Top 100 First Relationship Quotes

#1. Our first relationship with a male is with our fathers. It affects how we relate to men forever.

Graeme Simsion

First Relationship Quotes #657142
#2. My first relationship to any kind of musical situation is as a listener.

Pat Metheny

First Relationship Quotes #876025
#3. When I work, my first relationship with people is professional.

Bill Murray

First Relationship Quotes #1695090
#4. Our emotional map is laid down mainly in relationship with our earliest caregiver in the first couple of years of life.

Philippa Perry

First Relationship Quotes #31594
#5. My first professional relationship, I danced with the Parsons Dance Company, and David Parsons, my former boss, allowed me to choreograph on the company.

Robert Battle

First Relationship Quotes #36953
#6. Repentance is the first step on the path back to your relationship with God.

Jim George

First Relationship Quotes #40081
#7. I am a big believer that you have to nourish any relationship. I am still very much a part of my friends' lives and they are very much a part of my life. A First Lady who does not have this source of strength and comfort can lose perspective and become isolated.

Nancy Reagan

First Relationship Quotes #40907
#8. We are all human first and the human relationship regardless of race, religion or gender is one of respect.

Otis Teague

First Relationship Quotes #128530
#9. We need to know ourselves better so that we can realize what we really want in our life. I think that the first condition for a person to be in a successful relationship is to be happy with the person he or she is, in other words to love themselves.


First Relationship Quotes #153839
#10. Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last.

Remy De Gourmont

First Relationship Quotes #191913
#11. But the best relationship are built on friendship first.

A Meredith Walters

First Relationship Quotes #233197
#12. Meeting you was not the first day of the rest of my life; it was the first day of the BEST of my life.

Steve Maraboli

First Relationship Quotes #234607
#13. In actuality Boaz respected and recognized Ruth's character first. As a result he held her in high regard. You can instantly catch a man's attention, but if you don't have his respect you won't get the relationship you deserve.

Stephan Labossiere

First Relationship Quotes #243361
#14. To serve means to work alongside the neediest, first of all to establish a close human relationship with them, based on solidarity. Solidarity - this word elicits fear in the developed world. They try not to say it. It is almost a dirty word for them. But it's our word!

Pope Francis

First Relationship Quotes #253587
#15. Sometimes in order to save a relationship, you have to sacrifice it first.

Colleen Hoover

First Relationship Quotes #262891
#16. When a relationship hits a crisis, the natural response is to try to fix it as quickly as possible. But in the panic, it is very easy to get confused about the true nature of the problems and head off in the wrong direction. So the first step is to truly understand.

Andrew G. Marshall

First Relationship Quotes #286880
#17. Most people never know more than a surface layer of each other's personalities. They take the bolder characteristics of a first impression at face value because they're lazy, and they carry those expectations and prejudices throughout the entire relationship.

Max Monroe

First Relationship Quotes #286957
#18. You've got to love yourself first, and until you value yourself enough and love yourself enough to know that, you can't really have a healthy relationship.

Jennifer Lopez

First Relationship Quotes #336789
#19. Early on, the best predictor of a relationship doesn't depend on the couple's social graph at all; for the first year or so of dating, the optimal method is how often they view each other's profile.


First Relationship Quotes #345697
#20. My fear of being real, of being seen, paralyzes me into silence. I crave the touch and the connection, but I'm not always brave enough to open my hand and reach out. This is the great challenge: to be seen, accepted, and loved, I must first reveal, offer, and surrender.

Anna White

First Relationship Quotes #439572
#21. Loving yourself first sets the tone for your entire life in every relationship.

L.J. Vanier

First Relationship Quotes #459143
#22. Relax,' she said. 'There's nothing wrong with a slow, awkward beginning. The text for the whole relationship, the sustaining mythos, is built in the first few encounters. The whirl of emotions, the push and pull. So the more of this kind of material we generate, the better.

