Top 100 Evan Esar Quotes

#1. A word to the wise is

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #628674
#2. This may be the age of automation, but love is still being made by hand.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #748546
#3. The man who avoids debt doesn't have to worry about avoiding his creditors.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #743954
#4. A bright eye indicates curiosity; a black eye, too much.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #731095
#5. Some men take good care of a car; others treat it like one of the family.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #726166
#6. Age brings wisdom to some men, and to others chess.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #724279
#7. Some women get divorces on the grounds of incompatibility; others, on just the first two syllables.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #724080
#8. Don't be a hog: the only time a hog helps the community is when he dies.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #720170
#9. The chief ability of an executive should be his ability to recognize ability.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #716675
#10. Do a little more every day than you are expected to do, and soon you will be expected to do more.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #713807
#11. A good loser is all right, but it isn't so much fun to beat him.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #675256
#12. Hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #668775
#13. Divorce has become so easy nowadays that women have stopped crying at weddings.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #653014
#14. The state of the Union largely depends on the state of the unions.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #756351
#15. Children grow out of childhood, but parents never grow out of parenthood.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #620280
#16. The only place where you can find equality is in the cemetery.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #616864
#17. After wisdom comes wit.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #608982
#18. Divorce is the key that opens the strongbox where the bonds of matrimony are kept under wedlock.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #599406
#19. All things come to him who waits, but they are mostly leftovers from those who didn't wait.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #598608
#20. You can always make a loan at a bank if you can show sufficient evidence that you don't need it.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #588615
#21. If you want to be different nowadays, just act normal.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #562391
#22. You can always tell the golfer who's winning: he's the one who keeps telling his opponent that it's only a game.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #548285
#23. In elections, the undecided vote is usually the deciding factor.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #540966
#24. The man who has a girl in every port is not a sailor but a wholesaler.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #539032
#25. Nothing ages your car as much as the sight of your neighbor's new one.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #534814
#26. Communism is a form of society where the less people have to eat, the more they have to swallow.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #856156
#27. A lazy man's wife is generally the power behind the drone.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #918696
#28. Admiration: Our feeling of delight that another person resembles us.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #905264
#29. The trouble with the world is that laziness is seldom curable and never fatal.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #904885
#30. Only one man has the right to boast, and that's the man who never does.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #896118
#31. Many people will laugh at the drop of a hat, especially if the man is still in it.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #890573
#32. The best way to spoil a good story is by sticking to the facts.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #880938
#33. Corrupt officials are usually close-mouthed and open-handed.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #880660
#34. Adam and Eve were the first of all unions to defy management.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #877892
#35. All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with a mighty urge to become otherwise.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #874310
#36. Public speaking is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #868815
#37. The tongue is the only muscle in the human body that never gets tired [talking].

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #865420
#38. Egotist: 1. A person who is his own best friend. 2. An I specialist. 3. A man whose opinions all change, except the one he has of himself.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #858408
#39. Divorce is the price people play for playing with matches.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #523192
#40. A dollar saved is a dollar earned but seldom vice versa.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #853973
#41. The first requisite for a good cup of coffee in the morning is to get your wife out of bed.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #848136
#42. Definition of a Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits than under analysis some of them won't stand up either.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #844057
#43. The honeymoon is the only period when a woman isn't trying to reform her husband.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #835643
#44. The Lord takes care of his own, but church trustees still put lightning rods on the steeple.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #818476
#45. Let those who want to, arrive
Let those who want to, leave
Let those who want to, stay
With out harm to me or mine

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #816458
#46. If you want to know how little your dignity is worth, take it to the pawnbroker.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #809130
#47. Some people would never get any exercise at all if they didn't have to walk to their cars.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #803408
#48. The mint makes it first, it is up to you to make it last.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #797444
#49. Congress would give the people what they wanted if the people knew what they wanted, and if Congress could give it to them.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #786725
#50. A girl never cares who casts the first stone at her
as long as it's a diamond

