Top 18 Firmed Quotes

#1. You see people who have been very heavy in their life who have taken that body, trimmed it down, firmed it up through discipline, exercise and being able to say no. Eating properly, that all comes into it.

Mike Ditka

Firmed Quotes #457909
#2. I returned to walking up the mountain, and there, in the dim asexual beauty of reddening dawns and skies that firmed to blue, I discovered my real and appropriate strengths.

Mark Helprin

Firmed Quotes #679444
#3. Multitasking means that you are not able to make full, rich connections in your thinking, because the part of your brain that helps make connections is constantly being pulled away before neural connections can be firmed up.

Barbara Oakley

Firmed Quotes #850468
#4. Eight months in the woods have hardened me, or at least firmed up my beliefs that if a man's going to fend for himself, then he needs to leave his credit card at home.

Fennel Hudson

Firmed Quotes #1078312
#5. Troy: Then when I saw that gal [Alberta] ... she firmed up my backbone. And I got to thinking that if I tried ... I just might be able to steal second.

August Wilson

Firmed Quotes #1217039
#6. I had a lot of excess skin - I just needed to have it firmed

Carnie Wilson

Firmed Quotes #166899
#7. and Wash-ing-ton went back to Mount

Josephine Pollard

Firmed Quotes #1672818
#8. With 'Philharmonics,' I had to do a lot of interviews, and it was like I was corrupting something. In many ways, I've said everything in the song. And either I can't go back to what it was because it's changing when I play it, or I still haven't figured out what the song is about.

Agnes Obel

Firmed Quotes #1552576
#9. [In remake] you've got to have something new to say, or technology that wasn't available, or a new chapter that kind of speaks to this generation of fans. They've got some unique assets, so we're certainly discussing those things.

Thomas Tull

Firmed Quotes #1403865
#10. If you can't feed 100 just feed ONE.

Mother Teresa

Firmed Quotes #1172582
#11. The child expects to look up to the parent, to be instructed by the parent, indeed to be commanded by the parent. If the parent instead serves the child, then that relationship falls out of its natural balance. You may not earn your child's love at all - and the

Leonard Sax

Firmed Quotes #1135631
#12. Ither immediately or ultimately every dollar of government spending must be raised through a dollar of taxation. Once we look at the matter. In this way, the supposed miracles of government spending will appear in another light.

Henry Hazlitt

Firmed Quotes #968198
#13. When two good hearts come together, love brings love.

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Firmed Quotes #877576
#14. But bad luck makes good stories.

Bernard Evslin

Firmed Quotes #547039
#15. If you have spent two years in bed trying to wiggle your big toe, everything else seems easy.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Firmed Quotes #443734
#16. Hi, Billy Mays here for ...

Billy Mays

Firmed Quotes #348044
#17. Dreams are great. When they disappear you may still be there, but you will have ceased to live.

Nancy Astor

Firmed Quotes #297469
#18. I love chocolate chip cookies - really anything with chocolate will do!

Laura Wilkinson

Firmed Quotes #168987

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