Jonathan Lethem

First Relationship Quotes #491742
#23. Love is a flicker. It's that hidden desire. It's the words you're afraid to say. It's stolen glances. It's the passive-aggressive hints. It's the mixed signal. It's the first brush against his hand. It's the first time you daydream about her.

Nessie Q.

First Relationship Quotes #497517
#24. Everyone has their first date and the object is to hide your flaws. And then you're in a relationship, and it's all about hiding your disappointment. And then, once you're married, it's about hiding your sins.

Joss Whedon

First Relationship Quotes #526392
#25. It is the perfect wrong time for Jeremy to do to Mirabelle what she had done to him - call him up for a quick fix - because;, in a sense, she is now betrothed. Her first date with someone who treated her well obligates her to faithfulness, at least until the relationship is explored.

Steve Martin

First Relationship Quotes #549103
#26. Choosing to be honest is the first step in the process of love. There is no practitioner of love who deceives. Once the choice has been made to be honest, then the next step on love's path is communication.

Bell Hooks

First Relationship Quotes #575082
#27. The first step in Overcoming domestic violence begins with recognizing you are in an abusive relationship.

Grace Crockett

First Relationship Quotes #577757
#28. The first love affair you must consummate is the love affair with yourself. Only then are you ready for a romantic relationship.

Nathaniel Branden

First Relationship Quotes #600939
#29. With all the weird surroundings of outer space the basic underlying theme of the show is a philosophical approach to man's relationship to woman. There are both sexes in the crew, in fact, the first officer is a woman.

Jeffrey Hunter

First Relationship Quotes #606789
#30. The first duty of a human being is to assume the right relationship to society
more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

First Relationship Quotes #621151
#31. Emotions are not good, bad, right, or wrong. The first step to changing our relationship to feelings is to be curious about them and the messages they send to us.

Lane Pederson

First Relationship Quotes #632018
#32. I have women working in high positions. I was one of the first people to put women in charge of big construction jobs. And, you know, I've had a great relationship with women.

Donald Trump

First Relationship Quotes #698314
#33. Since you've been gone, I can breath for the first time.

Kelly Clarkson

First Relationship Quotes #749627
#34. When we first started, we would message all the time, ... He would log on, and mostly we would just message back and forth at the beginning of the relationship. Now, we use the computer, phones, letters, airlines - everything.

Jill Abramson

First Relationship Quotes #789415
#35. It was my first big relationship and it was just very abusive. I wouldn't give him the credit of naming him, if he ever reads this. But he was older, in the music business - or so he said.

Lisa Snowdon

First Relationship Quotes #791412
#36. When you break an agreement in a relationship, you must offer an amendment first, or it is meaningless.

Marshall Sylver

First Relationship Quotes #801228
#37. So the first thing to be reminded of: love is never a relationship. Then something else is masquerading as love. Maybe you are searching for a husband or a wife - you are searching for some security, you are searching for some structure. A structured life is a murdered life.


First Relationship Quotes #825596
#38. When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me

Swapna Rajput

First Relationship Quotes #827853
#39. A lot of people over time have had this kind of pattern in their relationship with Bill Clinton. You first meet him and you're overwhelmed by his talent. He's so energetic and articulate and full of ideas and he calls himself a congenital optimist and that optimism is contagious.

Dee Dee Myers

First Relationship Quotes #839518
#40. mothering is our first preverbal template for an existence in which we feel welcomed or rejected, loved or abandoned, many of us have fused our relationship with our mothers with our concepts of God.

Geneen Roth

First Relationship Quotes #849407
#41. But art and ideas come out of the passion and torment of experience: it is impossible to have a real relationship to the first if one's aim is to be protected from the second.

James Baldwin

First Relationship Quotes #868560
#42. There is my first insight, young woman. Always downplay the value of money; it will make it easier for him to hand it over

Ivena When Heaven Weeps Ted Dekker

First Relationship Quotes #874608
#43. I have a love/hate relationship with just about all technology in my life. My first typewriter in particular. I had a helluva time putting new ribbon on it.

