Top 16 Fictive Kinship Quotes

#1. For Temujin, such chosen forms of fictive kinship were already proving more useful than the ties of biological kinship.

Jack Weatherford

Fictive Kinship Quotes #984659
#2. Some scholars have been arguing that a civilizational clash between organized religions is the next step in human history.

Mary Douglas

Fictive Kinship Quotes #105165
#3. Few minded what their fellow citizens got up to as long as they themselves were left in peace.

Walter Moers

Fictive Kinship Quotes #161114
#4. A woman is a loving mother, a gorgeous daughter, and beautiful angel of imagination.

Debasish Mridha

Fictive Kinship Quotes #209007
#5. Take note, Anderson. Size and martial ability do not need to come with a correlating decrease in intelligence.

Kelley Armstrong

Fictive Kinship Quotes #424206
#6. Sometimes, readers, when they're young, are given, say, a book like 'Moby Dick' to read. And it is an interesting, complicated book, but it's not something that somebody who has never read a book before should be given as an example of why you'll really love to read, necessarily.

Gabrielle Zevin

Fictive Kinship Quotes #522877
#7. Today, when you combine the web with the iPad, you have the most advanced medium for human thought and communication ever created.

Mike McCue

Fictive Kinship Quotes #657198
#8. I only really love a book when I have read it at least four times.

Nancy Spain

Fictive Kinship Quotes #933818
#9. Class, race, sexuality, gender and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from the inside.

Dorothy Allison

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1005947
#10. I had learned long ago that resolution by itself is not enough; we are what we do, not what we think and feel.

James Lee Burke

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1031992
#11. Of course, all of the software I write runs on Linux; that's the beauty of standards, and of cross-platform code. I don't have to run your OS, and you don't have to run mine, and we can use the same applications anyway!

Jamie Zawinski

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1119108
#12. I look at her wish we could go inside and make love on the couch.
Dive inside each other.
Take each other.
Make each other.
Nothing happens, though.

Markus Zusak

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1364130
#13. You don't order someone to polish your shoes one day and call them 'sister' the next.

Khaled Hosseini

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1419093
#14. Singing is something I've always loved to do, and I'd never considered taking it further than the shower.

Hailee Steinfeld

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1536539
#15. The Evangelical is not afraid of facts, for he knows that all facts are God's facts; nor is he afraid of thinking, for he knows that all truth is God's truth, and right reason cannot endanger sound faith.

J.I. Packer

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1604841
#16. The state must be the first to be organized and totally committed to serving the interests of the people.

Samora Machel

Fictive Kinship Quotes #1823993

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