Top 36 Feylynn Quotes
#1. I set the timer. The silent countdown, with the not-so-silent alarm blast at the end of the twenty-minutes commenced. The ticking and tocking started its merciless countdown.
Jazz Feylynn
#2. No electricity, fridge, TV or game console. I guess changing from human was enough fun and games for werewolves.
Jazz Feylynn
#4. I assumed this yoke would encase me as well as any another hobble. Only this one bound the mind.
Jazz Feylynn
#6. His eyes never blinked or wavered from mine, encompassing me in a field of control.
Jazz Feylynn
#7. We feel fighting for dominance actually shows weakness. It's much harder to hold back the wolf than to let it have free rein.
Jazz Feylynn
#8. One two, one two,
Type a word or two.
Arrow left, arrow right,
Keep those fingers nice and tight.
Keys up, Keys down,
Move those digits all around.
One two, one two,
Type a word or two.
Jazz Feylynn
#9. My eyes hunger to read more books then time allows me to devour.
Jazz Feylynn
#10. Every bloody mark had assassinated my writing along the way.
Jazz Feylynn
#11. Real women don't love the richest guy in the world they love the guy who can make their world the richest.
Jazz Feylynn
#12. That did explain his sucky home life growing up but didn't excuse the way he treated others. Was there childcare for abused werewolves?
Jazz Feylynn
#13. His eyes forward didn't deviate from the off-road trail, his chiseled jaw gripped shut during the ride. He didn't release any sound of explanation until we arrived.
Jazz Feylynn
#14. Be careful. The conditions are treacherous with mud-sucking tentacles pulling shoes and socks into the murky bottom while smearing grime on those who passed by.
Jazz Feylynn
#15. Maybe it's a green thing or a wolf thing or a short-circuit thing. I don't seem to know anything.
Jazz Feylynn
#18. His eyes, if anything, gleamed even more bright, having found the treasure he sought.
Jazz Feylynn
#19. Her blue eyes glowed headlight red into my leafy greens. Those eyes were freaky.
Jazz Feylynn
#20. My nerves did a jitter dance, stuck between two wolves.
Jazz Feylynn
#21. She repainted the house to resonate year round with a summertime oasis in floral colors from the backyard garden - her ceremonial grounds - keeping her in her roots of greenness.
Jazz Feylynn
#22. Fingers you, claws me, crossed hoping Dad sees it that way.
Jazz Feylynn
#23. I swear it looked like she wanted her words to slither around us and go out the door unheard.
Jazz Feylynn
#24. Yes, Dad collared me before I was even born. Nevertheless, he made me the one in authority of the collar and myself.
Jazz Feylynn
#25. Okay, I know she thinks her little bro stinks but that sounds like she's tracking him by his stench.
Jazz Feylynn
#26. A spiritual journey is becoming what one has always meant to be-come and always was. One with God's Spirit.
Jazz Feylynn
#27. Now you're being ridiculous. If your mom changed into a carrot, I'd think she'd change back before someone ate her, werewolf or not.
Jazz Feylynn
#28. This assignment could damn well project all the words across my face and the ink stain my hands a gory mess before I finished it.
Jazz Feylynn
#29. Maybe that's why the Westmores never allowed any pets. Hard to keep them off the menu.
Jazz Feylynn
#30. Amanda took the lead following her sense of smell. On the other hand, I followed a werewolf who was leading me by her nose. Not sure, which of us was crazier.
Jazz Feylynn
#31. Looking deeper, I see not subjugation, but a tool of power to control my fate in the world of man that symbolizes my ownership over both my nature spirit and wolf-self.
Jazz Feylynn
#32. You and your brother have had moments. Don'tcha think the collar's a bit much?" I could imagine Jessie hogtied with whatever was at hand by his big bad sis.
Jazz Feylynn
#33. When someone says "don't freak," wouldn't a person think that maybe they should freak?
Jazz Feylynn
#34. I got a whiff of minty fresh breath. Definitely not, what I'd expect from a wild wolf.
Jazz Feylynn
#35. The ink line drawing flowed the cursive journey,
created on paper canvas that brought the story to life.
Jazz Feylynn
#36. I knew all too well the damage of scarlet ink smeared across page-after-page ...
Jazz Feylynn
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