Eric Stoltz

First Relationship Quotes #883266
#44. It's hard to confront someone without knowing, [but] I think the first thing you should do in a relationship - any kind of relationship - is confront. Then, if they seem shady, maybe go for the email or the text message.

Chloe Grace Moretz

First Relationship Quotes #889757
#45. A relationship is more likely to succeed if positive attributes are confidently set in place and adhered to.

Delano Johnson

First Relationship Quotes #909286
#46. When I was 19, I celebrated my first Valentine's Day while being in a relationship. I was so excited, but didn't know what the rules were. What should I get him, or was I even supposed to get him something?

Carly Craig

First Relationship Quotes #950675
#47. I stare across the table at Jeremy, and wonder if I will make it through our first date without trying to kill him.

Alessandra Torre

First Relationship Quotes #968925
#48. Suddenly they were dancing, holding each other tight, moving in circles that symbolised their relationship, both afraid to let go, both willing the song to continue while silently their insides tore.

Anna McPartlin

First Relationship Quotes #1024907
#49. It is by no haphazard chance that in every age men have risen early to pray. The first thing that marks decline in spiritual life is our relationship to the early morning.

Oswald Chambers

First Relationship Quotes #1025418
#50. When we look at what has the strongest statistical relationship to overall evaluation of your life, the first one is your career well-being, or the mission, purpose and meaning of what you're doing when you wake up each day.

Tom Rath

First Relationship Quotes #1063367
#51. When I first started drawing the earliest incarnation of 'Optic Nerve,' I hadn't even been on a date; I hadn't had a romantic relationship of any kind yet, so in a way, I was almost writing science fiction.

Adrian Tomine

First Relationship Quotes #1068227
#52. Baby I know, the first cut is the deepest.

Cat Stevens

First Relationship Quotes #1072523
#53. The first priority of the family should be to establish a quality of relationship with each other that is a reflection of an authentic relationship with God. That may have been what Paul was aiming at when he wrote to the church in Ephesians 5 and 6 about the family.

Reggie Joiner

First Relationship Quotes #1085965
#54. Whenever you're in a relationship, you have that favorite song that reminds you of when you first got together or when you first kissed, and then every time you hear that song, it reminds you of that person.

Olly Murs

First Relationship Quotes #1093025
#55. I was writing short films and I was going through this really, really, really terrible end of a relationship that I didn't want to be going through. It was too much for me to process and all of a sudden I had this idea for my first feature film and I knew right away I had to start writing it.

Evan Glodell

First Relationship Quotes #1107183
#56. Our first scene is sort of a reunion between the X-Men characters, which establishes everyone's relationship to one another, sort of like a recap for all those who have forgotten since the last movie.

Shawn Ashmore

First Relationship Quotes #1112481
#57. I didn't want to be the woman who gave herself over willingly to the first man to notice her. I didn't want to be the stupid girl in every novel who loved without question and entered relationships that didn't make sense.

Destinee Hardwick

First Relationship Quotes #1115533
#58. I read so much stuff that black women say, especially about my relationship. 'Oh, he left his black wife to go be with some exotic chick.' First of all, my girl is black: she's Jamaican.

Kevin Hart

First Relationship Quotes #1119998
#59. On the Native American front, we have turned a new page in the 400-year history of the interface between the American settlers of this country and the nation's first Americans. That's included a new relationship where the sovereignty of tribes is in fact recognized.

Ken Salazar

First Relationship Quotes #1121548
#60. Twenty seven years ago, during my first romantic relationship with a boy, I started keeping a diary about my thoughts and experiences. That diary formed the basis of my novel "A Dream of Two Moons," the title of which comes from some paranormal occurrences from real life.

Sahara Sanders

First Relationship Quotes #1124413
#61. The relationship must come first or it will not last.

