Top 37 Essentially Different Quotes

#1. When cities were first founded, an old Egyptian scribe tells us, the mission of the founder was to 'put gods in their shrines.' The task of the coming city is not essentially different: its mission is to put the highest concerns of man at the center of all his activities.

Lewis Mumford

Essentially Different Quotes #371812
#2. In its function, the power to punish is not essentially different from that of curing or educating.

Michel Foucault

Essentially Different Quotes #240770
#3. For instance, the near enemy of love is attachment. It masquerades as love, it feels like love, but it is essentially different.

Jack Kornfield

Essentially Different Quotes #1765503
#4. I never considered myself to be essentially different from anyone else. Although I knew I was.

Frederick Lenz

Essentially Different Quotes #1687361
#5. Any account of science which does not explicitly describe it as something we believe in is essentially incomplete and a false pretense. It amounts to a claim that science is essentially different from and superior to all human beliefs that are not scientific statements
and this is untrue.

Richard Rhodes

Essentially Different Quotes #1456336
#6. All of us who grew up before World War II are immigrants in time, immigrants from an earlier world, living in an age essentially different from anything we knew before.

Margaret Mead

Essentially Different Quotes #1136164
#7. In our human imagination, we so often perceive our Heroes to be something larger than life. We exalt them in ways that do them a disservice ... we convince ourselves that they are or were something essentially different than the rest of us.

Ravi Zacharias

Essentially Different Quotes #940432
#8. The daily life of a genius, his sleep, his digestion, he ecstasies, his nails, his colds, his blood, his life and death are essentially different from the rest of mankind.

Salvador Dali

Essentially Different Quotes #646350
#9. Each one seems to be, in some way, essentially different from the others, and each is a surprise to me. I think that making books, or any kind of art, might also be like mining. The artist digs into his or her life and imagination and never knows what they'll find. That's the adventure.

Mordicai Gerstein

Essentially Different Quotes #547929
#10. The beauty of interdisciplinary conversation is that the mode of expression is essentially different for each practitioner, even if ideas are shared.

Sarah Hall

Essentially Different Quotes #422169
#11. Makeup is no different than clothes and accessories - it's embellishments for your face. And it also gives you creative freedom. You get to have that moment in front the mirror every morning and give yourself self-love. You're making yourself up beautiful, which is essentially self-love.

Michelle Phan

Essentially Different Quotes #983466
#12. My job is essentially that of an entertainer, no different to that of a musician, no different to that of an actor. I just happen to be an author.

Bryce Courtenay

Essentially Different Quotes #1773668
#13. What I'm trying to say is that for the average investor, what I would encourage them to do is to understand that there's inflation and growth. It can go higher and lower and to have four different portfolios essentially that make up your entire portfolio that gets you balanced.

Ray Dalio

Essentially Different Quotes #988837
#14. Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same party with different faces and that was why, no matter how many promises each leader made, significant change rarely transpired.

James Morcan

Essentially Different Quotes #1014955
#15. Despite the fact that she was essentially comatose, she somehow made his whole house feel different just by being there. Before it had been just a house - a very impressive house no doubt, but a house nonetheless. But for some reason, with Taylor there it felt more like a home.

Julie James

Essentially Different Quotes #1050182
#16. I don't think the relationship between novels and realities are one to one. Of course novels play different roles. It's essentially just a long narrative form. What you use that long narrative form for can be very different.

Margaret Atwood

Essentially Different Quotes #1137850
#17. The experiences that you have in astral dimensions are not essentially all that different from the experiences you have here in the physical dimension. They are all transient.

Frederick Lenz

Essentially Different Quotes #1164796
#18. The birth of the search engine, it's nothing new: it's essentially embedded in our literature; it's how ideas relate, how the mind makes connections. I mean, connections are made online through links, and within an algorithm, they're made through degrees of relevancy between different terms.

Joshua Cohen

Essentially Different Quotes #1235351
#19. I'd essentially compartmentalized my life so I could be two different people for a while, but it hadn't worked in the end.

