Top 100 Ernest Cline Quotes

#1. Ernest Cline lives in Austin, Texas, where he devotes a large portion of his time to geeking out. This is his first novel.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #350479
#2. I never knew how to act or what to say, and when I did work up the courage to speak, I always seemed to say the wrong thing.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #658054
#3. Continue your quest by taking the test
Yes, but what test? What test was I supposed to take? The Kobayashi Maru? The Pepsi Challenge? Could the clue have been any more vague?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #661259
#4. You know you've totally screwed up your life when your whole world turns to shit and the only person you have to talk to is your system agent software!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #646982
#5. Knavery?" Art3mis said after she'd finished reading it. "Were you using a thesaurus when you wrote this?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #646790
#6. No, we always get killed because of you, Leeroy Jenkins!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #632721
#7. You cannot escape your destiny,'

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #625177
#8. Some time later, she leaned over and kissed me. It felt just like all those songs and poems had promised it would. It felt wonderful. Like being struck by lightning.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #609428
#9. I knew Knotcher was trying to push my buttons. Unfortunately, he'd pushed the big red one first.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #603447
#10. Once the people of planet Earth are all hanging out together online in a virtual world without any borders, I think it could change social networking, entertainment and even politics.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #588502
#11. Ray seemed about to say something more when a boom shook the entire shuttle. I felt a rush of panic, thinking we'd just come under attack. Then I realized we'd just broken the sound barrier.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #587710
#12. He often referred to Rush's three members - Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson, and Geddy Lee - as "the Holy Trinity" or "the Gods of the North.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #580181
#13. Anorak" was a nickname Halliday had been given by a female British exchange student at his high school.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #565347
#14. I was too weird, even for the weirdos.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #552771
#15. Og led us through the mansion's lavish front entrance. The lights were off inside, but instead of turning them on, Morrow took an honest-to-God torch off the wall and used it to illuminate our way.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #528927
#16. Now whenever I watched a Star Wars film, I found myself wondering how the Empire had the technology to make long-distance holographic phone calls between planets light-years apart, and yet no one had figured out how to make a remote-controlled TIE Fighter or X-Wing yet.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #527662
#17. My father looked as if I'd just gutted him, and I felt a pang of regret - but it was mingled with a twisted sense of satisfaction. It felt good to hurt his feelings - it was payback for the way his choices had irrevocably damaged my own.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #506008
#18. Mr. Morrow, IOI owns this network ... " "Of course they do!" Morrow shouted gleefully. 'The own practically everything! Including you, pretty boy! I mean did they tattoo a UPC code on your ass when they hired you to sit there and spout their corporate propaganda?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #501466
#19. You're going to turn it into a fascist corporate theme park where the few people who can still afford the price of admission no longer have an ounce of freedom.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #497279
#20. Especially when it came to the videogames. Videogames were my area of expertise. My double-weapon specailization. My dream Jeopardy! category.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #496235
#21. I had spent hundreds of hours gazing out at the calm, conquered suburban landscape surrounding my school, silently yearning for the outbreak of a zombie apocalypse, a freak accident that would give me super powers, or perhaps the sudden appearance of a band of time-traveling kleptomaniac dwarves.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #486983
#22. I'd designed my avatar's face and body to look, more or less, like my own. My avatar had a slightly smaller nose than me, and he was taller. And thinner. And more muscular. And he didn't have any teenage acne. But aside from these minor details, we looked more or less identical.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #484779
#23. He died when he was only nineteen years old. I was still a baby at the time, so I didn't remember him. Growing up, I'd always told myself that was lucky. Because you can't miss someone you don't remember.
But the truth was, I did miss him.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #481094
#24. The ability to mute my peers was one of my favorite things about attending school online, and I took advantage of it almost daily. The best thing about it was that they could see that you'd muted them, and they couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #461069
#25. Newer, faster, or more versatile components were always being released, so I was constantly spending large chunks of my meager income on upgrades.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #450689
#26. Now I feel bad," Diehl said. "Like we're about to nuke Aquaman. Or the Little Mermaid. ... "
"Pretend they're Gungans," Cruz suggested. "And that we get to nuke Jar Jar.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #427278
#27. I have to avoid things like 'World of Warcraft' or 'Minecraft', otherwise I'd never get any work done.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #778014
#28. I never ran out of ammo, because each time I fired a round, a new round was teleported into the bottom of the clip. My bullet bill this month was going to be huge.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #866636
#29. You don't need to sell me on anything, Wade," she said. "You're my best friend. My favorite person." With

