Top 100 Don Norman Quotes

#1. I'm just not having a very good time and I don't have any reason to think it'll get anything but worse. I'm tired. I'm hurt. I'm sad. I feel used.

Marsha Norman

Don Norman Quotes #598028
#2. I don't see the point in being a star - it takes a lot of energy to carry yourself off as being more perfect than somebody else. I'd rather just be available with all my weaknesses.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #732805
#3. What's the longest walk in golf? It's from the practice tee to the first tee. I don't care if it's 10 yards. It's the longest walk in golf. Winners take their swing with them. Losers don't.

Moe Norman

Don Norman Quotes #727432
#4. I like playing these awkward moments in between that build relationships. I don't ever want to play that character that grabs the girl and has my way with her. That's just not who that character is. If Daryl falls in love with you, he's going to love you for the rest of his life.

Norman Reedus

Don Norman Quotes #726237
#5. Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don't take yourself so seriously.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #716999
#6. Begin where you are. Don't wait for someone else to change things for you. Do it yourself

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #716409
#7. I don't know about ground rules; but I create the world that arrives with the characters or situation or voice in my head that instigates the piece, whatever form it may take.

Norman Lock

Don Norman Quotes #693765
#8. Check what you did right and don't get lost in basking on your glory. It will make it easier to repeat whatever you did that created the success.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #693046
#9. I don't want to retire. I'm not that good at crossword puzzles

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #677680
#10. People move forward into the future out of the way they comprehend the past. When we don't understand something in our past, we are therefore crippled.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #672314
#11. I'm not saying that I don't like the success of the job, but I really like going to work every day and I really like coming home and feeling satisfied with what I did today.

Norman Reedus

Don Norman Quotes #650159
#12. One day I gave Clifford a bath. And I combed his hair and took hom to the dog show. I'd like to say Clifford won first prize ... but he didn't. I don't care. You can keep all your small dogs. You can keep all your black, white, brown, and spotted dogs. I'll keep Clifford ... Wouldn't you?

Norman Bridwell

Don Norman Quotes #618023
#13. I'm only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don't care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I'll fight for the ministry.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #607565
#14. I hope there are others also who don't mind trees.

Norman Maclean

Don Norman Quotes #738229
#15. Everything inspires me; sometimes I think I see things others don't.

Norman Foster

Don Norman Quotes #597726
#16. Tough guys don't dance. You had better believe it.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #574379
#17. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, but you want to get rid of the bathwater so the baby can swim the next couple of days and be OK.

Greg Norman

Don Norman Quotes #570895
#18. If you can afford to advertise, you don't need to.

Norman Ralph Augustine

Don Norman Quotes #570709
#19. It's absolutely philistine not to recognize what a great book 'An American Dream' is. Norman Mailer is his own worst enemy, and if you don't catch him in a defensive position, he'll admit it. I'd really like to help that man.

Germaine Greer

Don Norman Quotes #568208
#20. It's the sense of duty that keeps you going sometimes when things get very, very rough. Somebody's got to do it. And if you don't, who will?

Norman Schwarzkopf

Don Norman Quotes #547402
#21. Don't say I gotta do anything in life. There is nothing you gotta do. But I want to.

Moe Norman

Don Norman Quotes #541621
#22. I do hunt, and I do fish, and I don't apologize to anybody for hunting and fishing.

Norman Schwarzkopf

Don Norman Quotes #522765
#23. I don't think - I begin, but then I stop there. Strangely enough, this sounds like a full, declarative sentence, as if I'm standing in a bar shouting out one of my most obvious character flaws. I don't think!

Matthew Norman

Don Norman Quotes #516384
#24. Don't bug me or I'll gas you said the creep

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #515471
#25. I don't care whether a book is a first edition or not. I'm not a bibliophile in that word's natural sense.

Norman MacCaig

Don Norman Quotes #511380
#26. Opinion polls are not worth the paper they are written on, in my view, through the conference season. They don't settle down again until November.

Norman Tebbit

Don Norman Quotes #868371
#27. I don't see myself playing or adjusting my schedule for senior tournament golf.

