her made everything so simple.

Edith Wharton

For Touching Quotes #275886
#33. And the love I felt for him was weightless, like a feather, like a beam of light, like falling forever and never touching the ground.

Laurelin Paige

For Touching Quotes #278898
#34. Within one hour of touching the brush to canvas for the first time, my students have a total, complete painting.

Bob Ross

For Touching Quotes #280208
#35. The politeness was unbearable. They avoided touching each other, careful as strangers on a train ... A family can go on for years without the love that once bound it together, like a lovely old wall that stays standing long after rain has crumbled the mortar.

Kathleen Winter

For Touching Quotes #280843
#36. Some people fall in love with their co-stars and feel things that they never thought they would feel for them because they are touching.

Catherine Deneuve

For Touching Quotes #286295
#37. I still love Delhi but get scared of the madness sometime. I know that my fans love me. But it gets a bit tough to handle when, in their excitement, they start touching and poking you to see if you're for real.

Preity Zinta

For Touching Quotes #307011
#38. It was as if his fingers knew things, but they couldn't show him unless they were moving, touching. He had to think it was similar for carpenters and writers, and he knew it was the same for chefs.

Laura Lippman

For Touching Quotes #307073
#39. A stiff breeze had claimed Athens, filling bedrooms, rearranging the tops of desks, touching everything and nothing, as if searching for something it no longer recognized.

Simon Van Booy

For Touching Quotes #309422
#40. Touching hands are not like pharmaceuticals or scalpels. They are like flashlights in a darkened room. The medicine they administer is self-awareness. And for many of our painful conditions, this is the aid that is most urgently needed.

Deane Juhan

For Touching Quotes #313552
#41. Sex is not a mechanical act that fails for lack of technique, and it is not a performance by the male for the audience of the female; it is a continuum of attraction that extends from the simplest conversation and the most innocent touching through the act of coitus.

Garrison Keillor

For Touching Quotes #334812
#42. There are so many of us now that we threaten to devour the world with our touching, starting with the things we adore most. At the same time, we obviously yearn for contact, and I fear what would happen if we were cut off from a distinctive, on-the-ground relationship with the past.

Craig Childs

For Touching Quotes #359559
#43. I touched Thor's hammer, then Serpent-Breath's hilt, for death was stalking us. God help me, I thought, touching the hammer again, Thor help us all, for I did not think we could win.

Bernard Cornwell

For Touching Quotes #363576
#44. For years the tears fell
without touching the ground.
On this night they hit the floor.

Mary Ruefle

For Touching Quotes #373701
#45. A blowtorch is a wonderful thing. You can get one of those for about 25 bucks at Home Depot. And there's a ton of things that you can use a blowtorch for, in browning a steak or touching up the browning of a chicken or making creme brulee.

Nathan Myhrvold

For Touching Quotes #379334
#46. What am I sorry for? Taking off her shirt? Kissing her until I thought I was going to lose my mind? Touching her? Feeling her? Of all the things I may be sorry for in my life, I'm honestly not sorry for any of that.

Katie McGarry

For Touching Quotes #380054
#47. And now let us love and take that which is given us, and be happy; for in the grave there is no love and no warmth, nor any touching of the lips. Nothing perchance, or perchance but bitter memories of what might have been.

H. Rider Haggard

For Touching Quotes #426977
#48. Oh God. He's quoting Tolstoy and touching me. I'm done for.

Helena Hunting

For Touching Quotes #446236
#49. But, for all that, they had a very pleasant walk. The trees were bare of leaves, and the river was bare of water-lilies; but the sky was not bare of its beautiful blue, and the water reflected it, and a delicious wind ran with the stream, touching the surface crisply.

Charles Dickens

For Touching Quotes #460303
#50. Your craving should be for me, angel, not an orgasm. For my body, my hands. Eventually, you won't be able to come without my skin touching yours.

Sylvia Day

For Touching Quotes #478385
#51. But he did not tell her, for he realised how petty it would appear to her, and how different from what she had expected, less sensational and less touching; he was afraid, too, lest, disillusioned in the matter of art, she might at the same time be disillusioned in the greater matter of love.

Marcel Proust

For Touching Quotes #487700
#52. You know," he says, "for someone who doesn't like touching people, you keep finding ways to put your hands on me.

Victoria Schwab

For Touching Quotes #490826
#53. He stepped even closer to her and leaned in, until his mouth was inches from hers, and whispered, "I don't give a fuck. That body, that pussy, those nipples are mine to lick and fuck and suck. I don't want anyone else touching you. For any reason. Ever.

Zoey Ellis

For Touching Quotes #505066
#54. Be the night. Not the wind that stirs the trees, not even the soundless owl a-wing or the tiny mouse crouched motionless. Be the night that flows over all, touching without being felt. For night is a cat.