Chris Prentiss

First Relationship Quotes #1130510
#62. In a relationship the details are everything because they remind you - just when you need to be reminded the most - why you fell in love with someone in the first place.

Mike Gayle

First Relationship Quotes #1141005
#63. We cannot put a noose around another man's neck without first hanging ourselves.

Henry David Thoreau

First Relationship Quotes #1143357
#64. When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.

Andy Warhol

First Relationship Quotes #1161748
#65. The first three years was our honeymoon period. Then you settle into the relationship, and it morphs into just living, breathing. It becomes more comfortable, but it becomes a necessity - something you can't give up, like an addict.

David Burtka

First Relationship Quotes #1174170
#66. As a political movement, feminism seeks to transform society by challenging and changing social institutions. Religion, on the other hand, seeks first to transform individuals through a personal relationship with God, which then results in a desire to work for the transformation of society.

Helen LaKelly Hunt

First Relationship Quotes #1175249
#67. A long term relationship is priceless! Divorce isn't. This book should help you get it right the first time. Since it just came out however, it will help you get it right the next time also.

Susan Ziggy

First Relationship Quotes #1198053
#68. Communication is a major key to building any strong relationship, whether it is the relationship one has with oneself or with others. Sinful communication weakens yourself, weakens those you care about, and thus weakens your team.

Shay Dawkins

First Relationship Quotes #1198478
#69. I met my grandfather just before he died, and it was the first time that I had seen Dad with a relative of his. It was interesting to see my own father as a son and the body language and alteration in attitude that comes with that, and it sort of changed our relationship for the better.

Christian Bale

First Relationship Quotes #1200588
#70. The first time he wrapped his arms around her and bent his head to caress her lips with his, she was caught by surprise and felt a breathless tingle shoot through her. Was this it, she wondered?

Emily Arden

First Relationship Quotes #1206802
#71. It was what remained to a relationship after the first euphoria of the romance had faded.

Mary Balogh

First Relationship Quotes #1266840
#72. I think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting, fundamental damage to our health care system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor.

Ted Cruz

First Relationship Quotes #1268161
#73. I had real concerns about the relationship between nature and culture and places I wanted to write about. I thought, well, maybe I should try prose. It was a real struggle to begin because, first of all, there were so many words on the page - it was terrifying. Beginning was awful.

Alison Hawthorne Deming

First Relationship Quotes #1283657
#74. As part of his life-saving therapy with suicidal patients and his own experience in a Nazi concentration camp, Frankl learned there are three things that give meaning to life: first, a project; second, a significant relationship; and third, a redemptive view of suffering.

Jeff Goins

First Relationship Quotes #1294811
#75. If you love three people at the same time, choose the first one, because if there was a 4th or 5th one, you might still fall for them.

Emmanuel Aghado

First Relationship Quotes #1428441
#76. If you ever had a pet, with me it was a dog, with that sort of unconditional love that only dogs can give, people can't do that; that sort of thing where it's very powerful, it's kind of your first love and your first real relationship, and usually your first experience with death.

Tim Burton

First Relationship Quotes #1428823
#77. If you want to be a strong, maturing Christian, your first priority is to develop a closer relationship with God.

Jim George

First Relationship Quotes #1438398
#78. James Watt patented his steam engine on the eve of the American Revolution, consummating a relationship between coal and the new Promethean spirit of the age, and humanity made its first tentative steps into an industrial way of life that would, over the next two centuries, forever change the world.

Jeremy Rifkin

First Relationship Quotes #1466494
#79. I'm divorced and I've been to the circus and seen the clowns. This ain't my first rodeo.

Naomi Judd

First Relationship Quotes #1471148
#80. What are dogs thinking?" the grand conclusion was this: they're thinking about what we're thinking. The dog-human relationship was not one-sided. With their high degree of social and emotional intelligence, dogs reciprocated our feelings toward them. They truly are First Friend.

