Top 56 Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes

#1. Stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #305963
#2. Insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting different results.


Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1232014
#3. Watch your step," said Slash.
Jig stopped, fully expecting to be shot, poisoned, crushed, or maybe all three at the same time. "What is it now?"
Slash pointed to a pile of brown, slimy goo in the center of the tunnel. "Hairball.

Jim C. Hines

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #922749
#4. The sudden death of a partner while expecting a child is so universally understood as awful that I don't think anyone with any other weight to carry is going to get to same kind of sympathy - except perhaps people who lose a child.

Carolyn Hax

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #935197
#5. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then liberalism is a form of insanity.

James Cook

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #937720
#6. One Blue Dog Democratic House Member reminded me earlier this month of the saying that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' He wondered if his fellow Members weren't more in need of advice from psychiatrists than from economists at this point.

John Fund

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #965685
#7. Real Christians revel in desperate ventures for Christ, expecting from God great things and attempting the same with exhilaration.

Charles Studd

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1067654
#8. Your lack of commitment to being different is what kills you. It is the insanity of doing the same thing every time and expecting a different result that wastes your time.

Shannon L. Alder

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1077864
#9. You know you have a problem when you do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

Vanessa Grant

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1116347
#10. Beyond a certain point, gathering further evidence of the hurtfulness and shortcomings of one's family, employer, et cetera is like eating the same poisonous mushroom over and over and expecting that sooner or later it will be nutritious.

Mark Vonnegut

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1131752
#11. One of the better definitions of insanity - doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting the result to be different.

Anthony Kiedis

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1132332
#12. It wasn't like I was expecting Senior year to be some amazing experience. If anything, I was prepared for it to be pretty much a letdown. Everyone would be looking ahead to college and getting sick of seeing the same faces we've been looking at for the last three years.

Jenny O'Connell

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1144947
#13. Right, and the definition of basic stupidity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. I'm not stupid. (Xypher)
I didn't say to keep doing it. Move forward with purpose. Examine what went wrong and correct that one mistake. (Acheron)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1168555
#14. It is a fool who repeats the same actions expecting a different outcome.

Christie Golden

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1205365
#15. God will bring you a gift. However, it is up to you to stop shaking the same box and expecting something wonderful will fall out of it again. After a while, you are going to break that box and it won't remind you of that moment when it meant everything to you.

Shannon L. Alder

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1220574
#16. I'm not expecting much work in Hollywood, to be honest. People stick to film because they tend to get offered the same roles over and over again, and it's safe. But I'm not interested in doing that.

Kim Cattrall

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #919577
#17. What was the definition of insanity? Repeating the same action and expecting different results?

Kathy Reichs

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1246108
#18. Hoping for something is not the same as expecting it.

Anne Rice

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1322880
#19. If you just stop expecting perfection from everyone and everything, you might see the good stuff outweighs the bad. And then someday you'll look in the mirror and see the same thing. Because the person you're most disappointed in is yourself.

Erin Lange

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1424168
#20. But that age; remember that age? They're not the same. They don't put things together. That's why half of what they do looks full-on certifiable, to you or me or any sane adult. Things don't make sense, when you're that age; you don't make sense. You stop expecting to.

Tana French

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1459850
#21. A snake bites your ankle.
Recoiling, you scream.
Fearing poison, your mind slips into a dream ...
... where a man bites your ankle.
Expecting no guile,
'Again' softly falls from your lips with a smile.
Yet the man and the snake are the same.
Your perception is only to blame.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1465822
#22. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

Narcotics Anonymous

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1506581
#23. I am the first male member of my family for about three generations who can have reasonable confidence in expecting that I will leave this earth with more or less the same number of fingers, hands, legs, toes and eyes as I had when I was born.

Neil Kinnock

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1620676
#24. That's what happens with most comedies. If you watch 10 minutes and there's no joke, then you're disappointed because you're expecting jokes. The same goes for emotional movies. You have to feel something. If you don't feel anything for 10 minutes, you get bored.

Quentin Dupieux

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1633984
#25. Love your neighbor, even the ones who do not show you the same courtesy. You can't expect to receive love if you're selective and not really willing to give it. What you put into the world, you will indeed get back, even if it's not from the person you're expecting it to be.

Alexandra Elle

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1668940
#26. The definition of crazy is doing something close to the same thing twice and expecting a different end.

Cath Crowley

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1679959
#27. The same road always leads to the same place. If we get on it expecting to go somewhere different, we'll be disappointed, won't we? As you said, it isn't very smart.
... Do the same things, get the same results. Simple, stupid.

Lisa Wingate

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1713715
#28. It may sound surprising, but a joke and a crime novel work in very much the same way. The comedian/writer leads their audience along the garden path. The audience know what's coming, or at least they think they do until they get hit from a direction they were not expecting.