Greg Norman

Don Norman Quotes #992308
#28. You ever notice that like seventy-five percent of the dudes in America look like the bad guy in The Karate Kid?" I say. "Don't

Matthew Norman

Don Norman Quotes #989398
#29. We have senses we don't know we have-until we lose them; balance is one that normally works so well, so seamlessly, that is not listed among the five that Aristotle described and was overlooked for centuries afterward.

Norman Doidge

Don Norman Quotes #967858
#30. If you don't get substantially what you want, be ready to walk. And don't look back.

Norman Granz

Don Norman Quotes #964628
#31. The only people who don't have problems are in a cemetery.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #928224
#32. I can't improve on how the Bible expresses itself, so I don't even try.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #898454
#33. Only in a concert situation do I have access to people directly to preach to them, and I don't believe that the bigger your platform is, the more people will pay attention.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #897511
#34. I don't think I will ever do any tours again in the United States. I rather think that that's over with.

Norman Granz

Don Norman Quotes #893710
#35. You may use different sorts of sentences and illustrations before different sorts of audiences, but you don't
if you are wise
talk down to any audience.

Norman Thomas

Don Norman Quotes #892142
#36. I had long ago learned, sometimes to my sorrow, that Scottish piety is accompanied by a complete foreknowledge of sin. That's what we mean by original sin - we don't have to do it to know about it.

Norman Maclean

Don Norman Quotes #888706
#37. Most people don't get a fair crack of the whip.

Norman Cook

Don Norman Quotes #882359
#38. I tend to move between turtlenecks and shirts and ties. I don't really have a uniform in the sense that some people might.

Norman Foster

Don Norman Quotes #879163
#39. They didn't hate her when you were in high school. They made fun of her. She was the butt of jokes. But they didn't hate her. That's what people do now. They don't disagree, they hate.

Matthew Norman

Don Norman Quotes #474310
#40. Don't get me wrong: I'm overjoyed with my career to date. But perhaps I could have done more. Mostly, I just did whatever the directors told me to do.

Norman Wisdom

Don Norman Quotes #858776
#41. You see I'm semi-retired now and don't work all the time, only most of it!

Norman Wisdom

Don Norman Quotes #857736
#42. We've got to abide by the rules. We have to protect it. The game of golf at a professional level is so clean. We are our own judge, jury and executioner. If we don't do what we think is right, the game might get away from us.

Greg Norman

Don Norman Quotes #844644
#43. I don't know nothing about communism. But I know the Albanians loved me. Same reason as anyone else loves me. Because I made them laugh.

Norman Wisdom

Don Norman Quotes #841828
#44. I don't trust a man who uses the word evil eighteen times in ten minutes. If you're half evil, nothing soothes you more than to think the person you are opposed to is totally evil.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #840019
#45. Don't let any obstacle stop you. Always remember that you have spiritual and mental qualities within you that can overcome even the seemingly impossible.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #838527
#46. I've been a huge Psychedelic Furs fan for a long time. I love Butler's paintings, too. I like all their songs. I'll even crank 'Pretty in Pink,' I don't care.

Norman Reedus

Don Norman Quotes #823120
#47. What's not realized about good novelists is that they're as competitive as good athletes. They study each other - where the other person is good and where the person is less good. Writers are like that but don't admit it.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #799977
#48. I don't know whether it ever comes back to the same thing; it does return to the spirit of a previous period in some way, but it's different, it's new.

Norman McLaren

Don Norman Quotes #778094
#49. Don't bother. The glass is half-empty.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #772824
#50. You'll always get an idea if you think and don't panic.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #750343
#51. I don't know who's 18 years old today that, 20 years hence, is going to be a jazz fan.

Norman Granz

Don Norman Quotes #94342
#52. There are certain things that ordinary people have that celebrities don't have.

Norman Spinrad

Don Norman Quotes #247193
#53. I don't want to pretend to be a prophet or a saint. I'm very conscious of my limitations. I know my flaws. But I don't like lying.