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #862853
#30. She used to make me wear earplugs at night so I wouldn't hear her in the next room, talking dirty to tricks in other time zones.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #843981
#31. Dilettantes,' Art3mis said. 'It's their own fault for not knowing all the Schoolhouse Rock! lyrics by heart.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #836190
#32. But we also figured out how to do science, which helped us develop technology.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #833579
#33. The single window had once provided a view of the Columbus skyline, but I'd spray-painted it completely black a few days after I moved in. I'd decided that everything outside the window was a distraction from my quest,

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #820189
#34. Morrow [ ... ] felt that OASIS had evolved into something horrible. It had become a self-imposed prison for humanity. A pleasant place for the world to hide from its problems while human civilization slowly collapses, primarily due to neglect.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #812682
#35. These three words were always the last thing an OASIS user saw before leaving the real world and entering the virtual one: READY PLAYER ONE

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #808725
#36. I don't know if the '80s were unique, but we certainly got original, groundbreaking stuff at the time with movies like 'Back to the Future' and 'Star Wars' - movies that became classics.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #804208
#37. This avatar appeared inside a huge virtual call center, inside a virtual cubicle, sitting at a virtual desk, in front of a virtual computer, wearing a virtual phone headset. I thought of this place as my own private virtual hell.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #799887
#38. I'd programmed and dropped in a few back-to-back flicks starring Gamera, my favorite giant flying turtle.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #792128
#39. The clans began to bombard the outer force field with rockets, missiles, nukes, and harsh language.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #790267
#40. In those days, if you wanted to escape to another world, you had to create it yourself, using your brain, some paper, pencils, dice, and a few rule books.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #420463
#41. People who live in glass houses should shut the fuck up.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #762228
#42. That was a giant ball of fail. What now?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #741591
#43. No giant two-headed hermaphrodite demon unicorn avatars were allowed. Not on school ground, anyway.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #728614
#44. Mr. S was finally retiring this year, which was a good thing, because he appeared to have run out of shits to give sometime in the previous century.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #726050
#45. I felt like a kid standing in the world's greatest video arcade without any quarters, unable to do anything but walk around and watch the other kids play.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #718127
#46. Many of the gunters on the front lines took an involuntary step backward. A few others turned and ran for their lives.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #702712
#47. We were at the edge of space. The boundary I'd dreamed of crossing my entire life. I'd never really believed I'd get the chance to do it during my lifetime - let alone today, when I should've been in my first-period civics class.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #693936
#48. You'd be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #682325
#49. I noticed in the late 1990s that my friends and I were already nostalgic for the 1980s, and by the turn of the century, VH1's 'I Love the '80s' gave all of us an accelerated nostalgia for our generation.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #678218
#50. Video games paid for my house. What am I saying? Go ahead and keep playing!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #672114
#51. Like any classic videogame, the Hunt had simply reached a new, more difficult level. A new level often required an entirely new strategy. I

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #668646
#52. Walking with a dead man over my shoulder. Don't run away, it's only me ...

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #87052
#53. My generation had never known a world without the OASIS. To us, it was much more than a game or an entertainment platform. It had been an integral part of our lives for as far back as we could remember. We'd been born into an ugly world, and the OASIS was our one happy refuge.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #222504
#54. Whenever I saw the sun, I reminded myself that I was looking at a star. One of over a hundred billion in our galaxy. A galaxy that was just one of billions of other galaxies in the observable universe. This helped me keep things in perspective.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #194026
#55. Yeah. I was on a roll. In less than six months, I'd managed to wreck both of my closest friendships.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #182460
#56. My Shoes. Black Chuck Taylor All Stars. They bestow their wearer with both speed and flight.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #181123
#57. I was just starting out, trying to become a screenwriter, and I became the Austin slam champion three times. For a nerdy, kind of a socially awkward guy, that did wonders for my self esteem.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #179361
#58. Talking to girls was out of the question. To me, they were like some exotic alien species, both beautiful and terrifying.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #155968
#59. Space - First coin-op arcade game - port of Spacewar!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #121968
#60. Somebody set up us the bomb,' pal," he quoted. "Now it's time to take off every zig for great justice.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #116816
#61. I was curled up in an old sleeping bag in the corner of the trailer's tiny laundry room, wedged into the gap between the wall and the dryer.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #109190
#62. Then, on the evening of February 11, 2045, an avatar's name appeared at the top of the Scoreboard, for the whole world to see.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #108603
#63. And in addition to the credits, my avatar received an equal number of experience points for obtaining the coins.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #97744
#64. It occurred to me then that for the first time in as long as I could remember, I had absolutely no desire to log back into the OASIS."

