Top 35 Door Ajar Quotes

#1. I woke to find every window open I woke to find the heavy door ajar And I walked outside and stood upon the hilltop And gazed once more on a bright morning star I walked outside and every bird was singing As I found again my bright morning star

Mary Chapin Carpenter

Door Ajar Quotes #464077
#2. If I see a door ajar, I push on it to see how far it will open, and if it opens wide I go through it.

Paul Johnson

Door Ajar Quotes #610448
#3. Although we kept the door ajar so that we could hear, we could not see beyond the gentlemen standing in front of the door in the crowded room. I felt trapped behind a wall of men that separated me from the main event.

Tracy Chevalier

Door Ajar Quotes #1007219
#4. So we must keep apart, You there, I here, With just the door ajar

Emily Dickinson

Door Ajar Quotes #1020021
#5. Undermine the entire economic structure of society by leaving the pay toilet door ajar so the next person can get in free.

Taylor Mead

Door Ajar Quotes #1090237
#6. Dollars damn me; and the malicious Devil is forever grinning in upon me, holding the door ajar ... What I feel most moved to write, that is banned - it will not pay. Yet, altogether, write the other way I cannot. So the product is a final hash, and all my books are botches.

Herman Melville

Door Ajar Quotes #1245718
#7. Aye: though we hunted high and low,
And hunted everywhere,
Of the three men's fate we found no trace
Of any kind in any place,
But a door ajar, and an untouched meal,
And an overtoppled chair.

Wilfrid Wilson Gibson

Door Ajar Quotes #1255032
#8. From my locker I collected my sneakers, jock strap, and gym pants and then turned away, leaving the door ajar for the first time, forlornly open and abandoned, the locker unlocked. This was more final than the moment when the Headmaster handed me my diploma. My schooling was over now.

John Knowles

Door Ajar Quotes #62290
#9. All day long the door of the sub-conscious remains just ajar; we slip through to the other side, and return again, as easily and secretly as a cat.

Walter De La Mare

Door Ajar Quotes #1257268
#10. That was a while ago now.
My bedroom door, which leads into
the living room and to him, is ajar.
"So that your dreams can come out to me,"
Daddy said when I left.

Stein Erik Lunde

Door Ajar Quotes #1751918
#11. Television is a vast wasteland.

Newton N. Minow

Door Ajar Quotes #1293328
#12. When's a door not a door? she'd said in her thick accent. When? he'd asked When it's ajar.

James Dashner

Door Ajar Quotes #1309516
#13. To decide upon the answer is not scientific. In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar ajar only.

Richard P. Feynman

Door Ajar Quotes #1320490
#14. I am extremely shy. I am not happy in crowds of people.

Glenn Close

Door Ajar Quotes #1326286
#15. The dream might have been more than a dream. It was as if a door in the wall of reality had come ajar ... and now all sorts of unwelcome things were flying through.

Stephen King

Door Ajar Quotes #1380799
#16. Lexi glanced around the studio. She heard him in the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar, but she couldn't see him.
"A pity," she whispered.

Donna Grant

Door Ajar Quotes #1389853
#17. We've got to search back to our last known safe landmark. I can't say exactly where, but I think it's back there at the start of the Industrial Revolution, we began applying energy in vast amounts to tools with which we began tearing the environment apart.

David R. Brower

Door Ajar Quotes #1428861
#18. Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar

Jim Butcher

Door Ajar Quotes #1617437
#19. Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?

Steven Wright

Door Ajar Quotes #1686927
#20. The basis of all human fears, he thought. A closed door, slightly ajar.

Stephen King

Door Ajar Quotes #1702322
#21. You are self employed. You work to pay your bills, build your dreams and create your life, regardless of who signs your paycheck.

Rob Liano

Door Ajar Quotes #1732288
#22. Many people believe they have found the key to Heaven's gate, not realizing that there is no key hole. It is a barrier upon which you must knock. And I believe that it is by our small and simple acts of kindness that we find the gate left ajar.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Door Ajar Quotes #1218314
#23. I am not afraid to be a pioneer. When a door is ajar, you need to open it fully. And once you are in that room, you need to see what other doors there might be and where they might lead.

Gurinder Chadha

Door Ajar Quotes #1031209
#24. The Bible changes your perspective on the people, events, and circumstances of your day.

Elizabeth George

Door Ajar Quotes #996050
#25. A door is not a door when it is ajar." There

Adam Jay Epstein

Door Ajar Quotes #977910
#26. I know so many players who say they wouldn't entertain coaching, until they retire that is, and then they want to take their coaching badges. I suspect this might happen with David Beckham.

Gordon Taylor

Door Ajar Quotes #974208
#27. I can hear my steps echo as I follow him to the end of the hall. The door to the small closet under the steps is standing ajar. He closes the door and latches it.

Nancy B. Brewer

Door Ajar Quotes #891607
#28. One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.

Emile Zola

Door Ajar Quotes #825105
#29. She had entered him like he was water. Like he was a dictionary and she was a word he hadn't known was in him. Or she had entered him more simply, like he was a door and she opened him, leaving him standing ajar as she walked straight in.

Ali Smith

Door Ajar Quotes #773449
#30. The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.

Christopher Morley

Door Ajar Quotes #693379
#31. Leave the door to happiness always ajar;
The key to that door lies in our hearts
Let happiness just sneak in!

Balroop Singh

Door Ajar Quotes #688459
#32. Are you decent?" a woman's voice called, pushing the door cautiously ajar.
"Nay, but we're clothed," Cian purred.

Karen Marie Moning

Door Ajar Quotes #518598
#33. I believe that to solve any problem that has never been solved before, you have to leave the door to the unknown ajar.

Richard Feynman

Door Ajar Quotes #489072
#34. If a door is shut, attempts should be made to open it; if it is ajar, it should be pushed until it is wide open. In neither case should the door be blown up at the expense of those inside.

Julius Nyerere

Door Ajar Quotes #331318
#35. THE soul should always stand ajar,
That if the heaven inquire,
He will not be obliged to wait,
Or shy of troubling her.
Depart, before the host has slid
The bolt upon the door,
To seek for the accomplished guest,
Her visitor no more.

Emily Dickinson

Door Ajar Quotes #272760

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