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #757563
#51. It's not the loss of life that makes the death bitter
it's the obituaries.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #160797
#52. The difference between two men is usually a woman.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #255027
#53. Charm is to a woman what perfume is to a flower.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #250322
#54. There would be no population explosion if people who are trying to keep the wolf from the door wouldn't let the stork fly in through the window.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #241587
#55. The modern dance is no dance in the first place, and when you've finally learned it, it's not modern any more.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #237994
#56. Some taxpayers close their eyes, some stop their ears, some shut their mouths, but all pay through the nose.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #235780
#57. Life is a game played on us while we are playing other games.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #232399
#58. Some people blow their top, but all people blow their bottom.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #225082
#59. A husband may forget where he went on his honeymoon, but he never forgets why.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #218210
#60. Lecturers should remember that the capacity of the mind to absorb is limited to what the seat can endure.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #215643
#61. A cynic sees little to admire in the world, while the world sees even less to admire in him.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #188842
#62. Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #185296
#63. Many a husband lives to regret the extravagant fee he bestowed upon the minister who sentenced him.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #167063
#64. It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #259278
#65. Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #158915
#66. A homosexual is the only man who ever meets a man he would like to marry if he were a woman.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #154282
#67. The car was invented as a convenient place to sit out traffic jams

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #151214
#68. With a braggart, it's no sooner done than said.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #147556
#69. Many a man who goes to Las Vegas to get away from it all soon finds that Las Vegas gets it all away from him.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #125181
#70. The word impossible is peculiar because if you examine it closely, you'll find that most of it is possible.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #105398
#71. The only medicine that needs no prescription, has no unpleasant taste, and costs no money is laughter.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #81557
#72. Egocentric: A person who has his I's too close together.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #81509
#73. In Congress the majority governs, but the minority rules.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #81262
#74. There is nothing more dignified than a corpse.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #59925
#75. The secret of successful writing lies in striking the right keys on the typewriter.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #56209
#76. Formerly when a man worked ten hours a day, it was called economic slavery; nowadays it is called moonlighting.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #332119
#77. Sometimes the unexpected happens when you don't expect a person to come up to expectations.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #517377
#78. The only thing worse than being on the wrong side of an argument is to be on the right side with no one listening.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #487820
#79. The only time a lazy man ever succeeds is when he tries to do nothing.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #485943
#80. [Statistics] Fiction in its most uninteresting form.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #438747
#81. If it required some effort to go from today to tomorrow, some people would always remain in yesterday.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #438369
#82. A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #421105
#83. A special skill, like speaking several languages, or keeping your mouth shut in one.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #366969
#84. A dictator's chief problem is keeping the stomachs of his subjects full while keeping their heads empty.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #366908
#85. Eloquence is the art of saying as little as possible but making it sound as much as possible.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #355037
#86. About the only time Congress conforms to the will of the people is when it decides to adjourn.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #353659
#87. Common sense is usually lack of imagination, and imagination is usually lack of common sense.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #338932
#88. A bore finds it easy to start talking, and even easier to get others to stop listening.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #338112
#89. A creature that never cries over spilt milk: a cat.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #55081
#90. Man is the control experiment of heredity and environment; and since his heredity controls him, he tries to control his environment.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #328438
#91. Etymology: from Latin ad-, "to" + visum, past participle of videre, "to see". Advice is what you get from your parents when you are growing up, and from your children when you are growing old.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #320205
#92. Women diet to retain their girlish figures or their boyish husbands.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #308755
#93. The only thing more certain than the hatred of enemies is the envy of friends.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #307045
#94. To a teenager, it cannot be true love if her family approves of him.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #293455
#95. A batch of credit cards fattens a wallet before it thins it.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #282641
#96. Nowadays it's not who wears the pants in the family, but who carries the credit cards.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #277363
#97. There are two kinds of leaders: those who are interested in the flock, and those who are interested in the fleece.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #271157
#98. Zoo: An excellent lace to study the habits of human beings

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #265992
#99. Many an actor does the stage more ham than good.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #261061
#100. A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.

Evan Esar

Evan Esar Quotes #259535

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