Top 38 Environmental Problem Quotes
#1. Practically every environmental problem we have can be traced to our addiction to fossil fuels, primarily oil.
Dennis Weaver
#2. The Chinese have figured out that they have a giant environmental problem. Folks in Beijing, some days, literally can't breathe. Over a million Chinese die prematurely every year because of air pollution.
Joe Biden
#3. Climate change is not an environmental problem. It is a civilizational problem. Climate change is not just another issue. If it is not addressed in very short order, it will swamp every other issue facing us today
Ross Gelbspan
#4. The NFL, sadly, has a fatal environmental problem: It kills its workers.
Matt Taibbi
#5. I have American in-laws, and I care about the environment. We don't use disposable diapers, which, of course, creates an environmental problem of our own.
Yakov Smirnoff
#6. And no matter how serious an environmental problem the automobile poses in today's big city, the horse was dirtier, smelled worse, killed and maimed more people, and congested the streets just as much.
Peter Drucker
#7. Thousands of climate scientists agree that global warming is not only the most threatening environmental problem but also one of the greatest challenges facing all of humanity. We must demand a separation between oil and state. We can get off oil and slow global warming.
Leonardo DiCaprio
#8. Overconsumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today
Jacques-Yves Cousteau
#9. I think the environmental problem will be the number one item on the agenda of the 21st century ... This is a problem that cannot be postponed.
Mikhail Gorbachev
#10. I always thought we had an environmental problem, but I hadn't realized how urgent it was. James Lovelock writes that by the end of this century there will be one billion people left.
Vivienne Westwood
#11. Data is the pollution problem of the information age, and protecting privacy is the environmental challenge.
Bruce Schneier
#12. Smog is affecting larger parts of China, and environmental pollution has become a major problem, which is nature's red-light warning against the model of inefficient and blind development.
Li Keqiang
#13. Autoimmunity is probably the next frontier. The majority of cases of autoimmune disease result from a complex genetic problem that has environmental influences. It is a colossal task for the immune system to maintain tolerance to self and yet be ready to react to everything in the world around us.
Bruce Beutler
#14. What can be done? Well, the governments of the world can undertake what amounts to a vast clean-up campaign and a vast campaign of organic renewal. The problem is the cost of an effective operation, which is enormous, and thus must be paid by someone via some form of taxes.
Immanuel Wallerstein
#15. There are a lot of problems in the world, a lot of tragic things that have to be addressed, economic, medical, political, all kinds of things, but, to my way of thinking, they pale in comparison to the overall problem of the environmental deadline.
Dean Stockwell
#16. Humans build their societies around consumption of fossil water long buried in the earth, and these societies, being based on temporary resources, face the problem of being temporary themselves.
Charles Bowden
#17. The most profound and serious indication of the moral implications underlying the ecological problem is the lack of respect for life evident in many of the patterns of environmental pollution.
Pope John Paul II
#18. Birds are extremely valued as indicators of overall environmental health. If there's a problem in a wild bird population, it's indicative that something went wrong.
Jim Elliot
#19. Our nation's continued prosperity hinges on our ability to solve environmental problems and sustain the natural resources on which we all depend.
John McCain
#20. Because of the complexity of the problem, environmental skepticism was once tenable. No longer. It is time to flip from skepticism to activism.
Michael Shermer
#21. I'm not sure what solutions we'll find to deal with all our environmental problems, but I'm sure of this: They will be provided by industry; they will be products of technology. Where else can they come from?
George M. Keller
#22. The extinction of Homo Sapiens would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species. Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on Earth - social and environmental.
Ingrid Newkirk
#23. It's not unexpected that shooting massive amounts of water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure into the earth to shatter shale and release natural gas might shake things up. But earthquakes aren't the worst problem with fracking.
David Suzuki
#24. The problem of numbers can only be dealt with by recognizing that people have a fundamental right to economic security. If you provide them with economic and environmental security, the population will stabilize itself.
Vandana Shiva
#25. The environmental crisis is a global problem, and only global action will resolve it.
Barry Commoner
#26. Americans long thought that nature could take care of itself-or that if it did not, the consequences were someone else's problem. As we know now, that assumption was wrong; none of us is a stranger to environmental problems.
Jimmy Carter
#27. Or perhaps it's "activist," but on environmental and economic problems, without understanding that pressuring women to have too many children is the biggest cause of environmental distress, and economic courses should start with reproduction, not just production.
Gloria Steinem
#28. It is really important to solve the problem of rational utilization and distribution of wate supplies. I dare say, the shortage of fresh water is the major ecological problem of this moment.
Mikhail Gorbachev
#29. People often ask, "What is the single most important environmental population problem facing the world today?" A flip answer would be, "The single most important problem is our misguided focus on identifying the single most important problem!
Jared Diamond
#30. There is no larger collective-action problem than the environment. The three biggest lies of the environmental movement is that every little bit helps, you can do your part, and together we can do it.
Clay Shirky
#31. We got everyone's attention, but we didn't solve any environmental problems.
Denis Hayes
#32. Our overriding environmental challenge tonight is the worldwide problem of climate change, global warming, the gathering crisis that requires worldwide action.
William J. Clinton
#33. The greatest problem we face is the growing number of people living in poverty. The related sense of hopelessness has to be impacting on every part of environmental management.
Richard Leakey
#34. Perhaps the problem is not that we didn't work well enough together, but that we worked to well. In fact, maybe if we hadn't worked so well together, we wouldn't be destroying the earth so rapidly.
Steve Van Matre
#35. The planet's biggest problems have to do with sustainability, environmental decline, global poverty, disease, conflict and so forth. Really, they're all interconnected - it's one big problem, which is that the way we're doing things can't go on.
Alex Steffen
#36. The generation that destroys the environment is not the generation that pays the price. That is the problem.
Wangari Maathai
#37. Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.
Bill Gates
#38. Traffic will not yield to our will, neither will global finances, the environment, political rhetoric, nor people in general. There is no way to solve the problem of stress through blaming environmental factors.
Gudjon Bergmann
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