- Wade Owen Watts
Ready Player One

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #92171
#65. You and the other Sux0rz can all go fuck a duck.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #222701
#66. I'd spent my entire life overdosing on uncut escapism, willingly allowing fantasy to become my reality.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #84949
#67. I was just another sad, lost, lonely soul, wasting his life on a glorified videogame.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #77949
#68. Several paragraphs of dense text began to scroll across the screen, an unreadable blur of legalese outlining all the details of enlistment. It would have taken hours to read it all, and then I still probably wouldn't have understood a word of it.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #63528
#69. all dressed in mid-1980s attire. A woman with a giant ozone-depleting hairdo bobbed her head to an oversize Walkman. A

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #63486
#70. When I reached the bar, I ordered a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster from the female Klingon bartender and downed half of it.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #61860
#71. Humans were still just a bunch of bipedal apes, divided into arbitrary tribes that were constantly at war over their ruined planet's dwindling natural resources.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #58087
#72. WarGames had been one of Halliday's all-time favorite movies. Which was why I had watched it over three dozen times.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #33612
#73. I was one of the boys who made passes at girls who wore glasses. Any girl who was smarter than me - that was a huge turn-on.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #23408
#74. Han will have that shield down,' " Aech quoted. " 'We've got to give him more time!'

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #18138
#75. Virtual sex, no matter how realistic, was really nothing but glorified, computer-assisted masturbation.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #13033
#76. I've heard Stephen King say that when you write a novel you end up revealing everything about yourself.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #10384
#77. Going outside is highly overrated.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #312118
#78. We were all probably stuck here for the duration, on the third rock from our sun. Boldly going extinct.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #399868
#79. The Great Recession was now entering its third decade, and unemployment was still at a record high. Even the fast-food joints in my neighborhood had a two-year waiting list for job applicants.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #399303
#80. AA 241:87 - I would argue that masturbation is the human animal's most important adaptation. The very cornerstone of our technological civilization.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #395445
#81. You were born at a pretty crappy time in history. And it looks like things are only gonna get worse from here on out.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #386361
#82. I was staring out the classroom window and daydreaming of adventure when I spotted the flying saucer.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #377414
#83. The once-great country into which I'd been born now resembled its former self in name only. It didn't matter who was in charge. Those people were rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and everyone knew it.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #342468
#84. Not only was this the first time a girl had ever given me her card, it was also, by far, the coolest contact card I had ever seen. "This is, by far, the coolest contact card I have ever seen," I said. "Thank you!" I

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #336251
#85. Being human totally sucks most of the time. Videogames are the only thing that make life bearable.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #335589
#86. These items were nothing but ones and zeros stored on the OASIS servers, but they were also status symbols. Most items only cost a few credits, but since they cost nothing for GSS to manufacture, it was all profit.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #331886
#87. It's cold as balls in here!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #325253
#88. Screw you, Aech! And your dead grandma!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #319855
#89. It's chick flick disguised as a sword-and-sorcery picture. The only genre film with less balls is probably ... freakin' Legend. Anyone who actually enjoys Ladyhawke is a bona fide USDA-choice pussy!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #400484
#90. Why would real aliens behave exactly like videogame simulations of themselves?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #302374
#91. For one quarter, Black Tiger lets me escape from my rotten existence for three glorious hours. Pretty good deal.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #284260
#92. Since then, we'd used Street Fighter II to settle our disputes.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #281841
#93. I've retroactively made all that wasted time rotting my brain into research. It makes me a hypocrite when I try to tell my own daughter, "I don't know, I think we've played a little too much Mario."

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #275723
#94. Maybe they seeded life on Earth millions of years ago, and now they're here to punish us for turning out to be such a lame species and inventing reality TV and shit?

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #270222
#95. Anonymity was one of the major perks of the OASIS.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #269638
#96. Smooth move, Ex-lax," I heard Art3mis say.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #263618
#97. Dagorath was a word in Sindarin, the Elvish language J. R. R. Tolkien had created for The Lord of the Rings.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #245483
#98. What if they're using videogames to train us to fight without us even knowing it? Like Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid, when he made Daniel-san paint his house, sand his deck, and wax all of his cars - he was training him and he didn't even realize it! Wax on, wax off - but on a global scale!

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #241279
#99. You're evil, you know that?" I said.
She grinned and shook her head. "Chaotic Neutral, sugar.

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #239119
#100. I never wanted to return to the real world. Because the real world sucked. I

Ernest Cline

Ernest Cline Quotes #238461

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