Top 12 Faultie Quotes

#1. The absent partie is still faultie.

George Herbert

Faultie Quotes #682900
#2. I have read that there are two fears that cannot be trained out of us: the startle reaction upon hearing an unexpected noise, and vertigo. I would like to add a third, to wit, the rapid and direct approch of a known killer

Yann Martel

Faultie Quotes #347725
#3. If we do not like what we see in the world, we must face what we don't like in ourselves. As we change, the world will change with us.

Marianne Williamson

Faultie Quotes #360623
#4. Eternity is a depth which no geometry can measure, no arithmetic calculate, no imagination conceive, no rhetoric describe.

Hannah More

Faultie Quotes #419763
#5. There," he said as he finished tying the laces on my left show. "Now you won't fall.
Too late.

Michelle Hodkin

Faultie Quotes #602475
#6. No, no! Sit down! I'll do the dishes. After nine and a half months of pregnancy, 26 hours of labor, and 18 stitches, you don't have to do a damn thing around here!

Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative

Faultie Quotes #769139
#7. I sat at her desk and turned one page after another, staring at what looked like bits and pieces of black lace laid cross the paper.

Sue Monk Kidd

Faultie Quotes #787904
#8. In the vastness of the Cosmos there must be other civilizations far older and more advanced than ours.

Carl Sagan

Faultie Quotes #1336720
#9. Much as I'd enjoyed Sir Collin's bantering and easy ways, as much as I liked his goodness and generosity, my feelings for him weren't yet deep enough to take something so extraordinary.

Jody Hedlund

Faultie Quotes #1423658
#10. I love baseball. I'll probably end up one of those old farts who go to spring training in Florida every year and drive from game to game all day.

Steve Earle

Faultie Quotes #1435513
#11. Her singing voice is the sound of a body falling downstairs, and she speaks as if the hangman's hands are at her throat.


Faultie Quotes #1726206
#12. A lot of new American directors have had mentors who have given them advice. And some of them have had the way paved for them by huge Hollywood directors who saw a younger version of themselves.

Julie Delpy

Faultie Quotes #1837840

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