Robin Hobb

For Touching Quotes #505515
#55. It's always so cool to think you are looking at today is something other people have been looking at for centuries. It's the closest I've come to touching immortality, by reading the words of dead people.

Sarah Strohmeyer

For Touching Quotes #518538
#56. Sometimes I just needed to talk about it, even though it singed like touching the end of a match. I just needed to feel that pain for a moment, to know that it was real. It was my pain. I had earned it by living through it.

Shelly Crane

For Touching Quotes #533438
#57. We're both making noises similar to the soundtrack of a porno - they're coming from me because I'm finally touching his ridiculously huge dick again; and I assume it probably feels good for Alex, too.

Helena Hunting

For Touching Quotes #539868
#58. When we kissed, it didn't matter that I had been a wolf hours ago, or that I would be a wolf again. It didn't matter that a thousand snares were laid for us as soon as we left this moment. All that mattered was this: our noses touching, the softness of his mouth, the ache inside me.

Maggie Stiefvater

For Touching Quotes #549948
#59. I definitely rediscovered reading for pleasure by devoting such a large swath of my time to sitting on airplanes. I am now painfully adept at removing my shoes so as to have the least amount of foot surface area touching an airport floor.

Sloane Crosley

For Touching Quotes #555829
#60. I think your resources are feeling. Your resources are depth. Your resources are learning. Your resources are touching and feeling. And for me, sobriety helps and aids all of that.

Jeffrey Tambor

For Touching Quotes #568758
#61. I didn't ask to be born!"
"No, but I asked." He was breathing hard. His eyes hard and glinting with a fire that burned straight through me. "I asked for you every day of my life!

Airicka Phoenix

For Touching Quotes #602006
#62. I dropped to my knees beside him, touching his cheek.It was felt cool and clammy under my hand. "This is ... what I get ... for coming early," he gasped out, trying to smile at me.
"Please don't joke and bleed at the same time," I said as I gently lifted his hands from his chest.

Rachel Hawkins

For Touching Quotes #611840
#63. After Arthur sent me away for my own good, it' like my life switched from color to black and white--like the ending of The Wizard of Oz.

Nick Nolan

For Touching Quotes #664604
#64. As an actor, I relish and delight in doing things that I'm not necessarily the demographic for. This is a demographic that is touching the psyche of a certain age group, facing the real internal questions of people who are going through rites of passage into adulthood. It's earth-shaking stuff.

Ray Stevenson

For Touching Quotes #671116
#65. My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I've learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts.

Christopher Paolini

For Touching Quotes #676296
#66. By burning nuclear waste as fuel, we believe we can power the United States cleanly for hundreds of years without ever touching new resources.

Nathan Myhrvold

For Touching Quotes #684527
#67. She ignited her heart by touching it to his; and after that there was no peace for either of them.

Sofia Samatar

For Touching Quotes #688644
#68. For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.

Stephanie Perkins

For Touching Quotes #727500
#69. I definitely thought about touching it to satisfy my curiosity, but luckily for me my mental instability kicked in and I left it alone.

Mark Tufo

For Touching Quotes #735152
#70. There are many hands touching ballots after a voter drops his ballot into the ballot box. There is no guarantee of ballot secrecy for anyone, which makes the whole system vulnerable to intimidation and bribery.

Bob Schaffer

For Touching Quotes #735513
#71. It's the touching they both long for. The holding. Spent their whole lives, each without any.

Lisa McMann

For Touching Quotes #746220
#72. I know that touching you will be understanding my fingers for the first time.

Kels Adeline Sapp

For Touching Quotes #764445
#73. May you see with eyes of light in everdark, may your mind walk free and unfettered amongst all, touching wisely and well, may you go in peace. But wait for me, beloved.

Gayle Greeno

For Touching Quotes #764520
#74. When I touch that flower, I am not merely touching that flower. I am touching infinity. That little flower existed long before there were human beings on this earth. It will continue to exist for thousands, yes, millions of years to come.

George Washington Carver

For Touching Quotes #789971
#75. There are problems to whose solution I would attach an infinitely greater importance than to those of mathematics, for example touching ethics, or our relation to God, or concerning our destiny and our future; but their solution lies wholly beyond us and completely outside the province of science.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

For Touching Quotes #790759
#76. Then you came along," he muttered, touching my wet cheeks, "and suddenly ... I don't know. It was like I was seeing things for the first time again. When I saw you with Puck, the day you came to the Nevernever ... "

Julie Kagawa

For Touching Quotes #800974
#77. It was getting harder and harder to be around her without touching her, kissing her, making her his once and for all.

Cathryn Fox

For Touching Quotes #816077
#78. I can't live without your Touch.You'll see that I've provided enough money to pay for at least twenty or so.