Mark Billingham

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1751103
#29. Being honest to the people around you is the best thing you ever do to them,but expecting the same from them is the worst thing you ever do to yourself


Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #1821807
#30. From my point of view what I have to do now is appreciate and enjoy what football gave me, but now do something else with the same energy and enthusiasm I gave to football without expecting the same results.

Graeme Le Saux

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #496812
#31. My dad used to say the definition of stupidity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Or maybe that was the definition of crazy.

David Estes

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #44370
#32. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

David Estes

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #50994
#33. Kept stepping into the same mud puddle and expecting it to be dry.

Kristin Hannah

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #152030
#34. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #183791
#35. If the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results, then passion is a form of mental retardation- deliberately blunting our most critical cognitive functions.
- Ryan Holiday, Ego Is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #211194
#36. People were expecting Rouge to go bankrupt, so there was a lot of anxiety. The corporate culture problem was even worse than in Russia. And at the same time, the work rules were more difficult.

Alexei Mordashov

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #215326
#37. She'd read somewhere that the definition of crazy was doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

Laurelin Paige

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #248534
#38. We are used to thinking that what we give is the same as what we receive, but people who love, expecting to be loved in return, are wasting their time.
Love is an act of faith, not an exchange.

Paulo Coelho

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #289880
#39. While I live my life expecting to live, others expect that they might die. The rules of the world are not the same for all of us.

Jessica Posner

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #401616
#40. They need a little girl with innocence and freedom. One that can smile with ease instead of someone who can only form a grimace. They were probably expecting the same girl that they knew nine years ago. What a disappointment if must have been to meet me.

Sydney Blore

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #406654
#41. Only fools repeat the same things over and over, expecting to obtain different results.

George Bernard Shaw

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #437081
#42. I have been blind expecting everything to stay the same.

Philibert Orry

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #462186
#43. It really means a lot that I won the gold medal - but I woke up the next morning expecting to feel different. I felt the same.

Dan O'Brien

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #482637
#44. Don't go around year after year expecting the same thing the same way. God is a God of increase. He has greater levels. Where you are is not where you're supposed to stay. You're supposed to rise higher. Have a bigger vision.

Joel Osteen

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #864873
#45. He was just one of those people ... one of a thousand expats who'd dragged their unhappiness to the other side of the world, expecting everything to be different, and never quite got over the fact it felt the same.

Jon Courtenay Grimwood

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #512754
#46. Love wasn't selfless, and it wasn't selfish either. Love was equality. It was saying that another person's self was just as important as yours, and expecting them to feel the same way.

Rose Lerner

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #534515
#47. If, as the popular saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, the people who run our public schools fit that description.

Newt Gingrich

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #539339
#48. Glenn ... I wasn't expecting this. He's not after my blood, and we like the same stuff."
From the rearview mirror, Jenks snickered. "Guns, violence, crime scene photos, leather, sex, and women. Yeah, I can see that."
(Ivy and Jenks)

Kim Harrison

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #545215
#49. If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - then success is insanity squared!
(2012 SCBWI New Member Conference; Richmond, VA)

Brian Rock

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #609566
#50. The day you STOP expecting people to have the same compassion as you do,love like you & act like you would in a situation ... Will be the day that will people stop letting you down.

Stuart J. Scesney

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #654542
#51. [On Hollywood:] I had gone there expecting to see parties that reflected the stock-in-trade of the movies - glamour. Instead, I found the same attitude toward parties that European peasants had for baths. It was something to be done methodically every Saturday night ...

Elsa Maxwell

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #689692
#52. I still remember the first gig where I got people going, it was Rascals in New Jersey, and the place was packed. I was scared. People were expecting me to be funny. I gotta be honest, every time I walk into a club, it's that same fear.

Bill Burr

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #752903
#53. Why should every pregnant woman be expected to read the same book? Or any book? Being pregnant isn't that complicated. What to Expect When You're Expecting shouldn't be a book. It should be a Post-it: 'Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.

Rainbow Rowell

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #786304
#54. We can't afford to be so worried about losing the next election that we lose the battles we owe to the next generation. The real gamble in this election is playing the same Washington game with the same Washington players and expecting a different result. And that's a risk we can't take.

Barack Obama

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #822710
#55. I checked my phone again one more time before crawling into bed, fully aware that Einstein's definition of insanity was repeating the same action over and expecting different results.

Jessica Verdi

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #854642
#56. So we originally expected to make about 35 gigawatt hours at the cell level and about 50 gigawatt hours at the module or pack level. Now we are expecting to do about 150 gigawatt hours in the same volumetric space as the original design.

Elon Musk

Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Quotes #862392

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