Top 18 Erak's Quotes

#1. You surely can't be trying to blame us for Erak's habit of charging ashore waving an axe and grabbing everything that isn't nailed down? No offence, Svengal."
Svengal shrugged. "None taken. It's a pretty accurate description of Erak on a raid, as a matter of fact.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #1057569
#2. I'm reminded of a conversation I had with your father when you wanted to go to Arrida to ransom Erak. I told him, and I'll tell you now, that a queen-to-be has to do these things - has to take chances. Has to get out in the world. You can't rule properly from an ivory tower.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #1224220
#3. Erak. The one they call the Oberjarl," the Arridi answered him.
Impulsively, Axl took a pace forward, raising his ax threateningly.
You'll have to go through the rest of us to take him!" he shouted defiantly.
Well done, Axl," he said. "You've just told them I'm here.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #1855048
#4. Don't worry, chief. We've got these Tualaghi surrounded - from the inside."
"Exactly," Erak replied dryly.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #1730367
#5. Whether you're a programmer or a seamstress, it's all about new techniques, simplifying old techniques, and consolidating steps. Making things go faster - but not worse.

Martha Stewart

Erak's Quotes #1641596
#6. Do not resemble me-Never be like a musk melon Cut in two identical halves.

Matsuo Basho

Erak's Quotes #1601145
#7. You're a very amusing fellow," he told Halt. "I'd like to brain you with my ax one of these days."
Erak to Halt.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #1496700
#8. The greatest thing about youth is that you're not yet battle-weary, so you'll try anything.

Bryan Cranston

Erak's Quotes #1475515
#9. It was like I'd stepped out into an afterlife. Only there were no angels.

Lucy Christopher

Erak's Quotes #1423524
#10. Maybe there are logical reasons for a gay person not to have a great relationship with their parents - not because there's a parent who made him gay, but just because it may be difficult to understand everything.

BD Wong

Erak's Quotes #1414094
#11. My immediate family is real close-knit.

Kenan Thompson

Erak's Quotes #1117239
#12. My father used to say that life is what you make it. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can't change the past, but the future isn't set in stone. You can effect a change there. Move forward not with hatred or love. Move forward with purpose. (Simone)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Erak's Quotes #848456
#13. I get in my golf cart with my dogs, I have five dogs.

Delta Burke

Erak's Quotes #844437
#14. You should have left him to wander," Svengal said coldly. Erak looked at him, eyebrows raised.
"Would you?" he asked, and Svengal hesitated. At the end, Toshak had fought well and that counted for a lot of Skandians.
"No," he admitted.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #600055
#15. Everyone has the same kind of fears; everyone has the same big problems in the world, which is, like, fear of death and 'I hope horrible things don't happen to my family,' but they do. And I think people laugh at them as this great release.

Anthony Jeselnik

Erak's Quotes #410072
#16. Halt shook his head. Frankly, he'd seen sacks of potatoes that could sit a horse better than Erak

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #405020
#17. Breakfast is so important, so I'll make an omelet with cheese and deli meats, and then I'll eat muesli and yogurt mixed with fruit or oatmeal with fruit - and then a side of baked beans.

Andrew Luck

Erak's Quotes #326577
#18. Now," said Halt, "all I have to do is work out a way of beating these horse-riding devils."
Erak grinned at him. "That should be child's play," he said. "The hard part will be convincing Ragnak about it.

John Flanagan

Erak's Quotes #219771

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