Top 17 Exquisiteness Quotes

#1. Happiness can not be prescribed, postponed or preserved.

Relish its unpredictability. Cherish its exclusivity. Accept its brevity. But above all savour its delicious exquisiteness. Do not let it go cold!

Dimity Powell

Exquisiteness Quotes #192598
#2. Poetry is that sentiment of the soul, or faculty of the mind, which enables its possessor to appreciate and realize the heights and depths of human experience. It is the power to feel pleasure or suffer pain in all its exquisiteness and intensity.

Orson F. Whitney

Exquisiteness Quotes #595835
#3. All the great artists of the world slowly slowly start growing a quality of feminineness, grace, elegance, exquisiteness. A certain flavor of softness, relaxedness, calmness and quietness surrounds them. They are no longer feverish. What I am teaching here is really to turn the whole world feminine.


Exquisiteness Quotes #1218854
#4. Her face may have been the most beautiful female face I have ever seen. Yet, it was a beauty that was intimidating and overwhelming. It was an exquisiteness that made you want to turn and run, instead of approach.

Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

Exquisiteness Quotes #1254886
#5. I think, Charlie, you have talent. I do. But I don't think you'll get far until you examine yourself and study.Until you let yourself be your subject. That's the exquisiteness of youth: you are allowed the luxury of vanity, of self-examination. Take it! Don't be ashamed of yourself.

Kathleen Glasgow

Exquisiteness Quotes #1675459
#6. Open your creative heart like an unfurling flower and petal and share your exquisiteness.

Amy Leigh Mercree

Exquisiteness Quotes #40068
#7. I have always hated employment and the associated dependence on someone else's arbitrary opinion, particularly when much of what's done inside large corporations violates my sense of ethics.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Exquisiteness Quotes #1790823
#8. Shortly after I was born he emigrated to Durban, where members of my mother's family had settled at the turn of the century, and the rest of the family followed soon thereafter.

Aaron Klug

Exquisiteness Quotes #1490582
#9. And that is how all wars are justified. Everyone thinks that God is on their side and that they are the ones that deserve to win.

David Bowick

Exquisiteness Quotes #1202846
#10. Love is love, but marriage is an investment.

Erica Jong

Exquisiteness Quotes #1149148
#11. I'm a big Letterman fan.

Andy Samberg

Exquisiteness Quotes #990959
#12. The shivering birds beneath the eaves Have sheltered for the night.

Claude McKay

Exquisiteness Quotes #862740
#13. The best practice is inspired by theory.

Donald Knuth

Exquisiteness Quotes #825536
#14. Not owning a car anymore, I feel like I'm barely an American. I miss it. And I barely ever get to listen to the radio in the car, which is the best place for radio.

Ira Glass

Exquisiteness Quotes #778386
#15. They played great and I can honestly say I don't think any of us were expecting this type of performance. They were great. You have to give them credit for that.

Erik Spoelstra

Exquisiteness Quotes #648043
#16. Be kind to one another and seek beauty in all you do.

Bryant McGill

Exquisiteness Quotes #238216
#17. Everest has always been a magnet for kooks, publicity seekers, hopeless romantics and others with a shaky hold on reality.

Jon Krakauer

Exquisiteness Quotes #223541

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