Top 100 Dov Davidoff Quotes

#1. Most people that commit to a life of celibacy weren't leaving that much on the table in the first place.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #441120
#2. Few things are more negative than thinking positive for no reason.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #561688
#3. The color red is associated with romance and blood, but not at the same time.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #561648
#4. Perhaps depression is a perfectly natural reaction to the human condition.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #558114
#5. Sex sells, but doesn't work so well as a strong-arm tactic. Give me your purse or I'll make out with you so hard.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #553073
#6. Vegas; one of the few places still encouraging men in their fifties to dress like their in a boy-band from the 80's.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #537549
#7. Writing a new film about cereal killers. Not serial killers, cereal killers. The main character can eat two, three boxes at a time.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #521117
#8. America's objective in the Middle East is to create democracy in the same way that my goal on a first date to feed women.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #507585
#9. How come the term 'threesome' is always used in a sexual context? What, nobody plays string instruments any more?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #504390
#10. Met someone who works at the zoo. Apparently the panda is a nasty animal.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #503275
#11. Looking into blood doping. I think it will allow me to write jokes with greater intensity, and for a longer period of time.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #494553
#12. I'd like you much better if you didn't like yourself so much.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #476621
#13. If you love sleep, you'll really enjoy death.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #444391
#14. No one understands the way I feel about things I don't understand.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #566476
#15. Not sure how I feel about reality. I'm going to begin purchasing stuffed animals and endowing them with the qualities people in my life lack.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #435383
#16. If I were a gynecologist, I'd say things like, Okay, enough of the small talk. Let's check under the hood.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #424607
#17. Canadians are like Americans, just less racist, violent, and ignorant.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #409179
#18. The Statue of Liberty really is profound, I just wish she'd lighten up a bit.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #397041
#19. There are few places more lonely than a crowded night club.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #391640
#20. The more I get to know people, the less I know about people.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #391432
#21. Living by the beach means feeling guilty about never going to the beach.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #386055
#22. Saying, have a great work-out is like saying, I hope you pull something.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #385595
#23. When being interviewed by a woman for a job, never begin with listen up doll face.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #385302
#24. Insecurity is like herpes. It's not going anywhere. May as well learn to laugh at it.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #364939
#25. Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It's like a tattoo that yells at you.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #356024
#26. Heard someone say children are god's gift to the world. What world are you referring to? And what's your definition of gift?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #671867
#27. Writing good jokes requires effort. Think I'll just start dressing funnier.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #771627
#28. If I were a bad black comic I would name my special, Yo mama, and other stories of a lack of self awareness.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #761695
#29. Another thing rappers, I admire your rebellious spirit, but materialism is a form of mental slavery. Slow down on the jewelry, pick up a book.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #747856
#30. Fountains are more romantic when you don't hate the person you're with.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #742486
#31. Age is just a number, unless of course your trying to have a conversation with them.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #738457
#32. It's difficult to feel silly and depressed at the same time, but I manage.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #728825
#33. People who say life is precious don't spend much time on line at the airport.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #717881
#34. Gotta get rid of these free radicals, but first I need to figure out what they are.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #712851
#35. Everybody's angry with me because, apparently, I outed my cousin during an argument over a turkey leg. My cousin goes, 'You had the last leg.' I was like, 'You're gay.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #708489
#36. If you got it, flaunt it may be decent advice for prostitutes, but no one else.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #699441
#37. Thinking about the fathomless cruelty with which man has treated his fellow man, but also ice cream.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #676920
#38. If I do marry, I'll expect a pretty serious dowry. I'm talking goats, pigs, chickens, the works.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #673187
#39. I like Irish pubs, except for all the loud music and drinking, and people acting like idiots.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #353359
#40. Nike store won't accept my Starbucks card as payment. Come on guys, just do it.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #660234
#41. Only bugs can truly appreciate the beauty of flowers.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #654387
#42. Dating a white girl is like dating a black girl if she were really passive-agressive.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #652974
#43. You can't fool the American people - politician trying to fool the American people.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #648830
#44. Life is fragile, unless your in the NFL in which case you'll need to wear padding.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #635527
#45. Maybe necrophiliacs are just people that want to have sex without a lot of talking.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #634536
#46. The worst part about people with bad personalities is they don't know it.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #620331
#47. Every time I see someone taking care of a baby, I think why in the world would anyone willingly saddle themselves with that responsibility?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #613130
#48. Guys don't use the word pretty enough. Like, hey Mike, did you get that shirt at the game? Looks really pretty on you.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #612661
#49. The fabric of society is woven together by the needle of suppression and denial.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #608358
#50. Just saw a t-shirt at the gym said, body by torture. That's a lot less ironic if you're a political prisoner in the Middle East.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #569491
#51. America has so much debt, if she were a person she'd need a co-signer to get a car loan.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #91585
#52. Assassinating someone is another way of saying I care, just not in the way they'd want you to.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #173073
#53. Cupcakes are the tattooed brunette chick of the baked goods world.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #154145
#54. Few things are as uniquely painful as bad comedy, and the realization that the human mind is a house of mirrors with no entrance and no exit.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #148137
#55. The expectation of happiness creates a lot of unhappiness.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #136900
#56. I have a sneaking suspicion that leading an examined life and being really tan aren't consistent with one another.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #134122
#57. How can there not already be a rapper named 'O'pinion'?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #129702
#58. Just saw a woman with a t-shirt that said southern and sassy, it's all good. Well madame, I beg to differ, it is in fact, not 'all good'.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #121371
#59. Finding your voice is something you have to keep working at. Your voice as a comic evolves the same way that you evolve. You have to find out what works for you. How can you express your opinion, your take on the situations in a way that feels natural to you? That's where you find your voice.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #114832
#60. Everybody wants to be more wanted, until they are ...

