Top 10 Elsword Characters Quotes

#1. Be ever watchful. Be watchful of your thoughts, your deedsLest predjudice, resentment,hatred, and intolerance drive Her from your world ... Again.

Mary Summer Rain

Elsword Characters Quotes #55152
#2. That's exactly the good thing about the Injun life
you don't have to stop and think about whether or not you're 'happy'
which in my opinionis a highly overrated human condition invented by white folks

Jim Fergus

Elsword Characters Quotes #152173
#3. Plays have to be made, and we have to find a way to make them. All of us.

Jeff Garcia

Elsword Characters Quotes #751141
#4. No." Valentina closed her eyes. Of course not. "It'll be great, Mouse. We'll have our own apartment, we won't have to work,

Audrey Niffenegger

Elsword Characters Quotes #801843
#5. ...A legendary leader distinguishes himself as someone who gets ahead of his people from an impasse and futile general consensus, and then finds new grounds that constitute the base from which a unique course of his people's destiny is charted...

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Elsword Characters Quotes #907608
#6. Cut the "im" out of impossible, leading that dynamic word standing out free and clear-possible.

Norman Vincent Peale

Elsword Characters Quotes #978770
#7. Halloween is just a made up holiday, created by the razor blade industry.

Anthony Jeselnik

Elsword Characters Quotes #1172264
#8. When you live alone, you can be sure that the person who squeezed the toothpaste tube in the middle wasn't committing a hostile act.

Ellen Goodman

Elsword Characters Quotes #1215593
#9. I may not have succeeded in halting the war, but I did secure the right of parliament to decide on war.

Robin Cook

Elsword Characters Quotes #1634157
#10. I hope the necessity will at length be seen of establishing institutions, here as in Europe, where every branch of science, useful at this day, may be taught in it's highest degrees.

Thomas Jefferson

Elsword Characters Quotes #1729053

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