Top 14 Echosong Warriors Quotes

#1. If you're honest with yourself, you can still feel the terrible weight of time pressing on you; that awful, relentless, bodily corruption that is happening constantly to us all.

Douglas Preston

Echosong Warriors Quotes #500356
#2. He'd never admit it, but he counted Dex among his family. Sort of like the annoying brother-in-law. You're happy he's making your bro happy, but damn, sometimes you just wanted to punch him in his stupid smiley face. Who the hell smiled that much, anyway? A crazy person, that's who.

Charlie Cochet

Echosong Warriors Quotes #509210
#3. An economy where advertisers thrive while journalists and artists struggle, reflects the values of a society more interested in deception and manipulation than in truth and beauty

Jaron Lanier

Echosong Warriors Quotes #556526
#4. Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.

Bertrand Russell

Echosong Warriors Quotes #735642
#5. I fear that we are beginning to design ourselves to suit digital models of us, and I worry about a leaching of emphaty and humanity in that process.

Jaron Lanier

Echosong Warriors Quotes #769090
#6. If it weren't for the lawyers we wouldn't need them.

William Jennings Bryan

Echosong Warriors Quotes #908445
#7. Patience is so like fortitude that she seems either her sister or her daughter.


Echosong Warriors Quotes #1280866
#8. As I got warmed up, and felt perfectly at home in talk, I heard myself boasting, lying, exaggerating. Oh, not deliberately, far from it. It would be unconvivial and dull to stop and arrest the flow of talk, and speak only after carefully considering whether I was telling the truth.

Bernard Berenson

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1302598
#9. All these years Litvinoff had imagined he was so much like his friend. He'd prided himself on what he considered their similarities. But the truth was that he was no more like the man fighting a fever in bed ten feet away than he was like the cat that had just slunk off: they were different species.

Nicole Krauss

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1431638
#10. One of my favorite vacation memories was the Thai foot massage and Internet access salons in Bangkok, followed up by my testing cellphone coverage while wading in Provincetown Harbor on Cape Cod.

Kara Swisher

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1784646
#11. To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections.

Peter Schuyler

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1808863
#12. Gettin' dressed up for court, that's a law suit

Big Sean

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1842159
#13. I try to lead by example.

Usain Bolt

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1865917
#14. The most serious failure of leadership is the failure to foresee

Robert K. Greenleaf

Echosong Warriors Quotes #1871167

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