Top 13 Emperor S New Clothes Quotes

#1. People have become less discriminating listeners, which is tragic, really. There's a lot of emperor's new clothes out there, whether they're female or male solo acts. That bothers me. It's hard to break through, and it's like climbing Mount Everest if you actually do.

Paula Cole

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #323393
#2. I get the feeling that people from outside the world of contemporary art see it as deserving of mockery, in an emperor's-new-clothes sort of way. I think that's not right and that it's just because they don't understand the discourse.

Rachel Kushner

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #702931
#3. I couldn't stand living in a society that admires the emperor's new clothes, when I see so clearly that he is naked.

Patricia McConnell

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #852346
#4. In the Emperor's New Clothes, they got a different celebrity to do each voice. They drew up a picture of each character and then each actor wrote their own part.

Melissa Joan Hart

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #975125
#5. It is not always a question of the Emperor having no clothes on. Sometimes it is, 'Is that an Emperor at all?

Idries Shah

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #28514
#6. Whether fuel cell system development in central Oregon, wind power generation along the Columbia Gorge, or geothermal energy in southern Oregon, investing in new energy sources makes America more energy independent while creating good paying, environmentally friendly jobs.

Greg Walden

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #385910
#7. Like putting a name to my problems would solve anything

Adam Johnson

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #567711
#8. When I was your age - about, ooh, a thousand years ago - I loved a good bedtime story. The Three Little Sontarans. The Emperor Dalek's New Clothes. Snow White and the Seven Keys to Doomsday, eh? All the classics.

Mark Gatiss

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #743772
#9. To be a great artist, you need to know yourself as best as you possibly can. I live my life and delve into my own psyche. It's more about exploring how I feel rather than making pale imitations of something that came before. We are unique beings, and the way we look at things is our own.

Bat For Lashes

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #949824
#10. In the face of all dangers, in what may seem a godless region, we move forward through the agencies of love and art.

Mark Doty

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #983940
#11. The emperor is naked!"
The parade stopped. The emperor paused. A hush fell over the crowd, until one quick-thinking peasant shouted:
"No, he isn't. The emperor is merely endorsing a clothing-optional lifestyle!

James Finn Garner

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #1330714
#12. Where there is life, Nan used to say, there is hope.

Sabaa Tahir

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #1583219
#13. It is such a special feeling to win a grand prix.

Jenson Button

Emperor S New Clothes Quotes #1687102

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