Top 32 Focus Short Quotes

#1. Learning to focus and pay attention, if only for a short time, has been identified as a primary key to the development of human effectiveness.

Robert Genn

Focus Short Quotes #915122
#2. I have problems with this very extreme form of capitalism where the pendulum has swung so far in one direction, where the focus is completely on the short term, and no one is thinking about the consequences.

Noreena Hertz

Focus Short Quotes #1857996
#3. One of the hard lessons to learn in life is that there are some things you can control and some things you can't. If you want a short recipe for being frustrated and miserable, this is it: focus on things you can't control.

John Bytheway

Focus Short Quotes #1790391
#4. so long as we each focus only on our individual decisions and their short-term consequences, we will act like renters, not owners of this Earth.

Bill Nye

Focus Short Quotes #1732177
#5. While I was doing the residency in Paris, I found out that I was chosen as one of the five winners of the Focus Features Africa First Program. All this happened less than a year after I made my first two short films.

Chika Anadu

Focus Short Quotes #1706359
#6. There are a couple of utterly important rules to writing anything, whether it's a novel, a short story or a collection of poetry. And they're really the only rules.
1: Quit talking about it and start.
2: Focus and finish it.

Nicholas Trandahl

Focus Short Quotes #1366748
#7. Eden," Cyrus snapped bringing her back to the present. "I have a sword pointed at you. Will you please focus

Samantha Young

Focus Short Quotes #1283397
#8. Stop thinking of the past, and stop worrying about the future. Just win the day. Achieve the goals you set for every single day, and you'll rebuild your life in a few short years.

Kevin J. Donaldson

Focus Short Quotes #1260137
#9. Life is too short for negativity. Focus all your energy to create happiness.

Banani Ray

Focus Short Quotes #1216654
#10. You cannot pursue all your goals simultaneously or satisfy all your desires at once. And it's an emotional drain to think you can. Instead, you must focus on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term success and, at various points in your life, think carefully about your priorities.

Eric C. Sinoway

Focus Short Quotes #1186844
#11. If it isn't contributing to getting you where you want to be a year from today, then don't put it on this short list (of goals to focus on).

Mani S. Sivasubramanian

Focus Short Quotes #1177106
#12. Life is short as breathing!
Forget Yesterday, Focus today to enjoy tomorrow!
The purpose of life is to live it, not destroy it.

Ebelsain Villegas

Focus Short Quotes #1164333
#13. My life is too short to focus on legislation when I could be making art. So I'm not a copyright reformer, I'm a copyright abolitionist.

Nina Paley

Focus Short Quotes #1122346
#14. The short time we actually focus on today's journey is often wasted on complaining, grumbling, wishing to be in a different place, or simply and mindlessly going through the motions of life.

Lysa TerKeurst

Focus Short Quotes #985937
#15. Focus on the long term, and always do what's right to grow the company and not make short-term decisions. And outlast everyone one.

Adam D'Angelo

Focus Short Quotes #940116
#16. Focus on long term success but be willing to make short term adjustments to get there

Simon Sinek

Focus Short Quotes #928518
#17. The best solution for falling just short of the goal is to focus on the fundamentals but perform them better.

Tony Dungy

Focus Short Quotes #25110
#18. many entrepreneurs focus only on short-term growth. They have an excuse: growth is easy to measure, but durability isn't.

Peter Thiel

Focus Short Quotes #879855
#19. But because human being tend to focus on short-term benefits and our own immediate needs, such tragedies of the commons occur frequently .

Dan Ariely

Focus Short Quotes #865952
#20. Life is short, God's way of encouraging a bit of focus.

Robert Breault

Focus Short Quotes #803881
#21. We are on the verge of losing our capacity as a society for deep, sustained focus. In short, we are slipping toward a new dark age.

Maggie Jackson

Focus Short Quotes #773361
#22. Short stories demand a certain awareness of one's own intentions, a certain narrowing of the focus.

Joan Didion

Focus Short Quotes #754192
#23. When I started using the extreme short depth of field and single point of focus, I was trying to replicate my changing eyesight. We have binocular vision; one eye perceives space from the other. I don't experience a scene visually at F32. It's more like F1.4.

Keith Carter

Focus Short Quotes #690617
#24. Do what you love and don't focus on money - life's too short.

Matt Mullenweg

Focus Short Quotes #541712
#25. In my short stories there's a lot of focus on people successfully and not successfully responding to some sorts of discomforts or instabilities.

Leni Zumas

Focus Short Quotes #513293
#26. Each day, you can awake and focus on small, easy goals you can accomplish in the short term - goals that, over time, will lead you to your long-term goal.

Karen Salmansohn

Focus Short Quotes #294234
#27. Time goes too slow for those who are bored, to quick for those who procrastinate. Too long for those without goals and too short for those without focus. But for the man or woman who lives a life pursuing purpose, timing is perfect, and their time is always now.

Dwaun S. Cox

Focus Short Quotes #274030
#28. Focus. Focus. Focus ... on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short. You only get one shot at great.

Robin Sharma

Focus Short Quotes #269654
#29. No-one can say just how long a message should be, but you rarely hear complaints about a speech being too short. The amateur worries about what he is going to put into his speech. The expert worries about what he should take out. An artisitic performance is concentrated, has a central focus.

Edgar Dale

Focus Short Quotes #258333
#30. Unless it's a dead-straight short putt, you should focus on a spot somewhere along the line you want to roll the ball on.

Ernie Els

Focus Short Quotes #219231
#31. I truly believe that capitalism was created to help people live better lives, but sadly over the years it has lost its way a bit. The short-term focus on profit has driven most businesses to forget about the important long-term role they have in taking care of people and the planet.

Richard Branson

Focus Short Quotes #173639
#32. If we focus our efforts on doing, we will always fall short of our real potential. We can do all the right things, but if we do not do them for the right reasons, they will never have the power to change our internal view of life.

Rand Olson

Focus Short Quotes #77116

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