Top 54 Fathers Daughter Quotes

#1. Daughters aren't trash you can toss away, Dad. I had to deal with the mess you left.

Katherine McIntyre

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1468146
#2. One encounters very capable fathers abashed by their piano-playing daughters. Three measures of Schumann make them red with embarrassment.

Alfred Doblin

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1187236
#3. There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.

John Gregory Brown

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1198805
#4. It is a known fact that every man's heart is set on having a daughter.

Francoise Sagan

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1217684
#5. The people whom the sons and daughters find it hardest to understand are the fathers and mothers, but young people can get on very well with the grandfathers and grandmothers.

Simeon Strunsky

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1258921
#6. It's necessary to readjust and then try again. And then readjust and try again. Fathers have to do that with sons and mothers have to do that with daughters. The level of readjustment isn't quite so much when fathers are dealing with daughters and mothers are dealing with sons.

James Spader

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1329650
#7. I can be anything I want to be. Just wait and you will see. Only time will tell what I will be.

Jason J. Greenaway

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1332474
#8. I thought I would be more inspired to have all these new feelings to talk about, but I really just want to hang out with my daughter.


Fathers Daughter Quotes #1338717
#9. Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers and fathering is a very important stage in their development.

David Gottesman

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1338861
#10. The books I have read were composed by generations of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, teachers and disciples. I am the sum total of their experiences, and so are you.

Elie Wiesel

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1356088
#11. Why do fathers look ungainly in their daughter's bedrooms? Like mythical beasts wandered in from the forest of another world?

Mira Jacob

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1447015
#12. They glanced over at Catherine, who was dancing with Billy, as only fathers and daughters can dance. No matter how old the daughter may be, the father is dancing, in joy unparalleled, with his child when she was little.

Mark Helprin

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1448700
#13. Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men who aren't nearly good enough ... so they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody's.

Paul Harvey

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1459955
#14. I want to check the record books and see how many fathers and daughters have won Grammys together.

Norah Jones

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1466771
#15. But I could end up in prison." He waved off her concern. "I'd break you out." "You'd do that for me?" "You're my daughter, aren't you?" Kate smiled. Sure, he'd missed a lot of Christmases and birthdays during her childhood, but not many fathers could be counted on to mount a prison break.

Janet Evanovich

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1177161
#16. Most fathers don't see the war within the daughter, her struggles with conflicting images of the idealized and flawed father, her temptation both to retreat to Daddy's lap and protection and to push out of his embrace to that of beau and the world beyond home.

Victoria Secunda

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1485511
#17. Fathers and daughters have a special bond.
She is always daddy's little girl.

Richard L. Ratliff

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1496823
#18. Do you know how lucky you are to have a daughter who loves you so much?

Ingrid Ricks

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1517598
#19. It helps when 1 can send the children off to their fathers so I can support my new book with a national publicity tour. I started writing the book when my daughter was 5. It took me almost four years.

Meg Tilly

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1625047
#20. When in many societies, fathers are usually known by their sons, I am one of the few fathers who is known by his daughter, and I'm proud of it.

Ziauddin Yousafzai

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1625589
#21. Most fathers don't threaten to disembowel their daughter's boyfriends."
"That's not true. And anyway, that's not what I actually said. It was much worse.

Richelle Mead

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1635069
#22. This oligarchy of sex, which makes fathers, brothers, husbands and sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters of every household - which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects, carries dissension, discord, and rebellion into every house of the nation.

Susan B. Anthony

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1702621
#23. Yes, we are our fathers' sons and daughters, but we are not their choices. For despite their absences we are still here. Still alive, still breathing,
with the power to change this world, one little boy and girl at a time.

Daniel Beaty

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1737911
#24. A daughter was a battle between fathers and boys in which the fathers fought valiantly and always lost.

Ann Patchett

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1810080
#25. Daughter, we didn't need your note - or a prince's visit - to tell us you'd done nothing wrong. We know the daughter we raised. We fear for your future, but never for your character. You take our love and our trust wherever you wander.

Gail Carson Levine

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1841295
#26. He was a loving father, but he did his loving in private. Quietly, he would tell his daughter to drive safely. On her wedding day, when he walked her down the aisle, he'd whisper the words to her. But today, above the noise, he would have to shout it.

Debra Anastasia

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1845488
#27. Exactly what are you wanting to teach your children? -How to love and care for themselves, or how to neglect and abandon themselves? Self-sarifice is NOT setting a good example.

Miya Yamanouchi

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1867416
#28. To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter.


Fathers Daughter Quotes #534864
#29. It's rare to see a man step up and say "I can be a great father and learn about gymnastics with my daughter and take her to dance lessons because I love her." I can make time to blow bubbles on the back porch. It doesn't cause your man card to be revoked.