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #110594
#61. Laughing at ones own attempt at humor while saying things just come to me should be punishable by death.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #97948
#62. False humility is thinly veiled ego disguised as self confidence.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #96355
#63. The Middle East is America's 'champagne room'. No matter how much you spend, you will still never get what you want.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #96232
#64. Lack of sleep is only bad if you have to drive, or think, or talk, or move.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #180101
#65. Dating is great unless you don't like horrible awkwardness, lying, and a deep foreboding sense of disappointment that never goes away.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #88345
#66. I've decided to retreat to the spirit world where I feel appreciated and understood.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #86420
#67. The next actor I meet that uses the term 'courageous' to describe another actor's performance is getting punched in the face.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #84827
#68. Break ups are painful, but if initiated at the right time can fuel one's sense of optimism.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #79846
#69. It's a wonder you don't see the zebra being trotted out as a metaphor for racial harmony more often.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #77945
#70. Headphone aren't big enough these days. Why not just throw a couple of stereo speakers in a full face motorcycle helmet.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #58534
#71. Coming to terms with my feelings of worthlessness isn't always a bad time, but it's rarely a good one.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #58167
#72. I wonder if anybody ever decided to commit suicide, then thought; but first I'm going to stop by that taco place I like so much.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #36796
#73. Someday I'd like to be a father, not of a human child, but something more reasonable.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #31544
#74. Is it a bad sign when you see the person you're dating and get the same feeling as if you just saw police lights in you're rear view mirror?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #18362
#75. Misery loves company which is ironic because it rarely throws dinner parties.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #16364
#76. We're born alone and we die alone. So in between, let's spend time with people that make us feel good ... or at least put-out.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #253204
#77. I find anger so comforting. It's like a blanket made of unresolved issues, but it's a blanket none the less.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #351076
#78. Animals look at people the way people look at people that might mug them.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #345249
#79. We should create a holiday that celebrates money for what it is, essentially worthless paper, upon which we agree to pretend it has value.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #341971
#80. Unlicensed, illegal immigrants are the safest drivers on the road.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #331835
#81. I can always tell when a girl comes from a good family because she's what's known as not at all attracted to me.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #325174
#82. I would imagine that not having any potential could be less difficult than not fulfilling it.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #319433
#83. Comedy is rarely funny.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #319216
#84. Anyone who says I would never hit a woman hasn't met my x girlfriend.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #303370
#85. Many television weather-women were one abusive parent away from prostitution.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #285021
#86. I've always wanted children ... not of my own, but for yard work and reaching into tight places to get things I've dropped.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #261948
#87. I'm no quitter, unless it comes to human relationships or math and science.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #257388
#88. People shouldn't take my lack of interest in what they're saying personally. I don't really care about what I'm saying most of the time.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #254722
#89. The good things in life are free, except for health care, and electricity.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #10174
#90. Do you ever have one of those weeks where you know nothings gonna go right?

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #242372
#91. I'd put my faith in god, but I haven't met him, and I've been hurt before.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #232673
#92. Learn to think for yourself, unless of course you can identify someone else with better judgement, and a flashlight.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #230166
#93. Water polo would be much more interesting if they hadn't gotten rid of the horses.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #220238
#94. The man I want to be could easily beat me up.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #216428
#95. I'd find myself more interesting if I weren't with me all the time.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #209871
#96. Trannies dress up like women, then try to bang straight guys. They're the adrenaline junkies of gayness.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #202375
#97. It's a shame that physical beauty often has such a negative effect on its occupant.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #198221
#98. Is it a bad sign when the thought of your x-girlfriend makes you say things like, Satan is a myth ... I guess.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #194921
#99. It may not be in the constitution, but every American has a god-given right to provinciality and ignorance.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #191180
#100. Hanging out with women on a platonic level is like spending time with someone from Europe. It's not better or worse, but it is different.

Dov Davidoff

Dov Davidoff Quotes #188656

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