Top 55 Edgar Mitchell Quotes

#1. It's starting to catch hold, and in large measure it's because we're starting to understand that much of what we have talked about in ancient mythology and mystical experience and so forth can pretty well be modeled within the world of quantum physics. That's a 20th century phenomenon also.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1496406
#2. I'd like to discover Truth - when I can latch on to something that I think is true.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1189030
#3. We do need different types of propulsion to get to Mars. I wrote one of the first Ph.D. theses on that in the 1960s.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1192742
#4. I think it laughable, frankly, that the physics community comes up with a theory for everything. There isn't one theory for everything. There is not one explanation. We may eventually have several theories that can tie things together nicely but there is not a single theory of everything.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1222288
#5. When you transcend the transcendent states, you get past the ego structure, and at that point you don't need laws, you have "morality!" You have inborn, natural ethics, because it is built on Love.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1227538
#6. I have been a strong proponent of helping people understand that during the last decade or so, as it lies at the very bottom of how we know anything. Let me give a couple examples to get that point across.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1261309
#7. In my opinion, fundamentalist Christians are just as bad as fundamentalist Islam and, at the very core, neither religion is like that.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1335794
#8. The evidence points to the fact that Roswell was a real incident and that indeed an alien craft did crash, and that material was recovered from that site. We all know that UFOs are real.All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1356051
#9. When I went to the moon I was a pragmatic test pilot. But when I saw the planet Earth floating in the vastness of space the presence of divinity became almost palpable and I knew that life in the universe was not just an accident.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1365113
#10. Dr. Lipsenthal is a profound explorer of our inner and outer worlds. Enjoy Every Sandwich will help you heal your fear of death and embrace the true joy of life's extraordinary journey.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1378071
#11. Undoubtedly we will go on to Mars in due course, provided we don't blow ourselves up with our stupidities in the short run. That's a possibility, too.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1393695
#12. I don't think there is much value in trying to use the moon as a base to go to Mars. That's going into one gravity belt and having to get back out of it again. And the moon doesn't have a lot to offer as a resource base.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1412028
#13. The ancients had a term in the mystical tradition called the Akashic Records, which was suggestive that nature didn't lose it's experience, that the information accumulated was available forever.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1436932
#14. Transcendence gets you beyond ego. If you go beyond ego, you see all of this in a more decent perspective and you can start to put all the pieces together. We haven't done that yet. Not as a civilization.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1447720
#15. Unfortunately, religions have become a part of the problem instead of part of the solution. We have fought our wars in the name of God, questioning whose God is the best God and whose exploration of this deeper reality is the best explanation. That defies everything that this deeper reality teaches.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1109890
#16. Another way to think of this is there are now 6.8 billion people on this planet, and half of them weren't even born when we went to the moon, and so they don't have the perspective.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1501656
#17. I am very, very incredulous about what I see. I can't throw caveats in. I don't make blanket statements.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1517906
#18. I think of the universe as the body of God, and the creative capability we see and can exhibit as the mind of God. I will use this phrase to describe our system, that it's a creative, intelligent, self-organizing, learning trial-and-error, interactive, non-locally interconnected evolutionary system.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1522061
#19. The quantum hologram is a mechanism to explain this concept of the ancients of the Akashic Records. It also explains Rupert Sheldrake's work among animals [his theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance, leading to a vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory].

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1591995
#20. To kill a citizen of our own country is evil, but to kill a citizen of another country is 'good.'

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1644651
#21. There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomenon, only very large gaps in our knowledge of what is natural ... we should strive to fill those gaps of ignorance.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1653553
#22. Our mission on Apollo 14 was to be the first to do science on the moon, so we had to be careful about getting everything in during the allotted time.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1755395
#23. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1758056
#24. The main problem is that we, as an Earth civilization, have not come to understand ourselves - see ourselves in a cosmic sense at all.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1781241
#25. It was a beautiful, harmonious, peaceful-looking planet, blue with white clouds, and one that gave you a deep sense of home, of being, of identity. It is what I prefer to call instant global consciousness.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1826719
#26. We need to make the world safe for creativity and intuition, for it's creativity and intuition that will make the world safe for us.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1827002
#27. You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics looks so petty.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1873170
#28. The transcendent experience is brotherly love, nature, harmony and unity. Cultures, in trying to define it, try to define an external deity as opposed to the process.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1878686
#29. If we don't take care of our customers, someone else will.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #799398
#30. We are creating the future. It is not determined. If we get our act together and solve our current problems, we could have a sustainable, abundant future. If we don't, we could wipe ourselves out. We are on the verge of doing it with our current politics. It is regressive, going back the other way.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #181162
#31. You get out there in space and say to yourself: that's home. That's the only home we have, and the only one we're going to have for a long time

