Top 13 Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes

#1. Be not weary in well-doing. ... Out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.

Thomas S. Monson

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #28105
#2. I'm a free person; I feel terribly free. They could put me in chains and I still would be free because my thoughts would be mine - and that's all I want to have.

Arthur Rubinstein

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #46961
#3. And then he laughed. It was short and brief, but genuine and made the dimples stand out on his scruffy cheeks. It was the best sound I'd heard all year.

Karina Halle

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #246105
#4. What if our loneliness is the result not simply of needing a partner but of needing people? We are made in the image of a relational God; it makes sense that we possess the desire to be together.

Debra Fileta

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #351308
#5. It seems a little bit like the home of the U.S. Open in the States. For all the venues of the U.S. Open this is more synonymous for the U.S. Open than any other one.

Padraig Harrington

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #407239
#6. Him, trying to do the same.

David James Duncan

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #474223
#7. My fear of abandonment is exceeded only by my terror of intimacy.

Ethlie Ann Vare

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #759550
#8. Other people's devotions embarrassed me, perhaps because, like other people's kisses, they rarely looked genuine when viewed too closely.

Walter Kirn

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #794558
#9. It is impossible to know God and His laws, without knowing His Word.

Sunday Adelaja

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #1115161
#10. Feminism is for all women and girls, not a privileged few or one ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preference, ability, region or hemisphere.

Robin Morgan

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #1426900
#11. Oberon said as we walked inside. You don't offer werewolves treats if you want to keep all your appendages. They think it's undignified and degrading to be offered a treat. I beg your pardon? No. You just made all of that up.

Kevin Hearne

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #1615017
#12. the painter had no need for grammar.
words fell from his brushes
already knowing where to stand, sit, lie down.

Thomas Lloyd Qualls

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #1697309
#13. No life is messier than one in ministry

Jerry B. Jenkins

Dirty 2005 Movie Quotes #1786035

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