Norman Finkelstein

Don Norman Quotes #246393
#54. The internet thing is what I have the greatest problem with. I don't know if anyone in the media gets the internet thing and Harvey Norman. I think they have some strange interpretation of it that bears no resemblance to what actually happens.

Gerry Harvey

Don Norman Quotes #214142
#55. I think that people like Bloomberg, they're complete thugs. No question about it. But on the other hand, it must be said that they are politically savvy. They don't get into those positions of power - in the case of Bloomberg, both economic and political power - by being anybody's fool.

Norman Finkelstein

Don Norman Quotes #209962
#56. Don't thank me, either of you. I only brought the both of you along so that you could ask all the smart questions and make sense of what they show us.

G. Norman Lippert

Don Norman Quotes #203569
#57. In America, if you don't do a 100 million dollars, you've done nothing.

Norman Spinrad

Don Norman Quotes #192034
#58. Stand up to an obstacle. Just stand up to it, that's all, and don't give way under it, and it will finally break. You will break it. Something has to break, and it won't be you, it will be the obstacle.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #189542
#59. You don't have to be tired and bored. Get interested in something. Get absolutely enthralled in something. Throw yourself into it with abandon.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #182712
#60. Christians don't seem to be as aware of, or as sensitive to, the dire state of humanity as they are about the pleasant growth of their Christian walk.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #178996
#61. I don't believe in taking much of a divot, especially with the longer irons. You want to barely comb the grass through impact. It's the only way to catch the ball on the second groove up from the bottom of the clubface. That's where you want to make contact: on the second groove.

Moe Norman

Don Norman Quotes #157237
#62. I'm still constantly thinking of ideas. I don't feel 90. I think I'm about 12.

Norman Wisdom

Don Norman Quotes #147970
#63. I don't want to become a rhetorical speaker. My effectiveness is mastering all of the data and being able to respond.

Norman Finkelstein

Don Norman Quotes #134992
#64. Well, they're magical wardrobes, of course, although they don't lead to any fairy wonderlands.

G. Norman Lippert

Don Norman Quotes #252775
#65. I don't claim to know Israel. I don't speak Hebrew; my contacts are pretty limited. But I didn't know Vietnam; I didn't know Nicaragua, El Salvador or Honduras. It doesn't mean you can't reach your conclusions.

Norman Finkelstein

Don Norman Quotes #91325
#66. We got ratings. It isn't that they won't quarrel with you, or say you're always right. But as long as you stay strong and the ratings are good and you're reasonable - I don't think we fought unreasonably. We basically won that right.

Norman Lear

Don Norman Quotes #78190
#67. I don't consider myself dovish and I certainly don't consider myself hawkish. Maybe I would describe myself as owlishthat is wise enough to understand that you want to do everything possible to avoid war.

Norman Schwarzkopf

Don Norman Quotes #74554
#68. Think of a musical as a string of pearls. If you don't have a string, you can't put the pearls around your neck.

Marsha Norman

Don Norman Quotes #70837
#69. We are 6.6 billion people now. We can only feed 4 billion. I don't see 2 billion volunteers to disappear.

Norman Borlaug

Don Norman Quotes #62700
#70. I love God and I follow Jesus but I just don't have much affinity for the organized folderol of the churches in the Western World.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #53746
#71. I don't see anybody," he whispered to the two figures behind him. "No gates or locks, neither. Do you think maybe they're using invisible barriers or something?

G. Norman Lippert

Don Norman Quotes #51834
#72. I don't think that jazz, as any kind of an art form, has any permanence attached to it, apart from the practitioners of it.

Norman Granz

Don Norman Quotes #34820
#73. Apparently God makes us all different. Some of us are happy to respond to His individual touch on our lives by remaining individuals, and others of us are intimidated or frightened into trying to become like each other so that we have company, so that we don't feel so lonely.

Larry Norman

Don Norman Quotes #21180
#74. I describe the design process as like the tip of the iceberg. What you don't see is the long haul: all the endless auditing and things like that.

