Top 24 Everything Is Getting Better Quotes

#1. Christian living does not mean to be good but to become good; not to be well, but to get well; not being but becoming; nor rest but training. We are not yet, but we shall be. It has not yet happened, but it is the way. Not everything shines and sparkles as yet, but everything is getting better.

Martin Luther

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #36846
#2. Seems like nothing's getting safer or better," I said. "Seems like everything's getting worse."
"Maybe that's what's gotta happen," Willa Mae said.
"Maybe everything's gotta break lose and fall apart before we can put it back together again right.

Margaret McMullan

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1113618
#3. It seems like Weezer has gotten better and better at getting attention for everything besides our music. Part of that is just the nature of our culture now - you really have to scream to get some attention, so people even know you have a record out that they might want to listen to.

Rivers Cuomo

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1849893
#4. There was nothing with which they could compare their present lives: they had nothing to go upon except Squealer's lists of figures, which invariably demonstrated that everything was getting better and better.

George Orwell

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1737740
#5. I'm a producer, writer, director. I'm putting everything together very fast, and I'm strong and focused on making the next film as fast as possible. From one film to the other, I'm getting better. I'm learning - that's my style.

Malgorzata Szumowska

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1734224
#6. The sight of Theo's face, the warmth of his arms around me, make me feel as though everything should start getting better right away.

Claudia Gray

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1526155
#7. Yoga is more a state than a methodology. A state where there is nothing missing. You don't feel like you have to grab this or grab that in order to be complete or full. From wringing out the body and the mind, from sitting in meditation, from studying scripture, from selfless service.

Colleen Saidman

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1518199
#8. Why does everything have to suck so bad? Even when you think it's getting better, it's not. Life's building up suckiness, getting ready to hit you again, at the worst possible moment.

Jessica Verdi

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1318027
#9. Now everything is always getting better. Every morning when I wake up, I thank God that I'm not waking up in a hospital anymore and that I have the most supportive family and friends ever.

Amy Rankin

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1279972
#10. No one is going to give it to you. Spend everyday getting better and focus on that which you can control, let everything else fall into place. You can't stay focused on what you can get from success, but rather focus on becoming successful!

Rob Dyrdek

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1219569
#11. We have lasted this long close together, so we must have something going for each other.

Linda McCartney

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1194742
#12. Right now I think I'm the smartest I've ever been. I'm doing everything great now and everything perfect. Like with this taxes stuff. I'm getting better at that. I'm making sure everything is a write-off. Every single thing.

Kendra Wilkinson

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1123701
#13. Personal's not the same as important. People just think it is.

Terry Pratchett

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1120114
#14. I have never had anything that I can remember in the business - and that includes all the movies and the stage shows and everything - that I didn't enjoy. I didn't like some of the small-time vaudeville, because we weren't going on and getting better. Aside from that, I didn't dislike anything.

Fred Astaire

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #1030615
#15. I would not have done much differently, but I would have loved to have done everything better. The truth is, I think I was just getting warmed up when the era ended.

William Jackson

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #872130
#16. What you put into it is what you're going to get out of it. If you're getting the chance to step into the octagon, you better be going full speed and give it everything you've got.

B.J. Penn

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #673122
#17. Question all information when you receive it. You might not even trust me Look at me, I've got a blanket over me head.

Russell Brand

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #668615
#18. In the late 19th century, the Populists - a protest movement of mainly disaffected farmers and workers - threatened to overturn established authority.

Robert Dallek

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #647537
#19. I don't see democracy getting better. I see democracy diminishing. More rules, more legislation. Eventually governments will see everything.

Taki Theodoracopulos

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #597402
#20. Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are. (in Bill Moyers' Healing and the Mind)

Rachel Naomi Remen

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #463370
#21. I have as much input to the blues; I just never got the chance, the opportunity or maybe the respect.

Luther Allison

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #97313
#22. I would love to be better at cooking but I hate cleaning up afterwards. I love the process of putting everything together and the chance of getting it right or wrong but it takes ten minutes to eat it and then ages to clean.

Mark Webber

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #78376
#23. I mean, you still can't jump offstage and go read a book. But I'm getting better at it. It is something you can manage. You can still give everything you have to the audience onstage, and have something for yourself.

Andrew Bird

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #77968
#24. I don't know, maybe it's because I was raised Catholic. Confession has always held a great appeal for me.

Alison Bechdel

Everything Is Getting Better Quotes #28674

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