J. Sterling

For Touching Quotes #833635
#79. People may like a person's thought for its touching words, but they like him truly for his own deeds touching their heart.


For Touching Quotes #834539
#80. Liking something and wanting to take it for a ride are two very different things', Joslyn sais, climbing out of the truck to stand on the ground. Hutch's eyes sparkled as he came around to face her. 'I'm not touching that one with a ten-foot pole,' he told her.

Linda Lael Miller

For Touching Quotes #849408
#81. When we're not together, I want to be. When we're not touching, I hold out hope for just the slightest, accidental graze. You're all I think about and it's because my whole world is falling for you. Hard.

Georgia Cates

For Touching Quotes #867824
#82. She'd probably rip his nuts off and choke him with them for even suggesting it. But hey, at least then she'd be touching me of her own volition.

Eve Langlais

For Touching Quotes #884752
#83. [A]fter all, what does it mean for pain to be 'memorable'? You're either in pain or you're not. And it isn't the pain that one forgets. It's the touching death part. As the baby might say to its mother, we might say to death: I forget you, but you remember me.

Maggie Nelson

For Touching Quotes #901959
#84. Sean's face turned beet red. "No bloody way, Macgregor. Lay a hand on her and I'll kill you." His enraged gaze traveled to D. "Same goes for you, you psycho. You're not touching her.

Elle Kennedy

For Touching Quotes #908602
#85. Dona Crista laughed a bit. "Oh, Pip, I'd be glad for you to try. But do believe me, my dear friend, touching her heart is like bathing in ice."
I imagine. I imagine it feels like bathing in ice to the person touching her. But how does it feel to her? Cold as she is, it must surely burn like fire.

Orson Scott Card

For Touching Quotes #920470
#86. For me it is not a detachment to take a picture. It's a way of touching somebody - it's a caress ... I think that you can actually give people access to their own soul.

Nan Goldin

For Touching Quotes #943313
#87. Good Friday is not about us trying to "get right with God." It is about us entering the difference between God and humanity and just touching it for a moment. Touching the shimmering sadness of humanity's insistence that we can be our own gods, that we can be pure and all-powerful.

Nadia Bolz-Weber

For Touching Quotes #991802
#88. I just feel like we as a human race tend to fear that which we don't understand. It's cause for a lot of bad things and bad behavior to exist on the planet. Artists have a way of touching people and changing minds in a way that sometimes other mediums don't.

Billy Porter

For Touching Quotes #995103
#89. These two beings, who had loved each other so exclusively, and with so touching a love, and who had lived so long for each other, were now suffering beside one another and through one another; without speaking of it, without harsh feeling, and smiling all the while.

Victor Hugo

For Touching Quotes #1004450
#90. Then, touching the brim of his cap, he headed for home and the day's work, unaware that it would be his last.

Truman Capote

For Touching Quotes #1010551
#91. There's something very touching to me about someone almost communicating to themselves in some way - trying to come to some deeper understanding of yourself and having compassion for yourself.

Mike White

For Touching Quotes #1016847
#92. That's how to cultivate obsession even if you're only trying for reassurance. Document it. Keep touching it. Make sure it's really there.

Charlotte Shane

For Touching Quotes #1028253
#93. They stand close for a while, not touching, but breathing each other's breath. The city is silent now, as if for peace.

Helen Dunmore

For Touching Quotes #1037321
#94. Be advised what thou dost discourse of, and what thou maintainest whether touching religion, state, or vanity; for if thou err in the first, thou shalt be accounted profane; if in the second, dangerous; if in the third, indiscreet and foolish.

Walter Raleigh

For Touching Quotes #1044202
#95. The feeling of your baby taking nourishment from your body for the first time is amazing, and it remains the most touching moment of my life.

Laura Schlessinger

For Touching Quotes #1047842
#96. And then, for an hour, he became aware of the strange life he was leading, of him doing lots of things which were only a game, of, though being happy and feeling joy at times, real life still passing him by and not touching him

Hermann Hesse

For Touching Quotes #1056332
#97. No panties for you. And no touching. I need to hear a yes, sir.

Renee Rose

For Touching Quotes #1059240
#98. Only in a house where one has learnt to be lonely does one have this solicitude for things. One's relation to them, the daily seeing or touching, begins to become love, and to lay one open to pain.

Elizabeth Bowen

For Touching Quotes #1062283
#99. For Amy, love was the universe touching, exploding within one human being, and that person exploding into the universe. It was annihilation, the destroyer of worlds.

Richard Flanagan

For Touching Quotes #1063941
#100. My real motivation came from my quest for music videos to have the equally soul-touching emotional resonance that straight music does. Honestly, I'm not sure they ever can.

Chris Milk

For Touching Quotes #1085215

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