Top 28 Discontinuous Quotes

#1. The world is continuously discontinuous. It is continuous for intuition and thinking; discontinuous for reason and observation. The human senses break it down but the unconvinced mind unites it.

Thiruman Archunan

Discontinuous Quotes #222523
#2. The mindset that is needed, the capabilities that are needed, the metrics that are needed, the whole culture that is needed for discontinuous innovation, are fundamentally different.

Vijay Govindarajan

Discontinuous Quotes #1821775
#3. There must always be a discrepncy between concepts and reality, because the former are static and discontinuous while the latter is dynamic and flowing

William James

Discontinuous Quotes #1796235
#4. In relativity, movement is continuous, causally determinate and well defined, while in quantum mechanics it is discontinuous, not causally determinate and not well defined.

David Bohm

Discontinuous Quotes #1618445
#5. In spite of all evidence that life is discontinuous, a valley of rifts, and that random chance plays a great part in our fates, we go on believing in the continuity of things, in causation and meaning. But we live on a broken mirror, and fresh cracks appear in its surface every day.

Salman Rushdie

Discontinuous Quotes #1551200
#6. In the age of revolution it is not knowledge that produces new wealth, but insight - insight into opportunities for discontinuous innovation. Discovery is the journey; insight is the destination. You must become your own seer.

Gary Hamel

Discontinuous Quotes #1519860
#7. Our lives with all their miracles and wonders are merely a discontinuous string of incidents - until we create the narrative that gives them meaning

Arlene Goldbard

Discontinuous Quotes #1461753
#8. Surveillance is permanent in its effects, even if it is discontinuous in its action.

Michel Foucault

Discontinuous Quotes #1312457
#9. To talk about realizing the Self is discontinuous because there is nothing to realize but the Self. There is nothing but realization.

Frederick Lenz

Discontinuous Quotes #1148328
#10. Life for the unwell is discontinuous and unpredictable. Things just come out of nowhere. People try but mostly do a lousy job of taking care of you.

Mark Vonnegut

Discontinuous Quotes #1076628
#11. Collaboration across teams tends to be discontinuous and discrete (e.g., via meetings).

Sriram Narayan

Discontinuous Quotes #1045069
#12. During periods of discontinuous, abrupt change, the essence of adaptation involves a keen sensitivity to what should be abandoned - not what should be changed or introduced. A willingness to depart from the familiar has distinct survival value.

Peter Drucker

Discontinuous Quotes #828669
#13. If an irreducible distinction between theatre and cinema does exist, it may be this: Theatre is confined to a logical or continuous use of space. Cinemahas access to an alogical or discontinuous use of space.

Susan Sontag

Discontinuous Quotes #169056
#14. Choicelessness is the alchemy of transformation, of inner mutation. A new being is born who has nothing to do with the past, who is absolutely discontinuous with the past. He has no desire. And when there is no desire, for the first time you live


Discontinuous Quotes #255556
#15. Our mind, by virtue of a certain finite, limited capability, is by no means capable of putting a question to Nature that permits a continuous series of answers. The observations, the individual results of measurements, are the answers of Nature to our discontinuous questioning.

Erwin Schrodinger

Discontinuous Quotes #322720
#16. The discontinuous 'reduction of the wave packets' which cannot be derived from Schroedinger's equation is ... a consequence of the transition from the possible to the actual.

Werner Heisenberg

Discontinuous Quotes #375406
#17. And the way
Though discontinuous, and intermittent, sometimes
Not heard of for years at a time, did,
Nonetheless, move up, although, to his surprise
It was inside the house,
And always getting narrower.

John Ashbery

Discontinuous Quotes #454829
#18. Those nights lying alone are not discontinuous with this cold hectic dawn. It is who I am.

Anne Carson

Discontinuous Quotes #549061
#19. Technological change is discontinuous. The monks in their scriptoria did not invent the printing press, horse breeders did not invent the motorcar, and the music industry did not invent the iPod or launch iTunes.

Jason Epstein

Discontinuous Quotes #559894
#20. Laws of motion of any kind only become comprehensible to man when he can examine arbitrarily selected units of that motion. But at the same time it is this arbitrary division of continuous motion into discontinuous units which give rise to a large proportion of human error.

Leo Tolstoy

Discontinuous Quotes #622409
#21. The Clinton's secret is that they live in a morally discontinuous universe-events do not have consequences, and what happened 15 minutes ago has no connection to what happens now. Beware of power when it masters the secret of popular amnesia.

Lance Morrow

Discontinuous Quotes #710918
#22. The griding sword with discontinuous wound Pass'd through him, but th' Ethereal substance clos'd Not long divisible, and from the gash A stream of Nectarous humor issuing flow'd Sanguin, such as Celestial Spirits may bleed, And all his Armour staind ere while so bright.

John Milton

Discontinuous Quotes #845630
#23. Your organs are all failing, but your cancer...well, your cancer is doing great.

Al Sarrantonio

Discontinuous Quotes #627759
#24. I always drew dresses. I remember loving Richard Avedon's early Versace campaigns. I used to plaster my whole walls with them when I was a kid.

Sarah Burton

Discontinuous Quotes #1033562
#25. Never confuse acquiring degrees with wisdom.

Marshall Goldsmith

Discontinuous Quotes #1170498
#26. So it's like starting over again, but I look forward to the challenge.

Lee Majors

Discontinuous Quotes #1344105
#27. And I, Agnolo di Tura, called the fat, buried my wife and five children with my own hands." The

John Kelly

Discontinuous Quotes #1783896
#28. Working in Korea with the talent and staff there was very eye-opening. I was in awe of everyone's talent, passion, and love for the process.

Brian Tee

Discontinuous Quotes #1801779

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