Top 50 Dreams And Actions Quotes

#1. Dreams and actions are not so different as usually thought, as all actions of men are founded upon dreams, and their end - is a dream too.

Theodor Herzl

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1188658
#2. We must constantly encourage ourselves and each other to attempt the heretical actions that our dreams imply and so many of our old ideas disparage.

Audre Lorde

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1439170
#3. He is a curious avatar. Passion and pain, made manifest. The dreams he had are gone. All that is left is this unflinching need to prove the world false. Does he truly understand his own actions? Or does he merely flail about as marionettes do without skilled hands to guide them?

Grant Smuts

Dreams And Actions Quotes #872145
#4. Trust your imagination, dreams, and hopes. Just never forget to take actions to justify your trust.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #882648
#5. Have big dreams but focus only on what you can control: your own thoughts, words and actions. This was Gandhi's way ... in the words of Buddhist poet Gary Snyder, our job is to move the world a millionth of an inch.

Eboo Patel

Dreams And Actions Quotes #907825
#6. Money is not the priority. A step to dream big and planning of your dreams is a premier action that will see you through a start of your journey to success.

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #987986
#7. You can drive in your imaginations to make a tour to your future, visit it and see all kinds of good things hiding in there. But you have to take bold actions before you can truly relocate into what you see!

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1063899
#8. Life is the soil, our choices and actions the sun and rain, but our dreams are the seeds.

Richard Paul Evans

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1072765
#9. Remember that we're living in a place that is temporary. No matter what you believe in the end of time I don't care about it. As of now.. live your life, cut those negative thoughts and actions, reach your dreams and goals.

Jayson Engay

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1096729
#10. Anytime you wonder about something, keep in mind and remember, there is something that can make you a wonder! Just ponder and take action in the right direction, and you shall surely be a wonder!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1108585
#11. Take the chair and sit at the fore-front of your dreams. You are the chair-person at the center of affairs; make it memorable; make an impact! Leave a legacy!

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1178003
#12. Thoughts might not be solid and always obtainable, but they become your reality when emotions are attached to them. Over time, they become your wants and form an attachment to your behavior.

Shannon L. Alder

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1332212
#13. There are only 3 things that can make your dreams come true: your thoughts, your words, and your actions.

Mike Dooley

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1432414
#14. She explained to me that young people need lots of exercise and that we should exhaust ourselves on a daily basis or else we would have troublesome thoughts and dreams, which would result in troublesome actions.

Ruth Ozeki

Dreams And Actions Quotes #819134
#15. Whatever you begin will see the light of day provided you can dream big and be a ruler over your dreams with persistent actions.

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1455397
#16. If your thoughts, feelings and actions are not in harmony of what you desire, you won't materialize it.

Hina Hashmi

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1490319
#17. When your actions are aligned with your dreams and goals, you become the point of origin for their reality.

Steve Maraboli

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1528064
#18. If the unlettered farmers of Munchkinland and the factory workers of Gillikin believe that their fate is being determined by how the Time Dragon dreams them up, they don't need to bother to take responsibility for their actions or for changing their class and station in life.

Gregory Maguire

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1586735
#19. If you have a dream, keep it. But write it down and take appropriate actions to see it manifest.

T.F. Hodge

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1640703
#20. The world is ruled by such dreams, dreams of impassioned hearts, and improvisations of warm lips, not by cold words linked in chains of iron sequence,
not by logic. The heart with its passions, not the understanding with its reasoning, sways, in the long run, the actions of mankind.

William Kirby

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1677194
#21. Dare to dream. For your dreams become words, your words become actions, your actions become habits, your habits become character, and your character becomes your destiny.

Hyperion Books

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1710213
#22. Everything humanity have achieved is achieved by dreams, desires, and actions.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1728504
#23. We cannot live in the past; it is gone. Nor can we live in the future; it is forever beyond our grasp. We can live only in the present. If we are unaware of our present actions, we are condemned to repeating the mistakes of the past and can never succeed in attaining our dreams for the future.

S. N. Goenka

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1797179
#24. Don't just have dreams. Take actions too. To make it possible, begin every dream with a simple action and your interest will beam out.

