Top 39 Fear Kills Quotes
#1. Fear is not a disease of the body; fear kills the soul.
Mahatma Gandhi
#3. Because fear kills everything," Mo had once told her. "Your mind, your heart, your imagination.
Cornelia Funke
#4. No beast of prey can kill its victim without frightening him first. In fact, no animal perishes until its destroyer strikes terror into its heart. To put it succinctly, an animals fear kills it before its enemy gives it the final blow.
Dhan Gopal Mukerji
#5. Fear kills. Protecting yourself backfires eventually. And living in fear of pain isn't really living at all.
Patricia Gaffney
#6. There are really only two positions one can take toward anything in life: hope or fear. Hope strengthens, fear kills.
Karen Marie Moning
#8. Fear kills instead of protecting. It murders dreams, hopes, relationships and or physical well being.
Marina G. Roussou
#11. Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all hueman diseases. Fear kills dreams!
Les Brown
#13. That's the thing about fear. Death will kill you once, but fear kills you over and over and over, if you let it.
Marcus Allen
#15. Hope strengthens. Fear kills[ ... ] That simple adage is master of every situation, every choice. Each morning we wake up, we get to choose between hope and fear and apply one of those emotions to everything we do. Do we greet things that come our way with joy? Or suspicion?
Karen Marie Moning
#16. Take action and be brave Theodor for it is fear and inaction that kills.
Robert Radcliffe
#17. Fear of failure is a far worse condition than failure itself, because it kills off possibilities.
Michael Eisner
#18. A weapon kills people and makes people in cities dominated by fear. But if you turn it into an instrument, it's like social gold. It brings people together and you build trust.
Pedro Reyes
#19. I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once.
Frank Herbert
#20. The fear of God kills all other fears.
Hugh Black
#22. It's the fear that kills us, Leah," Jende said. "Sometimes it happens and it's not even as bad as the fear. That is what I have learned in this life. It is the fear.
Imbolo Mbue
#23. The fear of failure kills creativity and intelligence. The only thing it produces is conformity.
Anup Kochhar
#25. Laughter kills fear, and without fear there can be no faith. For without fear of the devil there is no need for God.
Sean Connery
#26. Charm is the great English blight. It does not exist outside these damp islands. It spots and kills anything it touches. It kills love; it kills art; I greatly fear, my dear Charles, it has killed you.
Evelyn Waugh
#27. I had had to learn the difference between the bearable fatigue and the unbearable, the fatigue of fear. The first can be cured by a night's sleep; the second kills.
Agnes De Mille
#28. Courage, my child, is not the absence of fear. It's the triumph over fear.
Wynne Channing
#29. I soon found out this much:
terror can be endured so long as a man simply ducks;
but it kills, if a man thinks about it.
Erich Maria Remarque
#30. We need not fear God as we fear all other suffering, which burns and maims and kills. For God's fire, though it will perfect us, will not destroy, for 'the bush was not consumed.
Thomas Cahill
#31. The hijacking of an American jet in Athens looms larger in our concern than the parent who kills a child, even though the one happens rarely, and the other happens daily.
Gavin De Becker
#33. Whoever climbed the Lord's mountain had to possess clean hands and an innocent heart; otherwise the Summit would kill him. Today the doorway is deserted. Soiled hands and sinful hearts are able to pass by without fear, for the Summit kills no longer.
Nikos Kazantzakis
#34. I am not, I will not be.
I have not, I will not have.
This frightens all children,
And kills fear in the wise.
#35. A man wreaks harm because he forgets to love peace. He kills because of self-blinded fear, that imagines no other protection.
Janny Wurts
#36. It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is the rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution which destroys the machinery but the friction. Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices.
Henry Ward Beecher
#37. Hesitation and the fear of being judged kills more relationships than misunderstanding and arguments.
#38. What kills us isn't one big thing, but thousands of tiny obligations we can't turn down for fear of disappointing others.
Alain De Botton
#39. trusting someone and the doubt that they'll be true is what kills marriages. 'Give in to love, or live in fear.
Toni Aleo
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