Gregory Berns

First Relationship Quotes #1473991
#81. Well documented, the relationship of literature to myth in the Western world has undergone much change over the millennia, as first the age of gods fell away before the notion of a single god, and then, for many people, that single god slipped away, too.

Kate Bernheimer

First Relationship Quotes #1495677
#82. At first we got along real well. Now ... it's pretty much just a professional relationship.

Jose Carreras

First Relationship Quotes #1511265
#83. I have a theory about soul mates
that God wants to be our sweetheart. And once we fall in love with life and have an intimate relationship with Spirit, that's when we meet our soul mate. It's as if God says, 'You're not meant to be alone on this earth. I just wanted you to love me first.

Sarah Ban Breathnach

First Relationship Quotes #1545310
#84. Man is a relational being. And if his first, fundamental relationship is disturbed - his relationship with God - then nothing else can be truly in order.

Pope Benedict XVI

First Relationship Quotes #1549643
#85. If you were sexually abused & could not go to your family for support, you deserve to realize that your family failed you fundamentally. Your parents did not provide a safe atmosphere of support & protection for their children, which is a parent's first responsibility. It was not your fault.

Patti Feuereisen

First Relationship Quotes #1574717
#86. They say some couples are joined in heaven, and on Earth they look for their partner soul to be with.

I knew I had found mine in her. And who can fight heaven?

Ruth Ahmed

First Relationship Quotes #1621052
#87. I think a lot of people still fantasise about that first love and what might happen if they rekindled the relationship.

Sophie Kinsella

First Relationship Quotes #1627477
#88. I don't believe in open relationships. If you want to be with someone else, you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.

Pixie Lott

First Relationship Quotes #1647847
#89. The first rule in the book of love is acceptance.

Destinee Hardwick

First Relationship Quotes #1667084
#90. Most of us make up our minds in the first three minutes of meeting someone whether there's a potential for a relationship.

Helen Fisher

First Relationship Quotes #1668821
#91. Your first druggy relationship is a rite of passage. A learning experience with a curve. After that one, the next one, if there is a next one, will be a decision. You will know just what you are getting into.

Fiona Helmsley

First Relationship Quotes #1721139
#92. 'In the Wake' was a very bleak book. This relationship was not too good, the father and son. This time around, I wanted a father and a son who really loved each other, which would be visible on the first page and would still be there on the last page.

Per Petterson

First Relationship Quotes #1739172
#93. First of all, returning from motherhood, I was looking for something lighter, and I wasn't as much attracted to Kate as I was to the relationship between the two people.

Tea Leoni

First Relationship Quotes #1753025
#94. I believe in a tongue-first exploration of the world. Food is our most immediate daily relationship to our ecosystem, and there is something delectable and intriguing about it.

Natalie Jeremijenko

First Relationship Quotes #1770614
#95. The first time we met he shot me in the head with an electric staple gun, but our relationship has evolved in the subsequent months.

Ben H. Winters

First Relationship Quotes #1775226
#96. I truly believe in love, and I think that every relationship should start the way that our relationship started with our first love when we were 16, 17 or 18.

Alex Pettyfer

First Relationship Quotes #1829865
#97. Boyfriend huh? I didn't realize we had taken things to that level."
"Oh, I'm sorry
this is my first undercover operation," Jordan said. "I'm a little unclear about the rules. Are we seeing other people in this fake relationship?

Julie James

First Relationship Quotes #1830818
#98. Fragments of the natural method must be sought with the greatest care. This is the first and last desideratum among botanists.
Nature makes no jumps.
[Natura non facit saltus]
All taxa show relationships on all sides like the countries on a map of the world.

Carl Linnaeus

First Relationship Quotes #1833128
#99. Your first kiss is never just a kiss but a beautiful place you get to visit only once.

Colin Tegerdine

First Relationship Quotes #1841144
#100. There are two questions a man must ask himself: The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?'
If you ever get these questions in the wrong order you are in trouble.

Sam Keen

First Relationship Quotes #1854468

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