Norman Foster

Don Norman Quotes #17920
#75. Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #9899
#76. I don't read other writers because I'm writing all the time. It's too disturbing to read a writer with a good style when you're in the middle of putting your work together.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #361287
#77. When we start focusing on things we can do and don't think so much about the things we can't do, things really start to happen

Norman Vincent Peale

Don Norman Quotes #471196
#78. Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge that he's married to a grandmother.

J. Norman Collie

Don Norman Quotes #463240
#79. I don't feel particularly attached to Israel - 'nationalism,' as Noam Chomsky said, 'is not my cup of tea' - but I feel no particular need to demonize it.

Norman Finkelstein

Don Norman Quotes #458108
#80. There are some friends you don't meet for twenty years and when you meet them again it's as if no twenty years has happened - you're lucky when that happens. I feel the same about books.

Norman MacCaig

Don Norman Quotes #436801
#81. My twenties were carefree in the worst ways. There's a nice balance now of work ethic and healthy lifestyle and carefree attitude, which is pretty nice. You get to a point where you don't care so much what people think of you and you care more about yourself.

Norman Reedus

Don Norman Quotes #423428
#82. Cyclones cannot see you if you don't move"
"That's dinosaurs you crazy fruit bat!

G. Norman Lippert

Don Norman Quotes #410176
#83. Go to the bookstore and look at how many bookshelves are filled with books trying to explain how to work the devices. We don't see shelves of books on how to use television sets, telephones, refrigerators or washing machines. Why should we for computer-based applications?

Donald A. Norman

Don Norman Quotes #402083
#84. When I read it, I don't wince, which is all I ever ask for a book I write.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #401438
#85. I only told you about it because I thought I might get a laugh out of you for once even if it wasn't the truth, Jessie. Things don't have to be true to talk about 'em, you know.

Marsha Norman

Don Norman Quotes #397630
#86. People who live under fascism are not only miserable but they're full of shame. You just don't go in and inject democracy into them. They're half crazy with their own ...

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #391258
#87. We all inherit damage from the past. We spread it like a virus and don't generally think about it.

Thomas Norman DeWolf

Don Norman Quotes #367551
#88. I don't have enough faith to be an Atheist..

Norman Geisler

Don Norman Quotes #366354
#89. I screwed up. It's all on me. I know that ... All these hiccups I have, they must be for a reason. All this is just a test. I just don't know what the test is yet.

Greg Norman

Don Norman Quotes #8710
#90. I try to frighten my very young colleagues into studying and understanding their voices before they attempt things that are beyond them. It's wise to take gymnastics and swimming to strengthen the body, because people don't realise what an athletic undertaking singing actually is.

Jessye Norman

Don Norman Quotes #361128
#91. Some people don't really know enough to make a pronouncement of doom on a human being.

Norman Cousins

Don Norman Quotes #356330
#92. It's a nice fantasy life, she said when I was done. Well, I'm living it, so it's more than a fantasy. What about love? She took off her bandanna, loosing her blond waves. Don't you have someone you love? Why would I go do something like that?

Norman Ollestad

Don Norman Quotes #351171
#93. Even when they don't know who Nixon was, these shows will continue to play.

Norman Lear

Don Norman Quotes #331775
#94. I don't think life is absurd. I think we are all here for a huge purpose. I think we shrink from the immensity of the purpose we are here for.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #331014
#95. When you have trouble with things - whether it's figuring out whether to push or pull a door or the arbitrary vagaries of the modern computer and electronics industries - it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself: blame the designer.

Donald A. Norman

Don Norman Quotes #307275
#96. If you think the products don't match what you want from a product, don't buy it.

Donald Norman

Don Norman Quotes #294450
#97. If you want a symbolic gesture, don't burn the flag; wash it.

Norman Thomas

Don Norman Quotes #286014
#98. Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything.

Norman Lear

Don Norman Quotes #268930
#99. Writers don't have lifestyles. They just sit in little rooms and write.

Norman Mailer

Don Norman Quotes #263423
#100. Things aren't much wilder now, I don't think, than they were back then. Of course I just read about all the goings-on now. Ha.

Norman Rockwell

Don Norman Quotes #253584

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