Dan Alatorre

Fathers Daughter Quotes #153279
#30. Since God had commanded it, it was necessary that I do it. Since God commanded it, even if I had a hundred fathers and mothers, even if I had been a King's daughter, I would have gone nevertheless.

Joan Of Arc

Fathers Daughter Quotes #184078
#31. I say to all fathers - be as good as you can be- because your sons and daughters will follow in your footsteps.

Duane Chapman

Fathers Daughter Quotes #202038
#32. It was like we were exchanging codes, on how to be a father and a daughter, like we'd read about it in a manual, translated from another language, and were doing our best with what we could understand.

Aimee Bender

Fathers Daughter Quotes #205032
#33. How many of the people I know - sons and daughters - have intricate abstract expressionist paintings of their mothers, created out of their own emotions, attitudes, hands. And how many have only Polaroid pictures of their fathers.

Ellen Goodman

Fathers Daughter Quotes #234359
#34. A wedding is for daughters and fathers. The mothers all dress up, trying to look like young women. But a wedding is for a father and daughter. They stop being married to each other on that day.

Sarah Ruhl

Fathers Daughter Quotes #285200
#35. If he could not restore her to the status of a respectable woman, then Sohrab would make her into something else entirely, something hitherto unknown in their entire extended family, an educated woman, a professional woman.

Jasmin Darznik

Fathers Daughter Quotes #322066
#36. When my daughter was a senior in high school, I remember noticing, almost in passing, that her friends were very cute. Which made me realize her friends' fathers probably found Molly very cute.

Gene Weingarten

Fathers Daughter Quotes #356685
#37. It is the lesbian in us who is creative, for the dutiful daughter of the fathers in us is only a hack.

Adrienne Rich

Fathers Daughter Quotes #377797
#38. It's too late. Seventeen-year-olds don't need fathers.
Oh god. I'm thirty-four years old and I need a father. I can't even begin to think what my daughter needs.

Melina Marchetta

Fathers Daughter Quotes #416350
#39. every time you tell your daughter you yell at her out of love you teach her to confuse anger with kindness which seems like a good idea till she grows up to trust men who hurt her cause they look so much like you - to fathers with daughters

Rupi Kaur

Fathers Daughter Quotes #435817
#40. What right did my father have to the details of my life? He squandered his chance to be the protective father. You can't come rushing to the rescue six months later. I wasn't a person to be saved only when it was a convenient time to swoop in.

Tayari Jones

Fathers Daughter Quotes #449702
#41. A man's daughter is his heart. Just with feet, walking out in the world.

Mat Johnson

Fathers Daughter Quotes #454196
#42. Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?

Sean Hannity

Fathers Daughter Quotes #5618
#43. Men were often far different in their roles as fathers than they were as suitors, the memories of which kept them, out of necessity, both vigilant and violent, and even in tender moments, to their daughters.

James Anderson

Fathers Daughter Quotes #757937
#44. Female education ... has occupied my attention so far only as the education of my own daughters ... I thought it essential to give them a solid education which might enable them, when become mothers, to educate their own daughters, and even to direct the course for sons, should their fathers be ...

Thomas Jefferson

Fathers Daughter Quotes #768467
#45. What will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Fathers Daughter Quotes #816201
#46. As long as fathers rule but do not nurture, as long as mothers nurture but do not rule, the conditions favoring the development of father-daughter incest will prevail.

Judith Lewis Herman

Fathers Daughter Quotes #829943
#47. When Charles first saw our child Mary, he said all the proper things for a new father. He looked upon the poor little red thing and blurted, "She's more beautiful than the Brooklyn Bridge."

Helen Hayes

Fathers Daughter Quotes #852993
#48. Her laughter was my favorite symphony.

Avijeet Das

Fathers Daughter Quotes #862235
#49. Balt Van Tassel was an easy indulgent soul; he loved his daughter better even than his pipe, and, like a reasonable man and an excellent father, let her have her way in everything.

Washington Irving

Fathers Daughter Quotes #977765
#50. When I was growing up in the 50s it wasn't quite the same. Fathers were more protective and now they see all of the possibilities for their daughters.

Nancy Pelosi

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1061836
#51. Because this is Beth's fight, and that's what fathers do for their little girls,' he said.

Tom Pollock

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1107227
#52. My dad's contentment is all that matters to me. When he's laughing, I'm laughing. When he's happy, I'm happy. I would give up my soul for him. To me, nothing else but his happiness matters.

Rebecah McManus

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1112617
#53. All fathers are invisible in daytime; daytime is ruled by mothers and fathers come out at night. Darkness brings home fathers, with their real, unspeakable power. There is more to fathers than meets the eye.

Margaret Atwood

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1134435
#54. Not all sons were like their fathers. A son chose the man he would be.
Not all daughters were like their fathers. A daughter monster chose the monster she would be.

Kristin Cashore

Fathers Daughter Quotes #1158909

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