Top 27 Eleanor Brownn Quotes

#1. The definition of success in life has many different meanings. Don't compare your journey to the journey of others. Only you know where the journey began and how very far you have come.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #567995
#2. Negativity is positively bad for your health.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1612466
#3. Don't set your sights low, just because someone else has a limited view of life's possibilities. One person's comfort zone may be another person's cage.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1320431
#4. Walk gently, and be brave.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1318449
#5. Your ancestors are rooting for you.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1245317
#6. Start from your heart. The greatest journeys begin on the inside.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1241196
#7. Peace is non-resistance, complete acceptance, identification with all, everyone, everything.

Lester Levenson

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1109053
#8. Like all living things, you were created for unlimited growth and possibilities. Keep growing. Keep changing. Be everything you were meant to be.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1058628
#9. You only have one life to live. Make sure it's yours.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #1029655
#10. I was on a path, and I became determined to give it everything I had - no matter what.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #946080
#11. Letting go may sound so simple, but rarely is it a one-time thing. Just keep letting go, until one day it's gone for good.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #887948
#12. Life is short. Jingle your bells.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #816905
#13. God, grant me the serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I'm working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that You already love me just the way I am.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #617807
#14. Beautiful thoughts in your mind created your life and made you kind.

Debasish Mridha

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #605440
#15. You'd better make friends with Time, because sooner or later it will catch up with you.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #13532
#16. The best way to reach your destination is to just keep going until you get there.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #544104
#17. The truth is that things matter. They have to, they are what we live with and touch each and every day. They represent what we've seen, who we've loved and where we hope to go next. They remind us of the good times and the rough patches and everything in between that's made us who we are.

Nate Berkus

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #538856
#18. It can be hard to hold onto your vision because other people will want you to be like they are. But your life has a course of its own, and only you can walk it.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #419275
#19. From the sea of effortlessness, let your great uncaused compassion shine forth.

Hakuin Ekaku

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #330415
#20. You've climbed too many mountains and crossed too many rivers to stop and turn back now.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #294336
#21. I believe in the possibility of positive change at every age and every stage of life. Your whole life is ahead of you.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #271661
#22. An old person knows what it's like to be young, but a young person doesn't know what it's like to be old. There's no substitute for life experience.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #253398
#23. Stop thinking you're doing it all wrong. Your path doesn't look like anybody else's because it can't, it shouldn't, and it won't.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #211242
#24. Always count your blessings, even if you have to count them through your tears

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #156548
#25. If God took a selfie, it would look like you.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #110751
#26. You don't have to wait until you get to the top of a mountain, to enjoy the view.

Eleanor Brownn

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #46593
#27. Memories extend our lives backward through time, making them feel longer.

Dathan Auerbach

Eleanor Brownn Quotes #33312

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