Top 37 Egomaniacs Want Quotes

#1. I work on drawing as a final product.

Deanna Petherbridge

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1432402
#2. The longer your gevity is, the more confidence you build.

Kanye West

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1156003
#3. It's much better when I go out with my mates and we stop talking about me like I'm some sort of egomaniac. It's great when we can just have a drink.

Dido Armstrong

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1207497
#4. I would rather sit in a factory than sit in a Maybach.

Kanye West

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1247859
#5. Oh, what marvelous egomaniacs you men are!

Nora Roberts

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1285215
#6. I love the fact that I'm bad at [things].

Kanye West

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1308459
#7. What we usually call human evolution is the awakening of the divine nature within us.

Peace Pilgrim

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1334043
#8. Most novelists are narcissistic egomaniacs who would probably fit somewhere on the CEO spectrum.

Joshua Cohen

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1339570
#9. I was wrong, however, to suppose that Sellers thought the world revolved around him. He thought the cosmos did too, and history, and the fates ... Like every egomaniac, he behaved as if everybody else spent their day being as interested in him as he was.

Clive James

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1354163
#10. There will never be a reunion, as I will never do anything with an asshole like Will Smith. He is still an egomaniac and has not grown up. This constant reunion thing will never ever happen in my lifetime unless there is an apology, which he doesn't know the word.

Janet Hubert

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1411414
#11. A fair share of anything is starvation diet to an egomaniac.

Quentin Crisp

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1104492
#12. Part of the prejudice thing is that the victim has to be somebody weaker than you in numbers, but somebody you secretly admire or fear.

Robert Silverberg

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1467029
#13. Work is elevated by our daily environment into something that is appropriately done everywhere and at every conceivable moment.

Sally Helgesen

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1468083
#14. Left-wingers are incapable of conspiring because they are all egomaniacs.

Norman Mailer

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1622534
#15. I've been really supported by my family and my wife. She really understands what I do, but it doesn't get any easier when you get away all the time and so I'm trying to find the balance.

Joel Plaskett

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1648657
#16. His name put in with the great traitors, con men, and self-aggrandizing egomaniacs of history.

James S.A. Corey

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1652231
#17. Artists are ... stubborn egomaniacs who are mysteriously - and sometimes correctly - certain that the world needs to know all about the figments of their imaginations and who gear their lives to getting those figments into circulation.

Jon Pareles

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1802182
#18. The Bible is meant to be down-to-earth. It was written for real people facing real issues.

Judah Smith

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1823261
#19. You cannot be an egomaniac on the horse. If you lose your temper and start beating him, either you will destroy him, or he will destroy you. As soon as you start riding horses seriously, you're being disciplined on a daily basis about how ignorant you are and what there is left for you to learn.

Jane Smiley

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1860908
#20. I made as many mistakes as anybody else. I sound as if I'm an egomaniac, and I suppose in some ways I'm filled with hubris because I know how good I am at certain things. But other things, I can't do at all. I can't draw.

Harlan Ellison

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #530069
#21. There's not alcoholic in the world who wants to be told what to do. Alcoholics are sometimes described as egomaniacs with inferiority complexes. Or, to be cruder, a piece of shit that the universe revolves around.

Anthony Kiedis

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #53740
#22. We are a breed apart from the rest of humanity, we theatre folk.We are the original displaced personalities, concentrated gatherings of neurotics, egomaniacs, emotional misfits and precocious children.

Herman J. Mankiewicz

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #71299
#23. I will not hang back here in Alicante while Magnus is in danger. Go without me, and you disrespect our parabatai oaths, you disrespect me as a shadowhunter, and you disrespect the fact that this is my battle too.

Cassandra Clare

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #168422
#24. Speaking the truth is for losers and egomaniacs.

Dennis Perrin

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #208897
#25. As long as there's people, there's tales.

Simon P. Clark

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #290400
#26. Ego problems are endemic in every walk of life, but in the movie business egomaniacs are megalomaniacs.

Lynda Obst

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #312904
#27. I think each human being wants to make their mark on the world in whatever way they can, and maybe everyone has a slight egomaniac inside of them.

Marina And The Diamonds

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #335115
#28. He'd never believed that power, in any shape or form, was anything more than the intemperate protrusion on the egomaniacal heart. Since all egomaniacs were insecure to their frightened cores, they this weilded "power" barbarically so the world would not find them out

Dennis Lehane

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #388704
#29. Esther Rantzen, like me, is an egomaniac of the highest order.

Janet Street-Porter

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #24014
#30. It's been said that alcoholics are egomaniacs with low self -esteem. It's the prefect description. Being larger than life and yet your pride is crushed with self- loathing.

Gary Oldman

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #609843
#31. The world pretty much sucks most of the time. But the point of life isn't to live in a world that doesn't suck. The point is to try to make it suck a little bit less.

Barry Lyga

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #628028
#32. You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

Osama Bin Laden

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #688356
#33. If you're a writer, you have to be an egomaniac. You have to just believe in yourself, which is hard work.

James Purdy

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #745623
#34. and in time, when yet very young, he became chief mate of a fine ship, without ever having been tested by those events of the sea that show in the light of day the inner worth of a man, the edge of his temper, and the fibre of his stuff; that reveal the quality of his resistance and the

Joseph Conrad

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #793812
#35. Ye rigid Ploughman! bear in mind Your labor is for future hours. Advance! spare not! nor look behind! Plough deep and straight with all your powers!

Richard Henry Horne

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #905371
#36. I sometimes feel that more lousy dishes are presented under the banner of pate than any other.

Kingsley Amis

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #908379
#37. If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave.

Gail Caldwell

Egomaniacs Want Quotes #1022226

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