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #193346
#32. We're at a point in history were we have to become a part of the neighborhood of inhabited planets, like a neighborhood of a community, which we have not even acknowledged that that community exists up until this point.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #237850
#33. Science is methodology. As a belief system it's disastrous.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #275023
#34. Death may simply be an alteration in consciousness, a transition for continued life in a nonmaterial form.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #322213
#35. Well, in the sense of the traditional notion of God, coming out of Christianity and Islam and the Abrahamic religions, I do not hold with that concept of a God or deity. In that concept, I'm agnostic. Okay, I don't know the answer, let's find the answer.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #409063
#36. Our success and our understanding is that all beings are right inside, the deeper we go inside ourselves. There's a saying that Unity uses that I have always liked: "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." We all have to be a part of this. We have to be the initiator. We can't wait.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #447242
#37. Eventually we must leave Earth-at least a certain number of our progeny must as our sun approaches the end of its solar life cycle. But just as terrestrial explorers have always led the way for settlers, this will also happen extraterrestrially. Earth is our cradle, not our final destiny.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #485334
#38. I have trust that we humans can resolve the problems that we have created. There is a Sanskrit saying that I subscribe to and I like very much, that "God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in the animals, and thinks in Man."

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #488934
#39. My wife tells me I am a male chauvinist pig and I have to sort of admit it. In my office and in my home, I'm not very democratic. I think of myself as a benevolent dictator.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #610875
#40. We are not alone in the universe. They have been coming here for a long time ...

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #687449
#41. We went to the Moon as technicians; we returned as humanitarians.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #727575
#42. We have what is happening as a result of the current administration in our country, which I think has taken us in a totally wrong direction, postulating totally wrong things.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #785874
#43. It was a dogma throughout most of the 20th century that quantum science only applied to subatomic matter, and we now know that not to be true. One of the major discoveries was Quantum Holography.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #73072
#44. We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #806885
#45. Our ignorance, and it is based on the egos we have. It is the unwillingness to go beyond ego.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #828462
#46. The transcendent experience is common to every culture in the world.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #853086
#47. I had studied at Harvard and MIT astronomy and a lot about the heavens and the star system and so forth.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #892861
#48. I call it "the big picture effect." Getting to see earth as a small planet and to see it in that perspective, seeing it in the heavens as a planet as opposed to being down here among it, most of the people, in fact, I guess all of the people who have had that experience, shift their thinking.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #907783
#49. I have been privileged to be briefed and to know that we have been visited [by aliens]. I do not have first hand experience in this regard, but I have been on investigating teams and I have been briefed by insiders who do know.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #954079
#50. The universe is a self-organizing, intelligent, creative, trial-and-error learning, participatory, interactive, non-locally interconnected and evolving system.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #970726
#51. At the end of October 4 in 1957, when I was coming back from sea duty in the South Pacific, Sputnik went up. I realized that humans would be right behind robot aircraft or spacecraft even though I really had no plans of being in aviation or a professional aviator and certainly not in the military.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #981610
#52. We need a community of nations capable of space flight because we all have to be off this planet sometime in the future. Our sun is going to burn out eventually, and we are not in a sustainable situation.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1008933
#53. I experienced an ecstasy of unity. I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it and experienced it sentiently. The restraints and boundaries of flesh and bone fell away.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1062822
#54. We're not on a sustainable path in civilization. We're on an exponential growth curve, on which we perhaps always have been, but it has turned up sharply at the beginning of the 20th century.

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1099262
#55. The quantum fluctuations within a zero-point field can start the process that builds the process, which builds into matter, an irreversible process. We have some evidence that suggests that. We don't have a Big Bang, but we have a lot of little pops! A continuous set of little pops!

Edgar Mitchell

Edgar Mitchell Quotes #1106655

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