Top 7 Essentialists Quotes

#1. Essentialists hope that when students leave school, they will possess not only basic skills and an extensive body of knowledge, but also disciplined, practical minds, capable of applying schoolhouse lessons in the real world.

William Bagley

Essentialists Quotes #269762
#2. The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.
Yet still, they began their journeys.

Mike Dooley

Essentialists Quotes #179287
#3. A virgin's silence is the proper answer to a marriage proposal; it signifies a dignified consent.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Essentialists Quotes #826065
#4. Creativity occurs in introverted space. Instead of considering those who seek solitude as anti-social, weird and non-team players, let's learn to respect this gift which allows us to have a self worthy of sharing.

Gloria D. Gonsalves

Essentialists Quotes #927726
#5. We always know when Jesus is at work because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring.

Oswald Chambers

Essentialists Quotes #1219158
#6. With God on your side, what does luck matter?

Cassandra Clare

Essentialists Quotes #1310008
#7. Monarch of earth, I shall confess my secret craft: I've always fought to purify wild flame to light, and kindle whatever light I found to burst in flame.

Nikos Kazantzakis

Essentialists Quotes #1600726

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