Monica Alexander

Essentially Different Quotes #1401834
#20. Souls have different journeys. The best thing to know is, not what everybody else does, but what you do. Self-discovery essentially is finding your own dharma, your own rhythm.

Frederick Lenz

Essentially Different Quotes #1503799
#21. There's been essentially the same analysis over and over again and very little allowance made for different views and interpretations and reflections.

Edward Said

Essentially Different Quotes #1548603
#22. We are working essentially to build a leadership force of folks who will, during their first two years of teaching, actually put their kids on a different trajectory - not just survive as a new teacher, but actually help close the achievement gap for their kids.

Wendy Kopp

Essentially Different Quotes #1557067
#23. Pentagon dollars are essentially seen as a different kind of funding that doesn't have to stand for itself and make an argument for itself in the house of Congress.

Rachel Maddow

Essentially Different Quotes #1594987
#24. To sing a song is quite different than to write a poem. I'm not and never will be a novelist, but to write a novel is not the same thing as writing a play. There is a difference in form, but essentially what you're after is the same thing.

Sam Shepard

Essentially Different Quotes #980510
#25. For me, fiction isn't very cathartic. It can be a broad, long catharsis, but it's a whole different thing - whereas music is physical. Essentially, it goes in through your ear. Fiction is cerebral, necessarily. It can do emotional stuff. But they don't really compare - not for me.

John Darnielle

Essentially Different Quotes #910537
#26. Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different ...

Witter Bynner

Essentially Different Quotes #805800
#27. The assumption that men and woman are essentially alike in all respects, or even in the most important ones, is a damaging one, as damaging as the assumption that they are different in ways in which they aren't different, perhaps more so ...

Margaret Mead

Essentially Different Quotes #782891
#28. The women I know who are happiest today are the ones who have close female friends. Maybe that's true of men, too, but essentially it's different.

Anna Quindlen

Essentially Different Quotes #674722
#29. I guess my tendency is to think essentially that the new wrinkles won't do the job if the old major idea didn't, and so you have to try something different. Then maybe they can all be combined in some coherent piece.

Robert Nozick

Essentially Different Quotes #509056
#30. Thus our own age is essentially one of understanding, and on the average, perhaps, more knowledgeable than any former generation, but it is without passion. Every one knows a great deal, we all know which way we ought to go and all the different ways we can go, but nobody is willing to move.

Soren Kierkegaard

Essentially Different Quotes #506698
#31. What a director does ... essentially, it's storytelling, but a director also controls the feeling and the sounds and the texture. It's an act of creation, like a symphony or a painting or a story. But with different tools.

John Carpenter

Essentially Different Quotes #452653
#32. We humans look rather different from a tree. Without a doubt we perceive the world differently than a tree does. But down deep, at the molecular heart of life, the trees and we are essentially identical.

Carl Sagan

Essentially Different Quotes #433572
#33. We know that if memory is destroyed in one part of the brain, it can be sometimes re-created on a different part of the brain. And once we can unravel that amino chain of chemicals that is responsible for memory, I see no reason why we can't unlock it and, essentially, wipe out what's there.

J. Michael Straczynski

Essentially Different Quotes #374922
#34. Entrepreneurship is essentially identifying the path that everyone takes; and choosing a different, better way.

Sheldon Adelson

Essentially Different Quotes #241765
#35. Socialism and capitalism are both essentially materialist, just different ways of approaching the lifeless world of matter and deciding how to share the spoils.

Iain McGilchrist

Essentially Different Quotes #164712
#36. Theater and film are essentially the same - just different kinds of storytelling.

Howard Shore

Essentially Different Quotes #152748
#37. To me, it's so much about doing your homework, going into a situation, getting to know the subject, making them feel comfortable, getting intimate access, getting access to all different aspects of people's lives so that I am essentially telling an entire story and not just a single image.

Lynsey Addario

Essentially Different Quotes #127471

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