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1802413
#25. Dreams are the inner perceptions and realizations that require goal oriented actions and persistence.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1832151
#26. Grant me Love implies
not desire but
Commitment accepts Challenge
Challenge embraces Theory
And you and I will get Reason: A way to explore
past actions
future dreams

Nikki Giovanni

Dreams And Actions Quotes #1841074
#27. Before a dream can mature and manifest itself as real, a lot of loaded efforts come into play! You are the pivot on which those loads must be turned!

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #367597
#28. If your vision inspires others to see their dreams and your actions motivate them to realize it, then you are a leader.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #13153
#29. Your actions must reflect your goals in order to experience true success. Don't just wish, DO! Don't just dream, BE! Let today be the day you create a plan and follow it.

Steve Maraboli

Dreams And Actions Quotes #42422
#30. Dreams in your life are like light bulbs that brighten your room. But having them on the ceiling is just not enough; you got to make an effort by pressing on the switch and there it goes taking away the darkness!

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #48297
#31. It is sad to see a young man's fondest hopes and dreams shattered when the rose-colured veil is plucked away and he sees the actions and feelings of men for what they are. But he still has the hope of replacing his old illusions with others, just as fleeting, but also just as sweet.

Mikhail Lermontov

Dreams And Actions Quotes #67762
#32. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears,
your actions louder than your words,
and your faith stronger than your feelings

Nicky Gumbel

Dreams And Actions Quotes #154138
#33. Now, an hour later, Ethan stood at a window, gazing at the rain, like threads of seed pearls, accessorizing the hills of Bel Air.
Watching weather clarified his thinking.
Sometimes only nature felt real, while all human monuments and actions seemed to be the settings and the plots of dreams.

Dean Koontz

Dreams And Actions Quotes #199078
#34. We develop our whole character from our thoughts, actions, attentive observations, and from the resolute pursuit of our inspirational dreams.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Dreams And Actions Quotes #256472
#35. Dreams are the poetry of life to be written with love and actions.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #274228
#36. Thou are my only reality
all other people are but shadows to me: all events and actions, in which thou dost not mingle, are but dreams.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Dreams And Actions Quotes #300958
#37. You were brought to where you are standing now because the decisions you took some time back have held you by your hands and dragged you this far.

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #316341
#38. Take thoughts and turn them into actions, turn them into results, turn your dreams into reality. That's really the science of achievement.

Tony Robbins

Dreams And Actions Quotes #366380
#39. Don't expect the world to dish you your wishes, go out and serve yourself.

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Dreams And Actions Quotes #795555
#40. Naturally, everyone is expected to enter the future only once, but by the transport medium of dreams, great people enjoy the future twice! They pay a visit into the future by dreaming, and they relocate to settle in it by their purposeful actions!

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #373659
#41. You and you alone are responsible for taking actions to create the life of your dreams. Nobody else can (or will) do it for you.

Jack Canfield

Dreams And Actions Quotes #376919
#42. Happiness is there when your dreams, hopes, and desires are compatible with your actions.

Debasish Mridha

Dreams And Actions Quotes #416247
#43. ...if you don't script your own way once and for all, your story will be written by someone else, and your actions will be guided by other people's dreams of who you should be rather than by the bright jagged thing you really are.

Carolina De Robertis

Dreams And Actions Quotes #443641
#44. Prosperity comes from leaving people free in a legal system that respects their persons and property so they can pursue their dreams while taking responsibility for their actions.

John Stossel

Dreams And Actions Quotes #613946
#45. Building up a dream is like building a room; the foundation must be deep, strong, firm and dependable.

Israelmore Ayivor

Dreams And Actions Quotes #618216
#46. Take a step of faith. And leave fate to the faithful God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams And Actions Quotes #623592
#47. A thought enters your brain and lasts an average of five seconds. The only way to keep it is to grab hold of it and claim it. The same applies to dreams. We forget most of our dreams because we never take the actions needed to make them our own.

Toni Sorenson

Dreams And Actions Quotes #642511
#48. Never reduce a target. Instead, increase actions. When you start rethinking your targets, making up excuses, and letting yourself off the hook, you are giving up on your dreams!

Grant Cardone

Dreams And Actions Quotes #657813
#49. Dreams are less influential than actions and actions are less influential than results.

Bobby Darnell

Dreams And Actions Quotes #708903
#50. Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.

Anais Nin

Dreams And Actions Quotes #773672

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