Top 14 Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes

#1. Your real name is a mortal name. Now you need one that is immortal, the one that takes the high stage and plays above the rest. You can't be immortal and mortal at the same time.

Keith Buckley

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #178122
#2. My models, my human figures, are never like extras in an interior. They are the main theme of my work. I depend absolutely on my model ...

Henri Matisse

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #183196
#3. When I'm writing a book, I prefer not to speak about it, because only when the book is finished can I try to understand what I've really done and to compare my intentions with the result.

Italo Calvino

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #239417
#4. The old ladies were dressing up, she thought; the clouds draped around the mountains' shoulders like a dirty boa, with the snowcaps jutting above and the broad green bases below.

Linda Howard

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #298342
#5. Love is a magical power. If love is not a living magic, then what is?

Debasish Mridha

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #608264
#6. One of the things I thought a lot about was how can we get the views, for instance, the main plaza, you look up to Telegraph Hill from there and therefore it would be a disaster to close that view off.

Lawrence Halprin

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #691808
#7. It took me a long time to realise that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long time. Now, finally, I feel like a woman.

Kristen Stewart

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #817632
#8. I knew I really made it when my dad saw me in London and after the performance he had no notes to me and just said 'You are doing your own thing and I am proud of you.'

Jason Ritter

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1045055
#9. With Will I sensed a vast internal hinterland, a world he wouldn't give me even a glimpse of.

Jojo Moyes

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1397545
#10. I thought you dumped him."

"Oh, I did. But not because I wanted to. I was just accepting the inevitable. He fell out of love with me, but you can't dump the weepy rape victim. So I did it for him.

Sarina Bowen

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1437750
#11. The Theory of Sexual Understanding is mine. I created it. It works between a man and a woman. It's this: Everything's up to her.

Jonathan Gash

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1477177
#12. War will never yield but to the principles of universal justice and love, and these have no sure root but in the religion of Jesus Christ.

William Ellery Channing

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1566988
#13. He alone is an acute observer, who can observe minutely without being observed.

Johann Caspar Lavater

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1612202
#14. You've got to be around people who encourage you, advice you and want to see you go even higher and higher than they themselves have attained!

Israelmore Ayivor

Doctor Spencer Reid Quotes #1673604

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